FY24: 34% Revenue growth, PAT improved from a loss of 488 Cr to a profit of 64 Cr, improvement of 552 CrNiva Bupa unveils Aspire Health Insurance Plan with future-forward coverage
When two seasoned industry players who trust each other come together, magic happens.
A health insurance product that allows you cashless claims ANYWHERE you go in the country - now possible with Activ One. Read on to learn ...
Policybazaar and Star Health and Allied Insurance join forces to introduce Smart Health Pro
We had a rather energetic start to our morning today as Policybazaar and Star Health and Allied Insurance Insurance came together for the ...
Stronger Twogether: HDFC ERGO and Policybazaar start a new chapter in India’s Health Insurance story
When you are passionate about what you do, an early work meeting on a Friday morning can be truly exhilarating. The Health Insurance sales ...
What an eventful Friday morning! Tata AIG just revealed its newest global health insurance combo plan - Tata AIG Medicare Premier + ...
Say hello to PB for business: Policybazaar’s newest brand identity for corporate insurance
Congratulations are in order for the entire Policybazaar crew! Today was a big day for all of us because Policybazaar just launched a new ...
LEAP: Policybazaar introduces the ultimate reward for employee excellence
Last night was one for the books as Policybazaar launched its much-awaited program - LEAP (Level Enhancement and Accreditation Program).
A gift for the golden years by ManipalCigna
ManipalCigna unveiled its newest product today at Policybazaar’s Gurgaon headquarters - Prime Senior, a one-of-a-kind health plan ...