United India Personal Accident Insurance

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      United India Personal Accident Insurance

      Incorporated in the year 1938, United India Insurance Co. Ltd. Has been one of the leading insurance plans providers in India’s General Insurance market. With a colossal workforce of 18300 employees spread across 1340 offices pan India, United India Insurance caters to the insurance needs of more than 1 crore customers today.

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      The various plans offered, are not only designed to meet the maximum range of unforeseen scenarios but also have a hassle-free documentation and processing system in place.

      United India Insurance offers personal accident plans in two broad segments

      1. Individual Personal accident plans.
      2. Group personal accident plans.

      1.  Individual Personal accident plans

      a.  Personal accident Package Plan

      The salient features of this plan are

      • Extensive coverage against any death or injury causing permanent or partial disablement and other plan benefits.
      • Unlike other accident plans, United India offers personal accident plan with worldwide coverage benefit and for any individual aged between 5 and 70 years.
      • Lump sum payment to the quantum of 100% of capital sum insured in case of job loss caused due to accident.
      • Education covers for the continuity of education of the dependent children.
      • Medical Expenses following an accident can be covered as an extension under the plan on payment of additional premium
      • Cumulative Bonus with 5 % augment on every renewal up to a maximum of 50% in the capital sum insured.
      • Free look period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the plan to review the terms and conditions of the plan and to return the same if nor acceptable.
      • Hassle free claim process and multiple claim channel to ensure zero time loss especially in fatal claim cases.
      • Online option to buy plan an renew plans.

      Scope of Benefit under the plan.

      • Capital sum insured as opted at the time of enrollment in plan shall be paid in the event of death caused due to any bodily injury within 12 months post sustaining the injury.
      • For any Permanent Total Disablement, the insured shall be eligible for the capital sum insured chosen by the proposer.
      • For Permanent Partial Disablement sustained in the event of accident, the insured shall be paid fifty percent (50%) of the capital sum insured chosen by the proposer.
      • For the loss of employment as a direct consequence thereof immediately permanently totally and absolutely in case of an accident, a lump sum equal to hundred percent (100%) of the Capital Sun insured will be covered in the plan.
      • In the event of Death of the insured person due to accident outside her/his residence the expenses incurred for transportation of insured’s dead body to the place of residence subject to a maximum of 2% of capital sum insured or Rs.2,500/- whichever is less.
      • Payment of compensation towards Education Fund for the dependent children of the insured as 10% of the CSI subject to a maximum of Rs.5,000/- for one dependent child and for more than one dependent children the payment shall be equal to 10% of CSI subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/-
      • Additional coverage for medical expenses available on payment of extra premium.
      • The medical benefits are in addition to benefits provided under the plan.

      Exclusions under the plans

      •  Both the plan options A & B shall not include the below mentioned nature of expenses.
      • Reimbursement of expenses in two different sub-clauses within same period of disablement.
      • Any other payment after a claim under one of the sub-clauses has been admitted and become payable.
      • Payment of weekly compensation until the total amount shall have been ascertained and agreed.
      • Payment of compensation in respect of death, injury or disablement of insured (a) from intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide (b) whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs (c) whilst engaging in aviation or Ballooning, whilst mounting / dismounting from or traveling in any Balloon or aircraft other than as a passenger (fare-paying or otherwise) in any duly Licensed Standard type of aircraft anywhere in the world (d) directly or indirectly caused by venereal disease or insanity (e) arising or resulting from the insured committing any breach of the law with criminal intent.
      • Payment of compensation in respect of Death, Injury or disablement of the insured due to arising out of or directly or indirectly connected with or traceable to war invasion, act of foreign enemy, Hostilities (whether war be declared or not) War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection, Mutiny, Military or usurped Power, Seizure, Capture Arrests, Restraints and Detainment of all Kings, Princes and people of whatever nation, condition or quality so ever.
      • Payment of compensation in respect of Death of, or bodily injury or any disease or illness of the insured.
      • Directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionising radiation or contamination by radioactive substance from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self sustaining process of nuclear fission.
      • Directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapon materials

      b. Road Safety package plan

      • A insurance plan designed to meet all  the medical expenses incurred in a Hospital/Nursing home because of an accident.
      • Can be opted for the value of 2.5 lakh to 10 lakh for a period of 1 to 5 years.
      • Triple benefit coverage under the plan. Personal Accident, Medical Expenses for Bodily Injury and Extension to Cover Medical Expenses to Accident Arising during and in course of Employment

      Benefit coverage

      • The insured shall be covered for below mentioned event due to consequential event of an accident in next twelve months.
        • Death
        • Total and irrevocable loss of sight of both eyes or both hands or both Legs
        • Total and irrevocable loss of sight of one eyes or one entire hand or one entire Leg
        • Permanent or partial or absolute disablement
      • All expenses towards the ailment of injury sustained due to any road accident. The expenses shall include
        • Room Boarding expenses as provided by the Hospital / Nursing Home
        • Nursing Expenses
        • Surgeon Anesthetist Medical Practitioner Consultant's Specialist's Fee
        • Anesthesia Blood Oxygen Operation Theatre Charges Surgical Appliances Drugs etc..
        • Ambulance Charges.

      Exclusions: The plan shall not cover below mentioned circumstances for the claim.

      • Any Accident occurred during the course of employment.
      • Any payment after admission of a claim for 50% / 100% of capital sum insured.
      • Any claim in the same period of insurance exceeding the capital sum insured.
      • Suicide / attempted suicide VD Criminal breach of law influence of liquor / drugs..
      • Any Hospital Expense not directly related to road accident as defined.
      • War and nuclear perils.
      • Naturopathy treatment.
      • Compensation under more than one clause for the same period of disability not exceeding capital Sum Insured.

      2. Group personal accident Plans.

      • Available for Members of a Group, employees of an Organization etc. may be covered under a Group Personal Accident Plan.
      • Two different plan options as per the requirement and nature of group.
      • Plan A is designed specially to meet the insurance need of  employees of a firm / company / Association or Club with employee and employer relation. The plan cover both named employee and unnamed employee as well.
      • Plan B is crafted for those with no employee –employer relation such as Institution, Society, Association, Club etc. The plan would however be restricted  to named and identified group member and group of other nature.
      • Option to select on duty and off duty cover and decide on the premium accordingly.
      • ‘On Duty’ cover shall imply as insurance cover for restricted duration where the employee is at work and ‘Off Duty’ cover shall imply for restricted hours other than when the employee is not at work.

      Coverage benefit.

      • Capital sum insured shall be paid in the event of death caused due to any bodily injury within 12 months post sustaining the injury.
      • For any Permanent Total Disablement shall be eligible for the capital sum insured chosen by the proposer.
      • For Permanent Partial Disablement sustained in the event of accident, the insurer shall be fifty percent (50%) of the capital sum insured chosen by the proposer
      • For the loss of employment as a direct consequence thereof immediately permanently totally and absolutely in case of an accident, a lump sum equal to hundred percent (100%) of the Capital Sun insured will be covered.
      • In the event of Death of the insured person due to accident outside her/his residence the expenses incurred for transportation of insured’s dead body to the place of residence subject to a maximum of 2% of capital sum insured or Rs.2,500/- whichever is less.
      • Payment of compensation towards Education Fund for the dependent children of the insured as 10% of the CSI subject to a maximum of Rs.5,000/- for one dependent child and for more than one dependent children the payment shall be equal to 10% of CSI subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/-
      • Additional coverage for medical expenses available on payment of extra premium.
      • The medical benefits are in addition to benefits provided under the plan.

      Exclusions under the plan

      •  Both the plan options A & B shall not include the below mentioned nature of expenses.
      • Reimbursement of expenses in two different sub-clauses within same period of disablement.
      • Any other payment after a claim under one of the sub-clauses has been admitted and become payable.
      • Payment of weekly compensation until the total amount shall have been ascertained and agreed.
      • Payment of compensation in respect of death, injury or disablement of insured (a) from intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide (b) whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs (c) whilst engaging in aviation or Ballooning, whilst mounting / dismounting from or traveling in any Balloon or aircraft other than as a passenger (fare-paying or otherwise) in any duly Licensed Standard type of aircraft anywhere in the world (d) directly or indirectly caused by venereal disease or insanity (e) arising or resulting from the insured committing any breach of the law with criminal intent.
      • Payment of compensation in respect of Death, Injury or disablement of the insured due to arising out of or directly or indirectly connected with or traceable to war invasion, act of foreign enemy, Hostilities (whether war be declared or not) War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection, Mutiny, Military or usurped Power, Seizure, Capture Arrests, Restraints and Detainment of all Kings, Princes and people of whatever nation, condition or quality so ever.
      • Payment of compensation in respect of Death of, or bodily injury or any disease or illness of the insured.
      • Directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from ionising radiation or contamination by radioactive substance from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self sustaining process of nuclear fission.
      • Directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapon materials

      Claim Process

      The entire claim process for personal accident plans are explicitly mentioned in plan documents.

      For Claims in the event of death of insured , below mentioned documents are required

      • Duly filled Claim form,
      • Original plan certificate
      • Investigation report, Death certificate, Postmortem report and FIR/Police report on case to case basis.
      • Payment shall be made to the assignee of the plan. If there is no assignee, payment shall be made to the legal representatives identified-Will/Probate/ Succession certificate

      For claims made in the event of Injury/disability of the insured

      • Duly filled Claim form,
      • Disability/education Grant/Medical Expenses claims
      • Report of attending doctor
      • Diagnostic reports (X rays, reports confirming injury)
      • Original Medical Bills
      • FIR/Police report wherever necessary
      • Leave certificate from the Employer

      Other Value adds services.

      • Online Quotation and buying option based on monthly income and insurance cover required.
      • Renewal of plans.
      • Detailed terms and conditions of all plans.
      • Download plan copy online

      Other Important Terms and Conditions

      • United India Insurance Company reserves the right to revise any of the terms, conditions and exceptions of the various plans including the premium payable on renewal in accordance with the guidelines/rules framed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) and after obtaining prior approval from the Authority.
      • Any change in plans shall be notified at least three months before the revision are to take effect.
      • United India Insurance company may also withdraw the insurance as offered hereunder after following the due process as laid down by the IRDA and after obtaining prior approval of the IRDA
      • For withdrawn plans, insured shall be offered to cover under such revised/new terms, conditions, exceptions and premium .

      United India Personal Accident Insurance - FAQs

      1. How to pay a premium? What are the modes of payment available?

      The United India Insurance Company offers 3 modes of premium payment namely:

      • Cash payment at the branch
      • Online Payment
      • NEFT/RTGS
      • Mobile- M power

      For the online payment mode, the policyholder can pay via;

      • Credit Card
      • Debit Card
      • Net banking

      2. How can I check policy status for United India personal accident insurance?
      Please vsist the nearest office of the United India Insurance company to inquire about the policy status.

      3. What is the policy renewal process for United India personal accident insurance?
      If you purchased the policy online you should renew it online before 30 days of the expiry.

      Online Renewal Procedure

      Step1: Enter your Policy number and Expiry Date to login into e-portal
      Step2: Choose the the payment option – Debit/Credit Card or Net Banking to pay
      Step3: Print/Save cyber receipt of the premium deposit

      Alteranatively, you can pay via M-Power
      Procedure: Visit the Merchant Interbank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS) section on your Mobile Banking application and just input:
      Merchant Mobile No: 8939815005
      Merchant MMID: 9036001
      Amount: *
      Payment Reference: *
      MPIN :

      4. What is the company’s process to settle claim for United India personal accident insurance?
      Doenload the suitable claims from from e-portal. Depoist it with the required documents at the customer service desk in your nearest branch. The company will make the necessary inquiries and if satisfied will reimburse the claim amount in a few days.

      5. What is the policy cancellation process for United India personal accident insurance?
      You can cancel the policy before it is expired. Just visit the nearest branch with the policy documents and fill up a surrender form. Submit it and within a few days the refund will be directly credited in your bank account.

      Policybazaar exclusive benefits
      • 30 minutes claim support*(In 120+ cities)
      • Relationship manager For every customer
      • 24*7 claims assistance In 30 mins. guaranteed*
      • Instant policy issuance No medical tests*
      Disclaimer: The list mentioned is according to the alphabetical order of the insurance companies. Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. For complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website www.irdai.gov.in

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      United India Personal Accident Reviews & Ratings

      4.5 / 5 (Based on 1 Reviews)
      (Showing Newest 1 reviews)
      Jorhat, May 17, 2016
      Fantastic plan
      I bought united india personal accident insurance plan. The policy coverage is high and the claims are even better. The number of hospitals are huge and the ambulance is also facilitate for free. Good investment for health. The behaviour of the executives and the staff members are really very nice. I like the terms and conditions of the policy.

      *We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30- minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881.

      *Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the Insurer. Policybazaar is acting only as a facilitator and claims settlement shall be at the sole discretion of the Insurer. Policybazaar does not provide any medical or surgical advice or diagnosis and is not responsible for your interactions / treatment by a medical practitioner/hospital. Please consult a registered medical practitioner for any medical or surgical advice. The Information that you obtain or receive from Policybazaar, and its employees, or otherwise on the Website is for informational purposes only. As per the Insurance guidelines, you are allowed to cancel the policy with-in 30 days from the date of Issuance of policy.This option is available incase of policies with a term of one year or more.

      *All the health insurance plans cover hospitalization expenses including COVID-19 treatment cover up to the specified limits. You can also buy specific COVID-19 health insurance policies such as Corona Kavach Policy and Corona Rakshak policy.

      **All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans. #Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemptions depend on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents.

      *₹1748/month is the starting price for a 1 crore health insurance for an 18-year-old male, with no pre-existing diseases. Discount on renewal premium is subject to the number of wellness points earned in the health insurance policy. For more details about the plans, please read the sale brochure carefully to get upto 100% discount on renewal premium.

      *₹400/month is the starting price for ₹ 5 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹541/month is the starting price for ₹ 10 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹762/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Crore Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹243/month(₹ 8/day) is the starting price for a 5 lakh health insurance for a 20-year-old male, non-smoker, living in Bengaluru with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹2020/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Cr Health insurance for a 50 year old male & 50 years old female, living in Bangalore with no pre-existing diseases rounded off to nearest 10.

      *₹390/month (₹13 per day) is starting price for 1 cr. Health insurance for 25 years old male, with pre-existing diseases, residing from tier 1 city rounded off to the nearest 10.

      *No medical tests are required unless requested by the insurer’s underwriter. In-case of pre-existing diseases relevant medical proof would be required as per the terms and condition of the policy opted.

      *The values taken for effective cost calculation are indicative values and may change as per the selected plan.

      *Coverage upto double the amount of Sum Insured is available on certain covers for a minimum plan of Rs. 5 Lakh on the first claim only to an individual of upto 45 years of age with no pre-existing diseases. The benefit is available with or without extra cost depending on the plan chosen.

      *Coverage of pre-existing diseases is provided by insurer as per their underwriting policy.

      *The scope of coverage may vary from plan to plan.

      ~Source: Google Review Rating available on:- http://bit.ly/3J20bXZ

      ##On ground claim assistance is available in 114 cities

      Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemption depends on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents as required by the insurers. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure and applicable rules and regulation carefully before concluding a sale.

      STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.

      Policybazaar is a registered Composite Broker |Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2024, License category- Composite Broker| Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers.

      Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited | CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 | Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122001 Contact Us | Legal and Admin Policies

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