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In today's fast-paced world, where stress seems to multiply with each passing day, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become an imperative goal for many. As we strive to strike a balance between work, personal life, and our well-being, there is a growing realisation that the key to harmonious living lies within ourselves. And one practice that has captured the attention of millions, offering a path towards physical, mental, and spiritual wellness, is none other than yoga.
Yoga as a practice encompasses more than just the time spent on the mat. It encourages you to make positive changes in your daily routines, diet, and overall lifestyle. We wanted to give our readers a glimpse of what yogi life is all about. So, this International Yoga Day, we sat down with Elouise Lakshya, a hatha and yin yoga expert based out of Goa, India. Through her guidance, we hope to inspire and empower you all to embrace a healthier lifestyle with the help of yoga.
A day that starts well, ends well. On that note, can you tell our readers what your morning routine looks like?
Lakshya: My mornings usually start around 6:30 am. I drink a glass of warm water with lemon to boost my immune system. I then go on to do some stretches for my neck, shoulders and back. I also do some deep breathing before I get to hustling for the day. By that time, my daughter usually wakes up so we have breakfast together and I get her ready for school.
One should always kick start their day with a power-packed breakfast. What are your go-to breakfast dishes?
Lakshya: My go-to breakfast dish is egg-white omlette, with a small piece of toast and some greek yogurt with fruits. Another option is greek yogurt with my homemade granola. Sometimes if I am in a rush, I will make a protein-packed smoothie with bananas, vegan milk, spinach and protein powder. I also love pancakes - made with oat flour and eggs for protein.
Do you believe in the power of affirmations? When’s the best time to practice them? And can you suggest a few for beginners?
Lakshya: I strongly believe in the power of affirmations. I usually set my affirmations or intentions at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day before I go to sleep. Affirmations are very personal, and they usually depend on what you want to attract in life. If you are a beginner, some affirmations you could try are - I am worthy of love. My body is healthy. I am safe. I live in abundance.
What are some of your favorite yoga poses that help you stay grounded and calm?
Lakshya: Some grounding asanas that I practice regularly are Balasana (child’s pose), Shirshasana (head stand), Prasarita Padottanasana (standing forward bend with feet apart) and Viparita Karani (legs up the wall).
As a yoga teacher, what time do you recommend your students for practicing yoga? When is it the most beneficial?
Lakshya: I always recommend my students to practice yoga early in the morning. But I understand that for some people this might be a little difficult, so another time when you can practice is mid-morning, about two hours after you’ve had your breakfast or in the late afternoon around 5 pm. I personally think that practicing yoga in the morning is the most beneficial as it sets you up for the rest of the day. You get energised, your body feels good and you get mental clarity. It lets you take positive energy into your day, empowering you to take on the day’s challenges.
For someone who’s just starting their yoga practice, do you have any tips for them?
Lakshya: I would definitely recommend finding a guru that they can connect with. For me, it’s always been really important to have someone to guide me through the poses, but also guide me through the process because yoga is much more than just being on the mat. I would also recommend you to take it easy, not be too hard on yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others, everyone is at a different stage in their journey and everyone is doing yoga for a different reason. So, stay true to yourself, to your goals. Take it one day at a time, one breath at a time.
Fun fact time: Did you know that practicing yoga can also help decrease your insurance premium? Many insurance plans now offer wellness discounts for staying healthy. These wellness benefits are accrued or earned by a policyholder who stays fit and healthy during the policy year. The fitness criteria may differ from policy to policy. The parameter could be walking a certain number of steps, enrolling for a gym membership or taking a health assessment. These benefits are a monetary incentive to customers for taking better care of their health. It could be in the form of a discounted premium, 100% premium waiver, a higher sum assured, vouchers or free services at the time of renewal.