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Jammu and Kashmir Bank IFSC Code: MICR Code & Addresses in India

IFSC- Use of the Code in Jammu & Kashmir Bank

IFSC is an eleven character long alphanumeric code. Every bank uses it as a primary key to distinctly identify all their branches.

IFSC is used in electronic fund transfer between the branches of a bank. It is also used in inter-bank money transfer transactions. You can find this code on the cheques and the passbooks of Jammu & Kashmir Bank.

IFSC codes for Jammu branches are just as unique as that of the bank branches in other states. It ensures that the funds for transfer don’t get lost or misplaced because of any confusion in the name and location of the bank of the destination account.

IFSC is only used for domestic transfers of funds. Any international transfer uses the SWIFT code.

Out of the eleven alphanumeric characters, IFSC uses the first four as bank identifiers and the last six as branch identifiers, separating them with a zero in the fifth spot.

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