What is Force Motors Gurkha price for the base model?
The Force Motors Gurkha base model (5 Door Diesel 4 WD) price is Rs. 18.00 Lakh.
What is Force Motors Gurkha price for the top model?
The Force Motors Gurkha top model (5 Door Diesel 4 WD) price is Rs. 18.00 Lakh.
How many variants are there in Force Motors Gurkha?
The Force Motors Gurkha has 1 variants.
How many airbags does Force Motors Gurkha have?
The Force Motors Gurkha base model has 2 airbags, while the Force Motors Gurkha top model is equipped with 2 airbags.
Is Maruti Celerio Dream Edition available in Surat?
For the availability, we would suggest you to please connect with the nearest authorized dealer in your city as it depends on their stock book. Follow the link and select your desired city for dealership detail.