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Future Generali India Life Insurance

Future Generali Life Insurance Company Ltd. is a joint venture between the Future Group, Generali group, and Industrial Investment Trust Limited (IITL). Future Group is a leading business house with multiple businesses spanning across the retail space. The company has presence in multiple consumer-centric businesses like retail, consumer finance, capital, insurance, media, brands, and logistics. It owns and manages multiple retail formats such as Pantaloons, Big Bazaar, Central, Food Bazaar, and Home Town.

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The Generali Group is a player in the global insurance and financial products market. Primarily focused on the life segment, the Generali Group offers a wide range of products ranging from savings and family protection policies to unit-linked policies to its customers worldwide. 

Industrial Investment Trust Limited (IITL) is an investment firm registered as a Non-Banking Financial Company with Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It holds 22.50% stake in the equity of Future Generali India Life Insurance Company Ltd. 

Future Generali Life Insurance provides a complete range of simplified solutions for the financial security of customers and enterprises, including savings, family protection, unit linked policies, as well as group products. 

Started its operations in 2007, Future Generali Life Insurance is spread across 98 branches within the country and has sourced over 11 lakh policies so far. Munish Sharda is the Managing Director and CEO of Future Generali Life Insurance Company. 

The company received the Silver EFFIE award in the financial services category in 2011, for marketing effectiveness during the Future Generali Insurance Week. Future Generali Life Insurance’s investment team has received the ISO 9001:2008 certification for its ‘claims’ and ‘customer care support’ functions in 2013. 

Future Generali Life Insurance Plans - Eligibility Criteria's 

Life Insurance Plans Entry Age Maturity Age Sum Assured Tenure of Policy Premium Mode
Future Generali Term Insurance Minimum Entry Age- 18 years Maximum Entry Age- 60 years 65 years Minimum Sum Assured- Rs50 Lakh Maximum Sum Assured- No upper limits Minimum Policy Term- 10 years Maximum Policy Term- 75 years Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly and monthly
Future Generali Group Plan Minimum Entry Age for Child- 18 years Maximum Entry Age for Child-69 years _ _ Policy Term-1 year Yearly, Half-yearly and Monthly.
Future Generali ULIP Plan Minimum Entry Age- 7 years Maximum Entry Age- 70 years 75 years _ Minimum Policy Term- 15 years Maximum Policy Term- 40 years Yearly, Half-yearly, Quarterly and monthly
Future Generali retirement Plan Minimum Entry Age- 20 years Maximum Entry Age- 70 years 80 years As per age, term premium, etc. _ Regular, limited and single

Future Generali Product Portfolio

Future Generali Life Insurance brings various life insurance products that are designed to cater to the varying needs of the Indian consumer. These include Future Generali Life Insurance term plans, ULIP plans, pension and retirement plans, investment plans  and child plans. 

Future Generali Term Plans:

These are cheapest life insurance product that provides financial independence even when you are not around. The term plan offered by Future Generali Life Insurance help secure the family’s financial future in case the breadwinner is unable to take care of them due to a disability or his or her demise. 

Future Generali Care Plus Plan

The Future Generali Life Insurance Care Plus Plan is a pure play term policy that offers a guaranteed sum assured on the unfortunate demise of a policyholder. The Future Generali Life Insurance policy comes with two choices: the Classic Option that has a sum assured of less than Rs. 25 lakh and the Premier Option that provides an insurance cover of Rs. 25 lakh and above. The sum assured starts from Rs. 10 lakh for the Classic cover and from Rs. 25 lakh for the Premier option. There is no maximum cover for the Premier plan. The policy term is from 5 to 30 years with the maximum coverage age being 65 years for both options. This Future Generali Life Insurance plan does not offer any maturity benefit or surrender benefit. 

The premium has to be paid throughout the plan term on monthly, half-yearly or annual basis. The company offers a rebate on the premium to non-smokers. The plan is available for all individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 years. Premiums paid under the Future Generali Life Insurance Care Plus Plan qualify for tax benefits under Indian Income Tax Act. Future Generali Life Insurance offers a non linked accidental death rider with the term plan. 

Future Generali Flexi Online Term Plan

The term plan from Future Generali Life Insurance offers flexible coverage options. It allows individuals to create their own plan which can be either a Fixed Income Protection + Basic Life Cover plan from Future Generali Life Insurance or an Increasing Income Protection + Basic Life Cover policy. 

Under this Flexi Online Term Plan, an insured can choose between fixed income protection and increasing income protection. In the former case, the nominees receive a fixed income per month until a time an insured would have reached 60 years of age. Under the increasing income protection option from Future Generali Life Insurance, the nominees receive an increased sum of money over a period to guard against any rise in costs. The insured has an option to opt for both basic cover as well the income protection cover under this Future Generali Life Insurance term plan. Opting for such a plan will ensure the nominees receive a lump sum benefit under the basic cover as well as regular monthly payments. 

The entry age for Future Generali Life Insurance Basic Life Cover is 18 to 55 years while for the Income Protection, it is 25 to 55 years. Maturity age for the Basic Life Cover starts from 28 years and goes up to 65 years for smokers and 75 years for non-smokers. The income protection plan has a maturity age of 45 to 65 years. The policy term can range from 10 years to 65 (smokers) and 75 (non-smokers) years for the basic cover. 

You may also like to read about term insurance.

Future Generali ULIP Plans:

These are unit linked insurance plans that provide life cover to you apart from facilitating savings at regular intervals of time and give you the advantage of market- linked returns. Future Generali Life Insurance offers various fund options from aggressive ones that invest primarily in equity to balanced funds that invest in debt besides equity and income funds that primarily invest in gilt or money market investments. Let’s take a look at some of the ULIP plans on offer from Future Generali Life Insurance: 

Future Generali Pramukh Nivesh ULIP

A one time premium payment plan from Future Generali Life Insurance, the policy offers an insurance cover from 5 to 20 years. The plan has a surrender benefit after five years of starting with the plan. It allows individuals between ages of 7 to 70 years to become policyholders. The ULIP offers a maturity benefit that equals fund value of the plan, while death benefit comprises of sum assured and fund value. Future Generali Life Insurance offers a systematic fund transfer option that allows the insured to switch their policy from aggressive equity-oriented funds to more balanced debt oriented funds during the last 3 years of a policy. Investors can surrender a policy after 5 years and in such a case, they will receive the value of their fund investments. 

Investors have an option to choose a sum assured of up to 5 times their premium amount, and also fund options that suit them.  Future Generali Life Insurance provides policyholders six funds to choose for their investments. These include funds from low risk Future Secure Fund that invests in cash, money market instruments and short-term debt, to high risk Future Opportunity Fund that invests 80-100% in equity and rest in fixed income and money market instruments. 

Future Generali Wealth Protect Plan

The Wealth Protect Plan from Future Generali Life Insurance provides guaranteed loyalty addition at maturity in addition to fund value in addition to a high cover that can be up to 30 times the annual premium amount. The death benefit under this plan is the amount that is higher of sum assured less any withdrawals, fund value or 1.05 times the premium paid less any withdrawals. The plan has a policy term of 15 to 40 years and is open to people between the ages of 7 to 60 years who can choose to become Future Generali Life Insurance policyholders. 

The sum assured varies according to age and ranges from 30 times the annualised premium for policyholders between ages of 7 and 44 years and 10 times the yearly premium for investors in the 56 to 60 years age group. 

The premium is payable throughout a policy term through monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and yearly payments for the Platinum Annual Premium payment option. The Gold Annual Premium payment option from Future Generali Life Insurance offers half-yearly and annual premium payment options. People can surrender a policy after 5 years to get the fund value. The company also offers an option to switch between funds through the life of a policy. Future Generali Life Insurance policyholders can choose from six different fund options that invest across a host of asset classes including debt, money market securities, fixed income instruments and equity, among others. 

Future Generali Bima Advantage Plus

The Bima Advantage Plus from the house of Future Generali Life Insurance offers a policy term of 10 to 30 years with an insured receiving the fund value at maturity. The death benefit is similar to the Wealth Protect Plan which is higher of sum assured less any withdrawals, fund value or 105% of the premium paid. This Future Generali Life Insurance plan offers a premium redirection option and a settlement option. Any individual in the 7 to 65 years age group can buy this Future Generali Life Insurance policy. 

The policy has a lock-in period of 5 years, though Future Generali Life Insurance policyholders can receive their money back before the end of five years after the discontinuance charges have been deducted from fund value. Surrender after 5 years entails a policyholder to receive fund value at its prevailing NAV. 

Future Generali Dhan Vridhi

The Future Generali Dhan Vridhi ULIP is a limited premium payment term insurance cover. Future Generali Life Insurance offers customer a policy term of 10, 15 and 20 years. The company offers premium payment period ranging from 5 years to 17 years depending on the tenure of a policy. The maximum sum assured is higher of ten times the annual premium or half of policy term multiplied by annual premium for people less than 45 years. For people over 45 years, premium is higher of seven times the annual premium or a quarter of a policy term multiplied by the annual premium. 

The plan is available for people in the 18 to 70 years age group, though the premium paying term of 5 years is only available to individuals between the age bracket of 8 to 50 years 

Future Generali Bima Gain

The ULIP is a single premium plan from Future Generali Life Insurance and has a policy term of 10 years. It is open to people between the ages of 8 and 65 years. The maximum age at maturity is 18 to 75 years. Sum assured can be 1.25-10 times the premium paid for people aged 8 to 47 years, while it is 1.25 times the premium paid for people in 48 to 65 years ages group. 

Life Insurer Details

Future Generali Child Plans:

Future Generali Child Plans helps you to make sure that your children are adequately supported and that their financial needs are well taken care of even after you. 

Future Generali Assured Education Plan

A guaranteed income child plan from Future Generali Life Insurance, the policy allows a parent to plan for their child’s education. The cover offers three options to receive guaranteed payouts and parents can make their pick depending on their child’s education milestones. Option A offers 40% of sum assured at end of the policy term when a child is 17 years, and then pays 30%, 20% and 10% of sum assured in each subsequent year. Option B offers 10% of sum assured for the first three years after the policy term ends and the remaining 70% in the fourth year. Option C provides the full amount at end of the policy term. 

The plan covers parents who are between 21 and 50 years provided their child is between 0-10 years. The policy term is of 17 years less age of a child, which means that for a child of 10 years, a policy will be for 7 years while it will be for 15 years for a child of 2 years. The minimum and maximum ages for a parent at maturity are 35 and 67 years respectively. The premium needs to be paid throughout the policy term. 

Future Generali Investment Plans:

Future Generali Policies provide you protection cum savings also with additional protection in form of riders. 

Future Generali Assure Plus

A multiple term option savings-cum-insurance plan from Future Generali Life Insurance, the policy offers multiple terms of 15, 20 and 25 years. Anyone between the ages of 3 and 55 years can opt for this Future Generali Life Insurance policy. The sum assured starts from Rs. 1 lakh and goes up to Rs. 5 crore. The policy has a limited premium paying tenure from 7, 10 or 12 years for a 15 year policy to 12, 15, 17 or 20 years for a 25 year cover. 

Future Generali Triple Anand Advantage

The Future Generali Life Insurance plan offers triple benefits: money back, lumpsum payout and insurance cover until the age of 80 years. The insured receives 10% of the sum assured every year for 5 years after the policy term in addition to a lumpsum amount that equals 50% of the sum assured in addition to compounded reversionary bonus and terminal bonus, they have not been declared by Future Generali Life Insurance. 

Future Generali New Saral Anand

The Future Generali Life Insurance New Saral Anand offers maturity benefits in addition to an extended life cover benefit. The maturity benefit includes sum assured and any optional compounded reversionary or terminal bonus, if declared by the company. The extended life cover of this Future Generali Life Insurance plan stays in place until a person reaches the age of 100 years. If an insured reaches the age of 100, then he or she receives another 100% of sum assured. In an event of demise of a person before the age of 100, then his or her nominee receives the sum assured amount from Future Generali Life Insurance.  

The policy has a term of 15-20 years and is available to people between the ages of 3 and 50 years with maturity ages from 18 to 70 years. The premium has to be paid throughout the term of a policy. Future Generali Life Insurance also offers additional riders such as Future Generali Life Insurance Non Linked Accidental Death Rider and Future Generali Life Insurance Non Linked Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Rider. 

Future Generali Pearls Guarantee

Future Generali Life Insurance’s Pearls Guarantee policy is a limited premium payment tenure plan that offers coverage for 16 or 18 years.  The plan offers a guaranteed cash back of 10% of sum assured every year for the last five years of a policy and 70% of sum assured on maturity. Future Generali Life Insurance policyholders have an option to choose between monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly payments. Anyone between the age of 7 and 55 years can buy this Future Generali Life Insurance plan. 

Future Generali Assured Income Plan

The guaranteed income plan from Future Generali Life Insurance offers a guaranteed payout each year for 11 or 15 years after the premium has been paid respectively for 11 or 15 years. In addition, Future Generali Life Insurance insured policyholders can receive up to 4.5 times their annualised premium in the last payout in a 15 year policy and up to 1.5 times the annual premium at end of the last payout period in an 11 year policy. This Future Generali Life Insurance policy offers a death benefit of 17.5 to 34.5 times of the annual premium. An 11 year policy has an entry age of 7 to 50 years while a 15 year policy has an entry age of 5 to 50 years. The maturity age is from 18 to 65 years. 

Future Generali Saral Bima

The Future Generali Life Insurance Saral Bima plan offers a guaranteed life cover through a policy term of 10 to 20 years. The plan has a maximum sum assured of Rs. 5 crore and also offers tax benefits. Future Generali Life Insurance also offers a Non Linked Accidental Death Rider and a Non Linked Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Rider for people looking to cover against other risks.

 Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan

Future Generali Life Insurance’s Assured Money Back Plan is a limited premium payment plan that offers guaranteed maturity benefits as well as money back, in addition to life cover. A policy term can be of 15, 17, 20 and 22 years with the premium payment period ranging from 5 years for a 15 year cover to 12 years for a 22 years plan. The sum assured for this Future Generali Life Insurance plan starts from Rs. 58,215 and there is no upper limit.  

Future Generali Pension Plans:

The pension plans from Future Generali Life Insurance help the insured to build up a retirement corpus in addition to getting an insurance cover for themselves. 

Future Generali Immediate Annuity Plan

The plan offers lifetime coverage and provides an option to receive annuities in the form of yearly or monthly payments. This Future Generali Life Insurance plan is open to anyone between the ages of 40 to 80 years and comes in two variants: Life Annuity and Life Annuity With Return of Purchase Price. People can pay a single premium for this Future Generali Life Insurance plan and start receiving annuities thereafter. 

Future Generali Pension Guarantee

The Pension Guarantee from Future Generali Life Insurance offers policyholders an option to create a retirement corpus for themselves. The plan offers a minimum return guarantee of 101% of all premiums paid in addition to any bonus that are declared during the tenure of a policy. Future Generali Life Insurance policyholders can choose between single pay, limited pay and regular pay options for their premium. The vesting age starts from 40 years and entry age is 20 to 70 years. The policy term is of 10 to 20 years.  

Compare all Future Generali life insurance plans from other life insurance companies in India to get the insurance plan that suits you most. 

Future Generali Distribution Network:

Future Generali Life Insurance like all other insurance companies also follows various formats of distribution network to sell the products in various markets. They also have a unique distribution channel known as mallassurance.

Note: Check all the best term insurance plan in India.

Note: You should also check the benefits of term life insurance if you are planning to purchase the term insurance plan.

Future Generali India - Latest News

  • Future Generali India and Saraswat Bank become bancassurance partners

    Future Generali India Life Insurance Company has partnered with Saraswat bank. This is the company’s first ever tie-up with a bank. The partnership between the company and the bank is a bancassurance partnership.

    Munish Sharda, the Managing Director and CEO of Future Generali India, while speaking about the association, said that the company is extremely energized with its alliance with the Saraswat Bank. He also stated that this business is in favor of their strategy to nurture their business on the basis of basic, customer-focused solutions and a need-based selling process. Saraswat Bank has 283 branches allover India and has maintained excellent relations with its customers. He also stated that the company is expecting to be a firm partner with the bank as well as in their growth prospect.

    The Managing Director of Saraswat Bank, Mr. S.K. Banerji stated the happiness on the company’s behalf on having Future Generali as their life insurance partner in order to offer life insurance resolutions. He also stated that the company’s offer, to work with Saraswat Bank in order to ensure that the clients have competitive terms and receive best possible services, shall be of immense benefit to the the customers.

  • Future Generali India has launched new Easy Invest Online Plan

    Future Generali India LI Company Ltd. has announced the introduction of new product. This plan by Future Generali has been named as Easy Invest Online Plan. This is the second online product launched by the insurer so far.

    This plan by Future Generali is a unique online ULIP and has an extremely easy purchase process online. The plan offers an ample variety of loyalty additions and investment options. The plan has been launched with intent to encourage policyholder for long-term market-linked savings. The plan is best suitable for the investors who are online savvy and looking for wide variety of investment options with easy purchase route. The Easy Invest plan is only available online and can be bought all across India.

    This policy can be easily purchased online just by giving the answers of a few basic questions. The policy will help the clients meet their financial objectives of savings, such as accumulating retirement funds, building a corpus for children, etc. The plan provides great returns than other investment options available in the market.

  • FEL voices intention of investment liquidation including Future Generali India Life Insurance Company

    Future Enterprise, the holding company of Future Generali India Life Insurance, is planning to liquidate a minimum of 1 investment in Kishore Biyani-led Future Group firms over the next five years in order to raise capital worth Rs. 10,000 Crore. Currently, the company has existing investments within the Future Consumer Enterprise, Future Supply Chain Solutions, Future Generali India Insurance Co, Apollo and Goldmohur Mills and Staples, Future Generali India Life Insurance, and Future Lifestyle Fashions.

    The above investments of future group, including Future Generali India Life Insurance feature a total value estimated at Rs. 4,345 Crore. According to sources at Future Group, the liquidation of just one or two of these investments, such as the insurance business would make Future Enterprise Limited free of debt. FEL currently owns a 27% share in the Future Generali India Life Insurance Company along with its Italian partner Generali Insurance and is worth Rs. 550 Crore. The sale of life insurance business by FEL is expected to complete in the coming 2 years.

  • Future Generali eyes 15-20 % growth over the next 3 years

    Future Generali a general insurance company of India targets to achieve a business of Rs.3crore in the coming three years.This translate to an expected growth of 15-20% for the Future Generali general insurance company over the next few years. With an increasing economic growth the company expects to expand a gross domestic products at a higher rate which in return will create demand for insurance products. Mr. K.G Krishnamoorthy Rao the M.D and CEO of Future Generali said that the industry growth is very much dependent on the GDP and is expecting a growth of 15-20% per annum over the next 3 years. He also included that on previous year the company has witnessed a growth of 13% and the enhancement in infrastructure projects will be an advantage for general insurers.

    With the government allowing the private insurance companies in India to receive 49% of total investment by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) the Future Generali are in process to promote talks between the foreign partners and promoter in order to maximize the permissible limits. Currently 65% of the business comes from the retail product so Future Generali is focusing on retail side to provide future growth for the company.

  • Future Generali Introduce Travel Insurance Policy

    Future Generali Life insurance has introduced a travel insurance policy that can be customized according to the insured needs and will preferably be sold online only. This is company’s first insurance product that is going to be sold exclusively online. As in today’s time more and more buyers are preferring online purchasing, this launch is expected to be a profitable step for the company’s growth. The procedure of buying travel insurance policy can be done entirely online. Moreover, the insured can explore the destination to visit, flight availability, booking hotels and a lot more on web with an ease of just one click.

    The two product that are introduced under Future Generali travel insurance are Future easy travel worldwide and Future Easy Travel Schengen. The eligibility for age to purchase the policy ranges from 6 years to 70 years old thus holding the entire family in a single plan. The plan is expected to be much more comprehensive as both the plans are available online. For the comfortability of the insured the insurer have customized the plan, so that each product can fulfill the individual needs and preferences convincingly. Besides, being an online product purchasing of the policy is simple, hassle free and offers many more additional benefits.

˜Top 5 plans based on annualized premium for bookings made on  in the first 6 months of FY 24-25.

Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. This list of plans listed here comprise of insurance products offered by all the insurance partners of Policybazaar. For a complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website,

+Rs. 487/month (Rs.16/day) is starting price for a 1 crore term life insurance for an 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Prices offered by the insurer are as per the approved insurance plans | #All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans | Standard Terms and Conditions Apply | **Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.| Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited

We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30-minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881

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Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited | CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 | Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 | Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers. Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the insurers.

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+Rs. 820/month is starting price for a 2 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

+Rs. 1,443/month is starting price for a 5 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Future Generali India Life Insurance Reviews & Ratings

4.2 / 5 (Based on 33 Reviews)
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Telangana, July 16, 2024
Max Life Purchase
Grateful to Policybazaar for simplifying my Max Life term insurance purchase. The comparison tool made it easy to choose
Paradeep, March 16, 2021
Get instant quotes
I got the instant future generali life insurance quotes instantly. I am quite impressed with the services of policybazaar and have recommended this to my friend. I am happy and satisfied with this plan and have planned for my family. Kudo to team policybazaar.
Saharanpur, March 09, 2021
Get pay-outs easily
It is easy to connect with the customer care of policybazaar for receiving the pay-outs. I choose the future generali life insurance plan as that company is excellent in it’s work. Thanks policybazaar.
Pedakakni, March 09, 2021
Affordable amount
I recently bought a future generali life insurance plan from the website of the policybazaar. The life insurance plan is affordable in nature and I found it relevant for my family. That’s an amazing plan I have found. Thanks.
Atroliya, February 16, 2021
Discounts available
I have availed a huge discount when I bought the future generali term insurance policy. It is easy to get and I bought it online from the website of the policybazaar. Thanks team.
Baragarh, February 16, 2021
One plan and best plan
I recently bought a term insurance plan from the policybazaar and it is a one plan with so many safety features. I am satisfied and happy that after me atleast this term plan would be there to support my family. Thanks.
Baramullah, February 16, 2021
Online payment process
I recently bought a future generali term insurance plan from the policybazaar. It was easy and quick and I always make the payment online basis. Much easy to secure your life.
Rameswaram, November 05, 2020
Easy premiums
It is really well and good decision to buy the future generali life insurance policy from the policybazaar. The premium rate of the policy is really good and affordable in nature. I am happy and have suggested to many of my friends.
Dharapuram, November 04, 2020
Discounts available
I have recently got the future generali life insurance policy from the policybazaar. Even I got a huge amount of discounts too when I bought the life insurance policy and it was for the safety and the security. Thanks to whole team of the policybazaar.
Gadag, August 22, 2016
Fine Insurance
This is very good insurance policy i purchased from future generali insurance. Service you provided is fantastic and on time too. Claims are good and policy coverage is approx. 89%. Updates are mailed regularly and online renewals option is very beneficial which can be done through online portal.
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