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Do any member(s) have any existing illnesses for which they take regular medication?
When did you recover from Covid-19?
Some plans are available only after a certain time
My dad had a severe pain in his tooth because of something he ate on his trip to Canada. Thankfully his... travel health insurance plan covered this and settled it directly with the hospital.
Read moreNI
We went to Thailand a few months back and it was necessary to have a travel health insurance plan to visit.... So we got a good option on Policybazar and got a good plan for 20 days.
Read moreMA
Since its necessary to have a travel health insurance to visit the UAE, we got a good plan from policybazar... at affordable price too.
Read moreKA
My parents are senior citizens and dad has high bp. I always wanted to take them abroad but was worried about... his health and if something goes wrong. We got a good travel health insurance plan with pre existing disease cover and we all had a great time with peace of mind.
Read moreHA
I always wanted to visit Turkey but I am very prone to injuries. So I got a travel health insurance in case... anything bad happens on the trip. Thankfully I was safe and had a very memorable time there.
Read moreAB
I had to fly to a village in Assam for research related work. I encountered a health issue and was relieved... that my insurance policy covered such remote areas.
Read moreJA
Policybazaar website helped me compare many plans from different policy providers and choose the best one... which fits in with my travel related issues.
Read moreDH
Travel health insurance does not require any medical check-up before buying the policy. Also, the... policybazaar team is very friendly and helpful.
Read moreCH
I have braces and often require pain relief medications in emergency. I am relieved that the premium... suggested by Policybazaar team covers my dental health requirements in emergency.
Read moreHE
Health expenses abroad causes a lot of expense, so I got travel health insurance for my parents before she... they for UAE. It offered coverage for many health related issues. It made easier for me to send them without any worry.
Read moreIN
My travel health insurance policy was a globally covered insurance policy and did not let me worry about my... parents health who were travelling with me.
Read moreJI
I always wanted to travel abroad with my mother but she is very old. To avoid any risks, I got her a travel... health insurance from Policybazaar and she easily found a suitable plan for her trip. Luckily she was fine all the time and we had a stressfree time.
Read moreBA
Any basic travel insurance policy will cover you for health emergencies, theft, flight cancellations and... other bad experiences. It's a good backup if you're not very well off or don't have a lot of savings for emergencies.
Read moreDE
I had trouble finding a plan so I contacted a customer executive at Policybazaar. She was very patient and... helped me understand everything as well as buy the plan.
Read moreHE
I was worried about my dad's liver condition before his business trip so I got him a travel health insurance... from Policybazaar. It covered his issues as well as other health concerns in case they happened later.
Read moreCH
I got travel health insurance because of my transfer to overseas branch in Malibu. Got a good travel health... insurance just to have that peace of mind.
Read moreKA
My daughter fell sick due to food poisoning in Thailand and we rushed her to the nearest hospital. We were... able to get a reimbursement upon returning to India.
Read moreCH
Easy to navigate the Policybazaar.com site, you can find a lot of information. Got my travel health insurance... plan very easily after comparing them with other available plans in India.
Read moreAA
I went to Jakarta with my in-laws who never went abroad. Sine my mother in law has a heart condition I got... her a travel health insurance so that she's safe without compromising her health while we are on the vacation. OVerall, good experience buying it from Policybazaar.
Read moreIS
I bought a travel health insurance plan by United India Insurance when I had a work opportunity in Uganda.... Got it at a great price and kept me safe throughout the time there.
Read moreDI
Health expenses abroad are a huge burden, so my brother got a travel health insurance for my mom before she... left for UAE. It also offered coverage for her heart condition. Overall, great plans.
Read moreIS
My mom bought travel health insurance from Policybazaar before leaving for Istanbul. There she felt sudden... toothache and thanks to her insurance, she was able to claim compensation for her dental emergency.
Read moreKA
I had bought a travel health insurance from Policybazaar before leaving for my trip abroad. Unfortunetely I... fell sick there due to food posioning but all the cost was covered directly thanks to the plan.
Read moreGE
For our trip to Indonesia we purchased travel health insurance from Policybazaar just to be safe. There were... a lot of plans available and we easily found a good affordable policy without compromising with safety.
Read moreSI
I had a wedding to attend in New Zealand so I got a travel health insurance before leaving, just to be safe.... The trip was smooth and buying that plan from Policybazaar was very easy and affordable.
Read moreKA
Before leaving for Turkey, we had purchased travel health insurance from Policybazaar as we didn't want to... take any risks. Thankfully, everything went well knowing that there's nothing to worry about in case we're in trouble.
Read moreVI
My dad is a heart patient so we got him a travel health insurance for his trip to Dubai. The plan was clear... with its coverage and other conditions so we had a good time there knowing that his condition will be covered in case something happens. Would suggest everyone with health complications to buy travel medical plan before going on trips.
Read moreSU
I needed travel health insurance for my daughter who suffers from a condition. Thankfully we were able to... find a good travel health insurance plan thatg covered her underlying issue without compromising on her safety abroad.
Read morePA
I needed to attend a conference in Japan so I bought a travel health insurance from Policybazaar as soon as... my bookings were done. It was very affordable and easy to buy, would suggest you to go for it.
Read moreLA
My wife has BP issues so I was worried about travelling on long flights with her abroad. Plus she could also... fall sick due to exertion so I was worried, but I easily found travel health insurance on Policybazaar and it made the whole vacation stress-free.
Read moreAN
I wanted to take my dad to Qatar with me but being a heart patient it was a risky business. Thanks to... Policybazaar I was able to find and compare different travel health insurance plans that covered his condition and kept us stress-free throughout the vacation.
Read moreZA
Travelling after the coronavirus has become very scary as my wife suffers from diabetes. Thankfully we got a... travel health plan for her which also covered her diabetes and made it possible for us to travel again.
Read moreAA
I must have tried something chewy which caused me tooth ache for a few days while I was in Japan. When the... pain became unbearable I visited a dentist which cost me significantly. Thankfully, it was covered by my insurer which was paid directly by them.
Read moreRE
I had a trip planned for UAE and decided to go with travel health insurance plan. I was able to have a good... time there knowing that I'm safe from any urgent medical expenses here and can focus on other things.
Read moreRA
Went to Thailand for my birthday but I had to buy the required travel health insurance before leaving. Was... very confused but found an affordable plan with great coverage thanks to Policybazaar.
Read moreKR
I looked at a number of travel health insurance plans before settling on one from policy bazaar's website.... They are giving me with cashless hospitalisation as well as a slew of other advantages.
Read moreVI
I had a really really bad cold. I needed medication for a week. I went to the doctor and got my prscription.... It was expensive and there were some drops involved. My insurance coverage provided me with the expenses.
Read moreFA
We had purchased travel health just in case. Well it came to our aid thankfully when I slipped and had a bad... injury. It paid for my treatment.
Read moreDE
Because I have been there customer previoulsy, I just added things I neede in the previous plan only. Easy... peasy to do.
Read moreBA
Claiming medical travel insurance had never been easier. It was just two clicks away.
My travel health provided me with a private room and excelent traetment when I was run over by a drunk... driver. Well, glad to say, injuries werent sever. And I didnt incur any costs as they were under insurance.
Read moreBA
Because I have a weak stomach and frequently get sick, I picked PolicBazaar to get my medical travel... insurance. It was quite beneficial to me. I went with the online approach because it didn't involve a lot of paperwork, and I was able to claim it promptly.
Read moreNI
I became ill as a result of food poisoning when out on the town on weekends. I had to go to the hospital.... Fortunately, I had acquired a medical travel insurance policy from PolicyBazaar, which covered the costs and expenses. At the very least, one item was causing me less anxiety.
Read moreSA
With the help of my travel health insurance plan, which I acquired from the policy bazaar, I obtained... cashless treatment. When I fell ill while in Australia, my insurance coverage came to my rescue.
Read moreTA
As a consequence of my travel health insurance, which I acquired from Policy Bazaar, I received various... benefits. I picked Multi Trip Travel Health Insurance since I travel regularly. Teamwork, effort, and service were all excellent.
Read moreME
I recived reimbursement for my medication bills within a week. I had claimed my travel health online and when... I friled the claim providing them the necessary information, I was reimbursed the amount instantly.
Read moreDE
From Policy Bazaar, I purchased travel medical coverage for my brother. I computed the insurance premiums... with the aid of a premium calculator after adding extra characteristics to it since I wanted to get an idea of premium. It was quite simple and convenient.
Read moreSH
With the aid of travel insurance, I was able to protect my trip from unanticipated circumstances. I'm covered... for medical expenditures, including COVID-19 medication, as well as travel-related concerns like baggage loss or passport loss.
Read moreAV
I bought a travel health insurance plan a year ago that covered all of my hospitalisation and day care costs.... At the time, the Policybazaar crew was quite helpful.
Read moreSH
My experience with policybazaar was excellent; it was simple to evaluate all policies and locate the best one... for me, as travel health coverage being essential.
Read moreDE
Before you decide to go, it is usually a good idea to have a test to see if there is anything that may go... wrong. This is something I usually do, and it has always resulted in a successful claim for my travel health insurance.
Read moreEM
Because of her pre-existing medical condition, my friend's medical travel insurance was refused. It's usually... a good idea to keep your insurer up to date on your medical issues. With no pre-existing problems, I claimed my travel health from Policybazaar.
Read moreAN
Policybazaar was where I purchased my travel health insurance. It saved my life when I became ill from... drinking contaminated water while on vacation. It helped me a lot financially.
Read moreRI
It is always advisable to get a test before you decide to travel and know if there is anything that could go... wrong. I always do this and have always succesfully claimed my travel health insurance.
Read moreNA
My friend's medical travel insurance was denied because of her pre-existeing medical condition. It is always... good to keep your insurere informed and be aware of your conditions. I claimed mine travel health from Policybazaar with no pre-existing conditions.
Read moreAY
Before travelling make sure you check you do not have nay pre medical conditions that might owrsen during the... trip. i have seen a friend getting in trouble for it. If you are travelling, do get the necessary insurance. i claimed my travel health insurance from PolicyBazaar's website. It was pretty easy to do.
Read moreVE
Policybazaar was where I purchased my travel health insurance. I was on my way to see my friends when I... became ill as a result of the rapid climatic change. Everything was covered by the insurance.
Read moreAV
In the policy that I had, I included my paents. I expected it to be challenging, but it wasn't. It's all... because of PolicyBazaar.
Read moreSH
Policybazaar was where I purchased my travel health insurance. It saved my life when I became ill from... drinking contaminated water while on vacation. It helped me a lot financially.
Read moreRI
I made it a point to purchase travel health insurance. I've had to suffer because of it in the past, and it's... cost me a lot of money. I make it a point to acquire this whenever I go.
Read moreAG
While I was in Honolulu, I had an emergency situation. Because my insurance covered the treatment fees, I was... able to have cashless treatment at a network hospital.
Read moreAA
I bought my travel health from Policybazaar. It came to my rescue when I was infected with congtaminated... water on my trip. It really eased me financially.
Read moreVI
I made sure to buy travel health insurance. I had to suffer because of it in the past and it really burdened... me financially. I make sure to get this while I travel.
Read moreSH
With the help of emergency medical evacuation cover in the travel insuarnce, my father when he had an asthma... attack on gthe plane was abel to get emergency medical help and all the assistance. The expenses were covered under the insurance.
Read moreHA
I needed to visit my cousin in Shilong, but owing to contaminated water, I became ill and need medical... attention. I had already purchased travel health insurance from PolicyBazaar, which covered the cost of medical costs.
Read moreSA
I bought corona cover for me and my family when we had to attend a wedding oustation. We got it on a... affordable deal and was able to include my in-laws under it as well.
Read morePA
I bought my travel health insurance from Policybazar. It was rather smooth to avail it on their online... process. I had previously availed it in very laborious processes. I will now always buy my insuranvce from here only.
Read moreSA
Me and my baby both are coevered under the domestic travel insurance that I bought from online Policybazaar.... This was something that I have been lokking for as the times are trying and needed to protect my baby as well.
Read moreAS
As I am preganat and needed to go to a cousion's wedding, I wanted a travel insurance that covers me and my... baby both. Well PolicyBazaar was just the right place to avail it. I bought the travel health cover from their website and protects both of us.
Read moreHI
Thanks to PolicyBazaar, I once received cashless treatment. While on vacation, I became ill. I had previously... purchased travel insurance on their recommendation, and guess what, it made my life a lot easier at the time when I was sick. Premiums are kept to a bare minimum, and the best services are provided.
Read morePU
I fell sick when I was in Coimbatore. I needed to see the doctor. I had brought my tavel health insurance... from PolicyBazaar. I was reimbursed for all the medical expenses occured there.
Read moreAA
I was suffering from a minor ailment but had to travel for work purposes. I had bought ,y travel health... insurance from PoliycBazaar and it fitted my pocket. When I needed medications when I was out of town, the insurance covered up all the expenses.
Read moreVI
At my journey to Pune, i fell sick due to a stomach infection. i had booked my travel health insurance from... Policybazaar. I was able to receive immediate medical attention and the bills were covered under the policy.
Read moreAR
i got me and my family covered under covid-19 health cover as we had to travel. I bought it from... PolicyBazaar. I got even a discount from the online process.
Read moreKA
I bought travel health insurance from PolicyBazaar when I had to go out on a weekend trip with my family. It... had covid cover. I added baggage claim to it. I chose the online process which save me a lot of time and trouble.
Read moreIS
As I was visiting a friend at the time of covid, I needed travel health insurnace that fitted my budget. I... came across the best site PolicyBzaar. Sitting in my armchair got the claim within minutes and it came with covid cover.
Read moreRO
We went to visit the caves in MP. We bought our domestic health insurance from PolicyBazaar, It was easy to... claim and the premiums were low too. We had a great time.
Read moreLA
I recently went on a single trip for an even. I bought my travel health inusrance from PolicyBazaar. I was... able to pick my choice of plan that too on low premiums with covid-19 cover.
Read moreRU
Seriously buy your travel healh plans from PolicyBazaar. I bought mine from their website. It took only some... minutes to avail them and it perfectly fits my budget.
Read moreKA
As I make frequent trips abroad due to work and have gotten sick, I needed the travel health insurance. So I... went to the best place that is PolicyBazaar and had my insurance. I bought it online and it was quicker than expected. It has helped me more than once really.
Read moreTE
So while I was in Paris I had minor symptoms of covid. I was asked to be hospitalised immediately. Well I... panicked. I had to call PolicyBazaar from where I had purchased my medical travel insurance and thankfully I did. The hospital bills and charges were covered under the policy and they very nicely guided me.
Read moreSA
I became a victim of drink and drive accident while I was travelling UK. Thankfully the injuries weren't... severe and thankfully I had the insurance from PolicyBazaar. It covered everything from the ambulance cost to the hospital fees. Felt relieved really.
Read moreSA
I need to get monthly dialysis. I had to travel to Canada for my nieces weeding. I was worried about the... dialysis and almost cancelled the plan. I called up PolicyBazaar customer services who helped me pick up the best travel health plan and walked me through the formalities. The medical costs were covered up in the insurance and I was able to attend the wedding with ease.
Read moreRA
While I was in Italy my freshly placed root canal came off. I was in severe pain. Thanks to PolicyBazaar... whose travel insurance covers emergency dental treatment. They helped me locate the perfect clinic and I received treatment without fuss.
Read moreRI
So of all the places it was London that I needed to go the hospital for severe headache. Believe me it was... horrible. Luckily I did not have to worry about the bills as I had bought international insurance from PolicyBazaar which also icludes medical coverage. Atleast the bills were settled esaily.
Read moreDI
I took travel health insurance for my brother from the policy Bazaar. after adding more features to it, i... calculated the premium rate with the help of premium calculator as i wanted to take an idea of premium. it was very easy and convenient.
Read moreJA
I have bought travel health insurance from policy Bazaar in which they are giving me medical assistance. My... plan will help me financially in case of any medical emergency. thanks to whole team for guiding me in every single step.
Read moreSU
I am already a customer of policy bazaar. i have taken a lot of my plans even before from policy bazaar. That... is why I chose Policy Bazaar for my travel health insurance as well and as always, this time also Policy Bazaar gave me the best service.
Read moreMO
I got the many benefits under my travel health insurance which i have taken from policy Bazaar. I am a... frequent traveler so I have opted for Multi Trip Travel Health Insurance. Team work, effort, service everything was upto the mark.
Read moreNI
I secured my trip with the help of travel health insurance, which I bought from Policy Bazaar. I have got... medical assistance under the same. Now I can enjoy my trip without any worries. I would love to recommend to those who travel frequently.
Read moreBI
My travel health insurance will protect me from unforeseen medical emergency. It has a coverage of medical... expenses which may be encountered during travel. I bought my plan from the website of policy bazaar. Thanks you policy bazaar for guiding me.
Read moreNE
I was searching for travel health insurance. I got my plan from policy bazaar. They are providing me 24*7... medical assistance under my plan. comparing is so easy on their website. you can compare the plans and choose the best one.
Read moreRO
With the help of my travel health insurance plan i got cashless treatment as i took travel health insurance... plan from the policy bazaar. I was in Australia and i fell ill and at that time my policy helped me.
Read moreRA
I went through a lot travel health insurance plan and i finally got one from the website of policy bazaar.... They are providing me cashless hospitalisation and many more benefits under the same.
Read moreKO
Good and prompt service, in just few clicks i bought my travel health insurance from policy bazaar and i got... soft copy immediately. i did not face any kind of problem. best service provided by the team and staff is very good. they shared all the details of my plan.
Read moreRA
After looking through a lot of website i found Policy Bazaar. I wanted to buy travel health insurance and... when I went to their website, it was very convenient to compare plans as per my needs and budget. I got the right plan according to my needs.
Read moreKA
I bought travel health insurance for my father as he has to travel for his business purpose. The company... provides me coverage for any medical emergency. I would recommend it to people who travel often.
Read morePR
I had taken travel health insurance from the website of policy bazaar. at first i was worried about the... payment method but then policy bazaar provided me multiple options of making payment which was very convenient for me.
Read moreNI
My travel health insurance plan has provided me the facility of cashless hospitalization and 24*7 medical... assistance. i have bought a multi trip travel insurance. i got several benefits under my plan. i will recommend to everyone. As given to me, policy bazaar will definitely give you the best support
Read moreIN
I had a great experience with policy bazaar. recently i bought Travel health insurance. before buying, i have... seen the various websites then i got the right one according to my need. company will provide you cashless hospitalization and 24*7 medical assistance that is why i have chose policy bazaar.
Read moreSU
One year ago, i purchased travel health insurance plan it covered my all hospitalization expenses and day... care expenses. Policybazaar team was very supportive at that time.
Read moreLA
My uncle suggest me policy bazaar i do not trust anything online but they just gain my trust and help me to... choose which policy is better for me.
Read moreAN
My experience was great with policybazaar it was easy to compare all policy and find the perfect one for me... as travel health insurance is important.
Read moreSH
I recently travel to Maldives for my honemoon where i got ill but i already take the travel health policy... from policy bazaar with the help of my policy i got my cashless treatment at hospital with no issue.
Read moreHI
Policybazaar is a good platform for comparing various plans and by comparing them you can choose the best... one. Team is full supportive they also help me in all the process . Happy to be their customer.
Read moreRE
I was planning trip with my family to Darjeeling due to covid it was cancelled i raised the claim for it and... customer care team who helped me in submitting all the required documents. I have finally received my claim amount with no hassles at all. Thanks for all the help
Read moreMA
I have recently bought a travel health insurance policy from the website of the Policybazaar and it has so... many features loaded. I feel that plan is perfectly for me and my family. Kudos to team Policybazaar.
Read morePA
In my travel health insurance plan I have got various best facilities and it is a thing for me and my family.... I have got a great assistance from them at the time of claim and it was done quickly. Thank you team.
Read moreNE
It is compulsory to travel with a safety measures and that is why I have opted for a travel health insurance... plan. It is one of the best plan which I have bought from the policybazaar and I have taken the travel health insurance policy.
Read moreBH
In my travel health insurance plans I have received various health benefits and also medical benefits. I am... an asthmatic patient and this is known to my travel insurance team. They helped me and gave me best treatment and best hospital.
Read moreAN
I always choose to compare and buy the plans. I visited the website of Policybazaar and saw various good... plans. It is little difficult to compare as there are various good plans available. But I finally choose the best one.
Read moreDH
I have recently bought a travel health insurance plan from the website of Policybazaar. The plan is good and... safe for me and for my trip. I bought the plan for my Russia trip and it was good plan and a trip. Thanks team.
Read moreBH
In my travel health insurance plan I have got the pre-exusting coverage too. In case I am not well and have... some issue then my travel insurance company will provide me the assistance. Great work team.
Read moreAR
One of my friend visited some place and he met with an accident. But with the help of the travel health... insurance plan he gets the best hospitalization and medical treatment. It was quick and fast. Thanks team policybazaar and now I have also decided to buy the plan before moving for a trip.
Read moreHA
It is really easy to choose the travel health insurance policy from the policybazaar. I really like it and... found the plan impressive in nature. Life is easy and secure with this travel insurance plan. Great work and assistance given by the team of Policybazaar.
Read moreAP
It is good to know that I have recently bought the travel health insurance plan, which has provided more... coverage in less premium rates. It is easy to check and avail the services. Quick and hassle-free. Thanks team.
Read moreMO
I have got the all the time assistance and guidance from the policybazaar and their team. I am happy that I... choose the best company to get the travel health insurance plan. It is easy and quick.
Read moreVI
I am happy with the services of the Policybazaar and also as they have provided me with best travel health... insurance policy. The premium rate of the plan is less costly and under my budget. Kudos team.
Read moreRI
Once my flight was delayed so I contacted the customer of policybazaar and it was compensated on time. Really... travel insurance plan works like a perfect thing.
Read moreTA
In my travel health insurance policy it has been included a dental treatment. I was facing a lot of pain in... my tooth and cant stand out. And that emergency was covered in my plan and I got the medical assistance.
Read moreBA
I have recently claimed for the travel health insurance plan. I got the cashless hospitalization. It is easy... to do so and I contacted the customer expert team and they immediately started working on my concern.
Read moreAM
One of my flight has been delayed because of weather issue and for that my travel insurance company has... compensated me for the same. They have provided a better assistance to me and I am grateful to them.
Read moreRU
I had bought a travel health insurance policy from the policybazaar and have got the personal accident... coverage too. The plan is really good and the personal accident has been taken to cover for damage and accident related losses.
Read morePA
I have recently bought a travel health insurance plan from the website of the policybazaar. This plan has... been a gem for me and has provided so much of benefits to me. I also got a good amount of discounts.
Read moreGE
With the help of travel health insurance I got the medical assistance. It is available for 24*7 and the team... is much helpful in nature. I am amazed with the services of Policybazaar.
Read moreRU
The customer support team of Policybazaar is quick and always resolves my concern. I was facing the claim... issue and that was resolved in next 3 6 working days. Great work.
Read moreAN
I have recently got a travel health insurance plan from the website of Policybazaar and it was the budget... plan. I checked various other travel health insurance plans and stopped at one. It was a nice plan.
Read moreKH
My travel health insurance plan not only gives the protection to me during the trip but also less down the... financial stress at the time of trip-related adversities. I feel this is the right plan for all the travellers. Kudos team.
Read moreRA
I am really happy to know that in my travel insurance policy I have got to know about various features and... benefits. It is one of the best thing I had so that I can make my trip safe and secured. Good work team.
Read moreDI
I have always got the every time assistance when I bought the travel health insurance policy. I really like... the services of the team and would love to suggest it to everyone in my known. Thanks to team of Policybazaar.
Read moreAN
I visited Policybazaar to buy travel health insurance for my foreign trip. I found a wide range of plans on... the website from different companies. All of these plans covered the cost of emergency dental treatment taken abroad, which is not covered in all travel plans. I compared the plans online and bought the perfect policy for my travel needs. Got my policy document by email.
Read moreRI
I had bought a travel health insurance policy for my trip abroad. Unfortunately, I fell sick during my trip... and had to get treated in a hospital in the middle of the night. I was clueless about the healthcare facilities in the foreign country and so, called the customer assistance team of my insurer. Even late at night, they assisted me to get to a nearby hospital and helped me with the claim process. I received my treatment without any hassles.
Read moreJO
I am a policyholder of travel health insurance policy. I purchased the policy online and I bought I t from... policybazaar 8 months ago. I raised a claim last week. Thanks to policybazaar the claiming process went pretty smooth and the services were nice. Thanks guys
Read moreRA
I was looking to purchase travel health insurance plan for myself because I have to travel every month for my... business. I would say that every frequent traveller should purchase this policy because it provides you coverage against any health related issue that you might have to face while travelling. Thanks
Read moreBH
I was told by the Policybazaar team that any personal accident during the trip will be covered. I compared... different plans on their site and secured my trip with travel health insurance in ten minutes. Kudos! So convenient!
Read moreAN
I was not sure which travel health policy to buy. It was Policybazaar’s team that helped me secure my trip... to Dubai. Thank you guys!
Read moreCH
Policybazaar travel health insurance team is awesome. They help me at the time of purchase, renewal and even... claims.
Read moreBR
I travel frequently and during COVID pandemic, it was Policybazaar who helped me buy a travel health... insurance policy online. They helped me select the right policy and I was able to buy it online with my debit card.
Read moreEK
Travel insurance is very important on a trip. I realised this when I lost my luggage and got compensation... because of the travel insurance. Thank you Policybazaar.
Read moreRE
The claim settlement was delayed, however, Policybazaar helped me through it. Rest all was good. I got the... settlement amount as promised.
Read moreKA
Getting the travel health insurance was so easy. Services are good, not sure about claim process as I did not... have to claim.
Read moreSH
Policybazaar has the best customer support I have ever experienced. Great efforts put in by the executive... when I had to get the claim settlement.
Read moreME
Policybazaar gives the lowest prices on travel insurance. It is most affordable and provides best cover.
I found the best prices for travel health insurance on Policybazaar. I checked online and offline at a few... other options too, but found the best prices here.
Read moreKI
It took me just a few minutes to purchase the insurance and I also received the soft copy of the policy... shortly. Fastest insurance I’ve ever done.
Read moreLO
My mom fell from stairs and had a fracture while we were out on a trip to Singapore. I would have had to shed... lakhs had I not taken the travel health insurance.
Read moreMA
Policybazaar displays the inclusions and exclusions of the insurance providers very clearly which made it... very easy for me to choose the best I required. Thanks a lot.
Read moreKA
Physiotherapy is commonly used to treat health issues that affect
Read moreWhen it comes to securing your future, insurance plays a crucial
Read moreTax season is here, and many of you might be looking for ways to
Read moreHealth insurance serves as a significant financial tool to ensure
Read moreHealth insurance is essential for managing medical expenses, but
Read moreEvery medical insurance plan comes with a few terms & conditions, and the waiting period is one of them. A
Read moreSenior citizens are the most prone to diseases. Considering the medical inflation in India, buying health insurance
Read moreAyushman Bharat Yojana is a flagship health insurance scheme launched by the Government of India to offer universal
Read moreHaving a health insurance policy is not a choice but a necessity today. It ensures the right health coverage for you
Read moreThe waiting period in medical insurance refers to the duration before which certain medical conditions or diseases
Read moreInsurance
Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurugram - 122001, Haryana Tel no. : 0124-4218302 Email ID: enquiry@policybazaar.com
Policybazaar is registered as a Composite Broker | Registration No. 742, Registration Code No. IRDA/ DB 797/ 19, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker
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