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Zila Sahkari Bank IFSC Code: MICR Codes & Branch Addresses in India

Every branch of a bank in each state has a unique code assigned to them, which is called IFSC or Indian Financial System Code.

An IFSC is a string of 11 alphanumeric characters. They are four letters, six digits, and one zero. The four alphabets, in the beginning, specify the name of the bank. The last six numbers, which are mostly numeric but could also be alphabets, represent a particular branch. The zero at the fifth position has undefined, possibly futuristic usage.

Since it is meant to identify bank branches uniquely, the IFSC code for Moradabad’s Zila Sahkari Bank will be different than Meerut’s Zila Sahkari Bank’s IFSC, and similarly to any other office all over India.

The idea behind using IFSC is to avoid misplacing of funds during online capital transfer processes.

To determine the correct IFSC code for any branch, Bilaspur’s Zila Sahkari Bank, for example, one can look it up in the passbook.

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