Paying premiums for your car insurance to the same insurer for a very long time can be a costly mistake. Switching car insurance companies after every 2-3 years is something suggested by many industry observers and it is much easier than you might think it to be. By switching insurers, you can save from 5 to 50% per year. But, not every switch proves to be beneficial so for a smart & safe decision.
Following are the seven smart steps for helping you in making an informed switch:
Some auto insurance companies are going to provide a cover for 6 months and some for a year before their respective renewal. Compare the various options with prospective insurers and get a free quote of each.
Check out the respective coverage, discounts, limits, benefits and deductibles to compare each insurer apples to apples. Comparison would bring out a rational perspective on how different plans are going to affect you all along the policy tenure.
Some life changing scenarios like getting married, conceiving a child, relocating etc. can impact the coverage needs. But, there are numerous options, deductibles and limits available in the market. Obviously, you want to get the best coverage which you can afford comfortably, this makes researching thoroughly and mapping your needs to the different options available in the market, an absolute imperative step.
This research and mapping process would give you all the relevant plans according to your needs. Now, you just require evaluating the features/ coverage available in each plan. Just select the plan which suits you the best.
Every insurance company wants to keep the business with you alive and will be willing to fight hard. Some insurers quickly offer competitive discounts if you hint strongly at leaving. So, keep a check if you are missing out on discounts which your current insurer is offering you.
Verify the performance, experience & financial strength of the insurers through websites, friends and neighbours. Visit their facebook page or twitter feeds to get an idea of company's community involvement or environment friendly policies
24/7 customer service will be a reassuring factor since you never know when you might need to enquire something. Some companies provide online service to manage the policy, claims and track repairs.
For managing your policy down the road, you can check whether the company is having any mobile app or an easy-to-use mobile site. In addition for covenience, find the options of payment of each insurer.
Once you are done with the ground work, make the switch. Your new car insurance must start before or on the same day when your old insurance ends. Even a day lapse could lead to higher rates of coverage in the future.
Instead of stopping the payment of previous policy's premiums, you should cancel the previous policy.
Inform your previous insurer that you are ending the policy with them and confirm the same in written. By taking these safe steps, you become ensure that the company will not continue to bill you and it will also protects your credit.
Swap your old insurance ID cards for the new one when your new insurance policy becomes active. Keep a soft copy of previous insurance's card and other related documents as well for any emergency.
So, follow these steps to save more. Play smart and be smart. Happy switching!
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*Savings are based on the comparison between the highest and the lowest premium for own damage cover (excluding add-on covers) provided by different insurance companies for the same vehicle with the same IDV and same NCB. Actual time for transaction may vary subject to additional data requirements and operational processes.
+Savings are based on the maximum discount on own damage premium as offered by our insurer partners.
##Claim Assurance Program: Pick-up and drop facility available in 1400+ select network garages. On-ground workshop team available in select workshops. Repair warranty on parts at the sole discretion of insurance companies. Dedicated Claims Manager. 24x7 Claim Assistance.
*Savings are based on the comparison between the highest and the lowest premium for own damage cover (excluding add-on covers) provided by different insurance companies for the same vehicle with the same IDV and same NCB. Actual time for transaction may vary subject to additional data requirements and operational processes.
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Policybazaar is registered as a Composite Broker | Registration No. 742, Registration Code No. IRDA/ DB 797/ 19, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker
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