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Sahara India Life Insurance

Sahara India Pariwar entered the Life Insurance industry in the year 2004 as India’s first wholly Owned Private Life Insurance Company with copious presence in most parts of the country.. The core objective of the Company has been to reach out across the country to all segments of society not only to the privileged and urban based but to those belonging to the middle class and living in the rural areas as well. With the state-of-the-art technology, Sahara India offers extensive range of competitive products to caters the insurance needs of individuals of all ages and segments

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Our advisors are available in more than 55 cities across India and can help you at your doorstep in understanding the plans and in documentation.
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In case you aren’t happy with your purchase, you can cancel your policy hassle-free at the click of a button. We will help you with the cancellation and refund of your policy.

The various segments of life insurance plans offered by Sahara India Life Insurance company are

  • Unit Linked Plans
  • Money Back Plans
  • Endowment Plans
  • Term Assurance Plans
  • Group Insurance Plans   

Apart from the above segment, Sahara India Offers add-on plans such as Accident Benefit and Critical Illness Riders

Unit Linked Plans

With the upward growth in Indian economy Sahara India Life Insurance Company provides specially crafted insurance product linked with capital market so as the insures should also earn straight profit from the great potential provided by these markets.

Sahara Sanchit – Jeevan Bima Plan

  • A unit linked insurance plan with complete protection from volatile equity market and insurance coverage under one umbrella.
  • A single premium based plan offering enhanced value of savings over a period of time.
  • Multiple investment option as per risk appetite of customer.
  • Comprehensive insurance coverage against any ill-fated incident.
  • Minimum Issue Age is 18 Years
  • Maximum Issue Age is 65 Years
  • Policy Term is between 5 Years to 10 Years
  • Maximum Age at Maturity is 75 Years
  • Minimum Premium is Rs. 30,000/- and no cap on the maximum amount.
  • No top up facility allowed.
  • Sum assured provided under this plan are 125% of premium paid for insurer aged till 41 years and 110% of premium paid for insurer aged 46 Years & above    .

Sahara Utkarsh- Jeevan Bima Plan

  •  A unit linked insurance plan dedicated for exclusive customer with higher risk appetite and enhanced sum assured amount.
  • Available in two premium payment variables as single premium and regular premium.
  • Offered to customer between age group of 12 years to 55 years.
  • Policy term is between 8 years to 20 years and the payment term is as per policy term except for single premium payment plans.
  • Maximum Age at Maturity should be 70 years.
  • Minimum Premium for single premium plan is Rs.50,000 , whereas for Regular Premium is Rs.20, 000 under yearly mode and Rs.15, 000 under half-yearly mode.
  • No cap on the maximum premium amount.
  • No change in premium amount is allowed and no top up facility is available under regular premium plan.
  • For single premium option ,the sum assured is 125% of premium for insurer aged till 45 years and 110% of  premium for customer aged above 46 years .
  • For regular premium plan , the sum assured is 10 times of annualized premium for customer aged till 45 years and  7 times of annualized premium for customers aged above 46 & above

Sahara Sugam Jeevan Bima Plan

  • A Unit linked plan being offered is a unique blend of risk coverage and market linked returns.
  • Simple documentation and hassle free enrollment procedure.
  • Flexibility to choose investment plan as per risk appetite and financial objective.
  • Minimum issuance age is 10 Years to maximum 55 years and the policy term is 10,15 or 20 years.
  • Minimum Premium is Rs.12, 000 and cannot be altered once policy is issued.
  • Sum assured is 10 times the amount paid towards annual premium.

Life Insurer Details

Money Back Plans

Sahara Pay Back – Jeevan Bima Plan

  • A traditional limited premium money-back participating endowment plan proposed for those who seeks guaranteed inflow to meet the desired financial obligations
  • Double benefit of financial protection and earning at time bound periods.
  • Offers financial assistance as lump sum payment at particular intervals and thus fulfill financial commitments in future.
  • Offered for minimum issue aged between 16 years to 50 years
  • Minimum sum assured as Rs 75000 and thereafter in multiples of 5000.
  • Maximum sum assure available is Rs. 1 crore subject to underwriting.
  • Fixed policy term for 12 years , 16 years and 20 years.
  • Maximum Coverage Age is till 70 years.
  • 3% saving available for yearly prepayment payment and 1.5% on half yearly premium payment option .

Sahara Dhanvriddhi Jeevan Bima

  • A Single Premium Money Back Endowment Assurance without Profits Plan.
  • Add on advantage of life cover up to maturity.
  • Return of premium at maturity pooled with guaranteed additions depending upon term and sum assured chosen.
  • Regular flow of earning from return at specific intervals.
  • Minimum Entry Age is 9 years up to maximum entry of 60 years.
  • Minimum Sum Assured is Rs. 50,000/- up to the amount Rs. 1 crore based on underwriting.
  • Policy Term is fixed as 9 years/ 12 years/ 15 years subject to maximum age at the maturity should be 70 years.

Sahara Dhanversha-Jeevan Bima Plan

  • A traditional limited premium money-back non-participating endowment plan.
  • Suited for those who have planned future financial obligations such as child’s higher education or marriage.
  • Complete protection against any financial adversity aroused due to ill-fated event o the insurer
  • Minimum issuance age is 15 years and maximum issuance age 55 Years
  • Minimum sum assured under the plan is Rs 75000 and thereafter in multiples of 5000.
  • Fixed policy term as 15 years or 20 years and premium paying term as per policy term.
  • savings on premium @ 3% and 1.5 % for yearly and half-yearly modes of premium payments plans.

Endowment Plans

Sahara Shrestha Nivesh-Jeevan Bima plan

  • A single premium without profit  endowment plan.
  • Specially designed for individuals with irregular income flow such as income from real estate etc.
  • Minimum Entry Age is 9 years to maximum 60 Years.
  • Sum assured ranges from Rs. 30,000/- to Rs. 1 crore based on underwriting.
  • Minimum premium amount under this plan is Rs. 16,992 for age at entry 9.
  • The plan term is 5 Years to 10 Years subject to maturity age under this plan.

Sahara Shubh Nivesh-Jeevan Bima plan

  • A single premium without profit endowment plan combined with the benefit of life cover up to maturity.
  • 'An insurance plan for those who have higher investment appetite and plan well ahead for their time bound financial liabilities.
  • Comprehensive life cover against one time single premium payment.
  • Minimum Entry Age is 9 years to maximum 60 Years.
  • Sum assured ranges from Rs. 50,000/-  and then in multiples of Rs 5000/-.
  • Fixed policy term of 10 years.

Sahara Dhan Sanchay Jeevan Bima Plan

  • a traditional participating endowment plan with double benefit of wealth creation and insurance protection.
  • Multiple benefits of safe investment, tax benefit insurance benefits under single plan
  • Minimum issuance age is 14 Years up to 14 Years.
  • Minimum Sum Assured Rs 50000/- and thereafter in multiples of Rs 5000.
  • Guaranteed return of sum assured as 10 times of annualized premium for age at entry less than 45 years and  7 times of annualized premium for age at entry more than or equal to 45 years.
  • The plan term ranges between 15 years to 40 years subject to the age at the maturity of plan should be 70 years.
  • Premium payment frequency options are monthly , quarterly , half yearly or yearly.

Group Insurance Plans 

Sahara Samooh suraksha

  • A term insurance cover plan for Establishments/Groups, at nominal premium  amount.
  • Advantage of market appreciation on the savings portion of premium paid under this plan.
  • Available for groups where at least 75% of existing employees/members with minimum 25 eligible members are willing to join the plan.
  • Minimum monthly total contribution of Rs.5000
  • Participation of all new eligible members in the group is compulsory on the next renewal date
  • Minimum group size should be 50 members with minimum contribution per month as Rs. 5000
  • Minimum entry age 18 years whereas maximum entry age 64 years.
  • Minimum sum assured per member Rs. 50,000/- up to the limit of maximum sum assured per member is Rs. 5 lakhs.

Sahara Accidental Death Benefit Rider

  • A Non Linked Accidental Death Benefit rider goup plan  with dual option to chose as either single premium or Regular Premium .
  • For regular premium payment the plan term should be less than or equal to policy term.
  • Minimum entry age at is 18 Years and maximum age at entry 60 years and the maximum maturity age is 65 years
  • Minimum Sum Assured is Rs 50,000 whereas maximum sum assured is as per the plan sum assured or Rs.20,00,000 including cover under all previous policies with the Company, whichever is lower.

 Sahara Surakshit Pariwar – Jeevan Bima Plan

  • A non-linked, non-par micro endowment life insurance plan with objective of reaching to socially weaker sections of the society
  • Twin benefit of providing life cover and building your savings.
  •  Affordable monthly premium of Rs 500 or Rs 250 for 5 years or 10 years respectively
  •  Reasonable return at the end of maturity of the plan.
  • Minimum entry age is 18 years to maximum 50 years .
  • Policy term as between 5 years to 10 years and the premium payment term shall be as per plan term.
  • Sum assured of Rs 30000/- per life i.e. sum assured is fixed per life under the plan
  • Fixed premium amount of Rs. 500 per month for premium paying term of 5 years and Rs. 250 per month for premium paying term of 10 years
  • Only monthly premium payment frequency is available.
  •  Grace period of 30 days irrespective of any calendar month will be allowed to pay premiums.
  • Maturity benefit as the sum of Guaranteed Sum Assured and accrued guaranteed annual additions.
  • Death benefit of either 5 times the annualized premium or 105% of all the premiums paid as on date of death

Term insurance Plans

Sahara Social Security Plan

  •  It is a non-participating without profit plan as such the policy will not participate in the profits of Sahara Life.
  • A term plan intended to provide insurance coverage to the economic weaker section of society.
  • Focused to all groups belonging to unorganized/informal sectors including economically weak or backward classes with at least 50 members are eligible to participate in this scheme
  • Affordable premium amount with comprehensive coverage.
  • No maturity or survival benefit.
  • Only death benefit shall be payable to the nominee in the event of death of the member during continued membership of the group.
  • Nominal premium starting from Rs. 100
  • Premium can be paid by group policyholder or members as totally or in portion as decided during inception of policy.
  • Grace period of one month for premium payment, post which the policy shall be terminated and will not have any value on termination.
  • Other value addition benefit includes Double Accident benefit which offers an additional benefit equal to sum assured shall be payable if death is caused within 180 days of any bodily injury sustained directly and solely from an accident

General Terms & Conditions for all the plans

  • Suicide Clause:  In case of death due to suicide, within twelve months from the date of inception of the plans, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the premiums paid provided policy is in force or from the date of revival of the policy the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to higher of 80% of the premiums paid till the date of death or the surrender value.
  • Free look period:  A policyholder is entitled to review the terms and conditions of the plans within a period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of the policy bond. If the policyholder disagrees with the terms and conditions, he has the option to return the policy bond after stating the reasons for the disagreement. In such a scenario, the policyholder would be entitled to refund of premiums paid after deducting the stamp duty. No further charges would be deducted.  
  • As per Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938):— "No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus or tables of the insurer.
  • v  If any person fails to comply with sub regulation (2) above, he shall be liable to payment of a fine which may extend to Rupees five hundred

Note: Check all the best term insurance plan in India.

Note: You should also check the benefits of term life insurance if you are planning to purchase the term insurance plan.

Sahara Life Insurance - FAQ

  • How to pay a premium? What are the modes of payment available?

    The Sahara Life insurance company Ltd. offers different modes of premium payment namely:
    • / Cheque payment at the branch
    • ECS ( At certain locations)
  • How can I check policy status?

    To check the policy status login on the home page with your user name and password.
  • What is the policy renewal process?

    To renew the policy, you can visit the nearest branch during working hours. 
  • What is the company’s process to settle claim?

    You can visit the nearest branch of the Sahara Life Insurance company between 10 AM to 5PM. 
  • What is the policy cancellation process?

    You can visit the nearest branch of the Sahara Life Insurance company to surrender your policy between 10 AM to 5PM. Upon successful completion of the procedure, the refund will be directly debited in your account and the policy will stand cancelled.

˜Top 5 plans based on annualized premium for bookings made on  in the first 6 months of FY 24-25.

Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. This list of plans listed here comprise of insurance products offered by all the insurance partners of Policybazaar. For a complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website,

+Rs. 487/month (Rs.16/day) is starting price for a 1 crore term life insurance for an 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Prices offered by the insurer are as per the approved insurance plans | #All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans | Standard Terms and Conditions Apply | **Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.| Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited

We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30-minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale

Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited | CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 | Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 | Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers. Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the insurers.

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+Rs. 820/month is starting price for a 2 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

+Rs. 1,443/month is starting price for a 5 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Sahara India Life Insurance Reviews & Ratings

4 / 5 (Based on 26 Reviews)
(Showing Newest 10 reviews)
Uttar Pradesh, July 16, 2024
Responsive Support
Needed assistance with my term plan application, and Policybazaars support team was responsive and helpful. Smooth process overall.
Ara, March 10, 2021
Pay premium amount
It is easy to pay the premium amount online. Nowadays, everything has become digitalized and I make the premiums payment once a year. Not so costly and was under my budget. Kudos team and thanks.
Ballabhgarh, March 09, 2021
Life protection coverage
One of my friend recommended me to get a term insurance plan. So I gave it a thought and start looking for a fine product. Finally I got sahara term insurance plan into the website of policybazaar. Such good plans and a life protection coverage for me and my family.
Greater_noida, August 02, 2016
Sahara life insurance is on of the best brand in the market right now. I have took term insurance policy in very less investment. The policy cover maximum expenses, good future planing. Service is perfect and on time. The updates and the renewals can be done on online portal website.
Chandigarh, July 04, 2016
slow service
My term insurance plan is good and have good returns but the service is slow sometimes. Policy coverage is high and investment is less. Service of internet website is good but the staff service is bit slow. Please improve the customer service.
Alibag, June 29, 2016
Good Service
The term insurance plan i have is fantastic with low premiums. The service provided by the company staff is fabulous. Policy coverage and claims are high and claiming is easily done because of fast service provided by the executives of the company.
Thiruvananthapuram, May 24, 2016
Excellent Policy
I have term insurance policy plan from sahara life insurance. Policy coverage is good ~91% and the premiums are low approx. 37 K. Claiming is easy and the waiting time is very less due to fast and on time services from executives and the staff members. Good future investment and save my taxes too. I like the policy plan.
Patiala, May 24, 2016
Bad services & claims
My policy is not good because the service is slow, the policy coverage is okay, Claims are not as i expected, premiums are high, not provided genuine help when needed by the staff members. Not satisfied with this policy. Please improve the service.
Nasik, May 24, 2016
I purchase sahara life term insurance plan. The policy plan is an average one but the premiums is low with good policy coverage ~88%. This is an online policy plan, easy to buy. The plan has 5% less on premiums for women. Premiums and claims are free from taxes. The updates regarding policy is mailed to me regularly.
Nizamabad, May 24, 2016
Power Plan
I have term insurance policy plan from sahara life insurance. The policy is good and the premiums are very less. The best investment and the taxes are also saved. Policy coverage and claims are good and the services is super. Good behaviour shown by executives and staff members.
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