New India Assurance Health Insurance

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      New India Assurance Health Insurance

      New India Assurance Company Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Indian Government and is an multinational insurance contributor present in 27 countries and a market leader in the non life insurance sector in India based from Mumbai. Strong domestic and international presence, a wide range in insurance plans, effective and advanced technology, integrated complaint management structure are some of the keys to the company’s success. And last but not the least New India Assurance is the only insurer who is considered as the direct insurer in India.


      Choose New India Assurance Health Insurance Coverage of Your Choice

      New India Assurance Health Insurance
      New India Assurance Health Insurance
      New India Assurance Health Insurance
      New India Assurance Health Insurance
      New India Assurance Health Insurance
      New India Assurance Health Insurance

      New India Assurance Health Insurance Plans

      New India Assurance Insurance Company offers a comprehensive range of health insurance plans to the customers. The list of various health insurance plans offered by New India Assurance is given below:

      Plan name
      New India Floater Mediclaim Plan
      For family
      Min. Age
      3 months
      Max. Age
      65 years
      Min. Coverage
      ₹ 2 lakh
      Max. Coverage
      ₹ 15 lakh
      For top up
      Min. Age
      3 months
      Max. Age
      65 years
      Min. Coverage
      ₹ 5 lakh
      Max. Coverage
      ₹ 22 lakh
      For parents with girl child
      Min. Age
      3 months
      Max. Age
      65 Years
      Min. Coverage
      ₹ 2 lakh
      Max. Coverage
      ₹ 8 lakh
      Plan name
      New India Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana
      For emigrants with ECR or ECNR
      Min. Age
      18 years
      Max. Age
      60 years
      Min. Coverage
      ₹ 10 lakh
      Max. Coverage
      ₹ 10 lakh
      Min. Age
      18 years
      Max. Age
      60 years
      Min. Coverage
      ₹ 2 lakh
      Max. Coverage
      ₹ 5 lakh
      For individuals
      Min. Age
      3 months
      Max. Age
      60 years
      Min. Coverage
      ₹ 50,000
      Max. Coverage
      ₹ 75,000
      For senior citizens
      Min. Age
      60 years
      Max. Age
      80 years
      Min. Coverage
      ₹ 1 lakh
      Max. Coverage
      ₹ 1.5 lakh
      *All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI approved insurance plan. Standard T&C apply.
      View more plans

      Why Health Insurance Plans?

      Health insurance plans have become extremely important in the modern era due to the rising cost of medical expenses and the treatment costs of various ailments. Furthermore, people's current lifestyles make them more vulnerable to diseases and ailments that necessitate medical attention. Medical costs are rising, while the average person's income has stagnated, resulting in a financial crisis in the event of a medical emergency. As a result, it is prudent to insure against any medical contingencies that may arise, so that the financial aspect of the crisis is handled at least by the insurance company and medical costs do not become a burden on the average middle-class man.

      Let us discuss each insurance plan in detail
      New India Top Up Mediclaim Insurance Policy

      The main features of this New India Assurance mediclaim policy are:

      • Coverage of In-patient hospitalization expenses in India.
      • This plan will be in force when the total of all hospitalization expenses ( except Pre and Post) for one or all members surpasses the limits as mentioned in the plan.
      • This New India Assurance plan will be in force for each and every hospitalization after the limits has been exceeded by the previous hospitalization expenses subject to the Sum Insured as mentioned in the plan.
      • The maximum liability of the company towards all the members is the Sum Insured.
      • The insured person has an option to recover the expense from any other company or this policy, but not both, if there is any expense which has been incurred over and above the limits.
      • Under this New India Health Insurance plan, the Sum Insured is available over and above any reimbursement received from any other company if such amount exceeds the limits.

      The Sum Insured Under New India Health Insurance available are:

      Coverage Type

      Sum Insured
























      New India Health Insurance Eligibility

      The proposer has to be aged between 18-65 years and other members 3 months – 65 years. Children between 3 months till 18 years are covered under this New India Assurance plan, provided their parents are also covered simultaneously. Children between 18 years till 25 years are also covered provided their parents are also covered simultaneously and they are financially dependants on their parents except for unmarried daughter and where the child is mentally handicapped.

      Health Check up will be required for person above 50 years of age under

      • Persons above 50 years of age Or
      • Persons with Adverse Medical / Claims history.

      Tenure of the Plan

      The policy is only for a period of one year.

      Coverage under New India Assurance Health Insurance

      The Hospitalization expenses include:

      • Room rent, boarding and nursing expenses incurred in actual with a maximum amount of Rs 5000 per day for Rs 500000 Threshold and Rs 8000 per day for Rs 800000 Threshold.
      • Specialists Fee, Consultants, Surgeon, Medical Practitioner, and Anesthetist fees.
      • IICCU/ ICU expenses incurred in actual with a maximum of Rs 10000 per day for Rs 500000 Threshold and Rs 16000 per day for Rs 800000 Threshold.
      • Oxygen, Surgical Appliances, Medicines & Drugs, Blood, Anesthesia, OT Charges, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Artificial Limbs, Cost of Prosthetic devices implanted during surgical operation like pacemaker, related test, X-Ray and other expenses.
      • Under this New India Assurance Plan, get Well Benefit of Rs 5000 for Rs 500000 Threshold and Rs 8000 per day for Rs 800000 Threshold will be paid for any one illness. This is applicable for only for the first four admissible claims under the plan. However, this facility will result in decrease in sum insured.
      • Donor’s hospitalization expenses.
      • Ambulance service expenses of Rs 5000 for Rs 500000 Threshold and Rs 8000 per day for Rs 800000 Threshold.
      • Hospital Cash benefit under this plan of Rs 500 per day for Rs 500000 Threshold and Rs 800 per day for Rs 800000 Threshold.
      • Cataract operation coverage under this plan will be maximum upto Rs 50000/-.
      • AYUSH treatments are also payable under this plan.
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      New India Family Floater Mediclaim Insurance Policy

      This New India Assurance Mediclaim policy covers the followings:

      • New Born Cover : In built : waiting period for a mother is 24 months , and coverage from birth till end of the plan. However the same excludes the post natal care , ear delivery/ delivery expenses.
      • Inpatient Hospitalization expenses: Upto Sum assured subject to the sub limits, however does not cover the outpatients.
      • ICU charges: Upto 2% of Sum Insured per day.
      • Room and Nursing Charge: 1% of Sum Insured per day.
      • Specialists Fee, Consultants, Surgeon, Medical Practitioner, and Anesthetist fees.
      • Oxygen, Surgical Appliances, Medicines & Drugs, Blood, Anesthesia, OT Charges, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Artificial Limbs, Cost of Prosthetic devices implanted during surgical operation like pacemaker, related test, X-Ray and other expenses.
      • Organ Donor hospitalization expenses.
      • Specified day care procedures.
      • Cataract operation coverage under this New India Assurance plan will be maximum upto Rs 50000/-.
      • AYUSH treatments are also payable under this plan.
      • 11 critical illnesses as specified 10% of sum insured.


      This New India Assurance Health Insurance plan can be availed by individuals who are aged between 18-65 years. Children between 18 years till 25 years are also covered provided their parents are also covered simultaneously and they are financially dependants on their parents except for unmarried daughter and where the child is mentally handicapped. Health Check up will be required for person above 50 years of age, however 50% of the health check up costs will be reimbursed if the policy is approved by the company.

      Tenure of the Plan

      This New India Assurance policy is only for a period of one year.

      Sum Insured and Premium

      There are basically 4 types of plans or sum insured categories which are Rs 2 lakhs, Rs 3 lakhs, Rs 5 lakhs and Rs 8 lakhs. The Premium payable is based on the following criteria:

      • Premium from Primary Member Premium Table.
      • Premium for the additional Member who needs to be covered under the plan from Additional Member Premium Table
      • Basis: Family Floater: i.e, the sum insured will apply to all the insured members
      • ( minimum 2 and maximum 6 which includes proposer, spouse, dependent children, dependant parents upto 60 years).
      • Sum Insured
      • Zone- Under Zone there are 3 zones which are namely Greater Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Rest Of India.
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      New India Asha Kiran Health Insurance Policy

      This New India Assurance plan covers the following Hospitalization expenses:

      • ICU charges: Upto 2% of Sum Insured per day.
      • Inpatient Hospitalization expenses: Upto Sum assured subject to the sub limits, however does not cover the outpatients.
      • Room and Nursing Charge: 1% of Sum Insured per day.
      • Specialists Fee, Consultants, Surgeon, Medical Practitioner, and Anesthetist fees.
      • Oxygen, Surgical Appliances, Medicines & Drugs, Blood, Anesthesia, OT Charges, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Artificial Limbs, Cost of Prosthetic devices implanted during surgical operation like pacemaker, related test, X-Ray and other expenses.
      • Organ Donor hospitalization expenses.
      • Specified day care procedures.
      • Cataract operation coverage under this policy will be maximum upto Rs 50000/- or 10% of Sum Insured whichever is less.
      • AYUSH treatments are also payable under this policy to the tune of 25% of the sum insured.
      • Outpatient treatments are excluded.
      • 11 critical illnesses as specified 10% of sum insured.
      • Congenital diseases (not pre existing) are also covered but subject to waiting periods as specified for internal or external issues.

      The following Personal Accident Plans are also covered:

      Serial Nos Coverage   Compensation
      1. Accidental Death Proposer or Spouse 100% of Sum Insured
          Proposer and Spouse 200% of Sum Insured
      2. Permanent Total Disablement of Proposer or Spouse 100% of Sum Insured
          Proposer and Spouse 200% of Sum Insured
      3. Loss of one limb and one eye or loss of both eyes and /or loss of both limbs of Proposer or Spouse 100% of Sum Insured
          Proposer and Spouse 200% of Sum Insured
      4. Loss of one Limb /sight in one eye of Proposer or Spouse 50% of Sum Insured
          Proposer and Spouse 100% of Sum Insured



      The uniqueness of this New India Assurance policy is the parents can take this plan only with daughters. This can be availed by individuals who are aged between 18-65 years. Daughters between 3 months till 18 years are covered under this plan provided their parents are also covered simultaneously. Children between 18 years till 25 years are also covered provided their parents are also covered simultaneously and they are financially dependants on their parents except for unmarried daughter and where the child is mentally handicapped.

      Tenure of the Plan

      The policy is only for a period of one year.

      Sum Insured and Premium

      There are basically 4 types of New India Assurance plans or sum insured categories which are Rs 2 lakhs, Rs 3 lakhs, Rs 5 lakhs and Rs 8 lakhs. The New India Health Insurance Premium payable is based on the following criteria:

      • Premium from Primary Member Premium Table ranges from Rs 1860 to Rs 38550.
      • Premium for the additional 2 Daughter who can to be covered under the plan from Additional Member Premium Table ranges from Rs 250 – Rs 25040.
      • Basis: Family Floater: i.e, the sum insured will apply to all the insured members
        (includes proposer, spouse, 2 dependent daughters).
      • Sum Insured
      • Zone- under Zone there are 3 zones which are namely Greater Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Rest Of India.
      • Premiums for covered Daughters are 50% lower than that of the additional members.
      • Premium loading is applicable upon renewal for members above 65 years which is 2% every year.
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      New India Mediclaim 2012 Policy

      This New India Assurance Mediclaim Insurance policy protects the insured person against the unexpected hospitalization expenses. And the coverage is inpatient hospitalization expenses where the hospital stay should exceed more than 24 hours( except in case of mentioned day care procedures) and Pre/Post hospitalization expenses upto 30/60 days respectively. However, there are certain exclusions to this mediclaim Insurance policy.


      This can be availed by individuals who are aged between 18-65 years. Children between 18 years till 25 years are also covered provided one of their parents are also covered simultaneously and they are financially dependants on their parents.


      Family members can be covered in one policy with separate Sum Insured for each Insured Person and one will get Family Discount of 10% on the total premium amount payable. And 11-%-18% discount for New India Assurance plans on family floater basis, minimum two and maximum four additional members. The members of the family include the Proposer, Proposer’s Spouse, Proposer’s Children, and Proposer’s Parents.

      No Claim Bonus is awarded after every claim free year to the tune of 2%-15% for members upto 60 years and 11%-18% for family floater plans.

      Sum Insured

      The sum insured is from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 8 lakhs, maximum limit is Rs 3 lakhs for individuals aged above 55 years. Sum Insured can be enhanced while renewing, however the same will depend on the company’s decision for insured members upto 65 years. Also Sum Insured can be enhanced when one wants to transfer from Mediclaim 2007 plan to Mediclaim 2012.

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      Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yajona Plan by New India Health Insurance

      This New India Assurance Plan covers the following:

      • Personal Accident Benefits : Accidental death or permanent total disablement to the tune of Rs 2 lakhs Sum Insured.
      • Family Cover Family consisting of two insured dependent children and spouse of the Insured is entitled upto Rs 10000/- maximum in the event of death or permanent disability.
      • Reimbursement of Repatriation / Transport expenses on account of death /permanent total disability / termination of contract on account of contracting major ailments.
      • Reimbursement of Repatriation / Transport expenses due to termination of contract of employment.
      • Hospitalization Cover.
      • Maternity benefit upto Rs 20000/- as in patient in India.


      This policy can be availed by individuals who are Indian Citizens and are aged between 18-60 years havin a valid visa staying abroad for the purpose of employment only for the period of cover as mentioned in the policy.

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      New India Mediclaim 2007 Policy

      This New India Assurance policy covers the following:

      • Pre and Post Hospitalization expenses upto 30 days and 60 days respectively.
      • Hospitalization expenses for the treatment of injury or illnesses which is more than 24 hours.
      • Ambulance Charges as per the limits.
      • Day care treatments where 24 hrs hospitalization is not required.
      • Ayurvedic Treatment of medicine is also covered to the tune of 25% of Sum Insured.
      • Preexisting diseases are covered subject to a waiting a period of 4 years claim free period and 2 years for certain conditions like diabetes, hypertension.


      This can be availed by individuals who are aged between 18-60 years. Children between 3 months till 18 years are also covered provided one of their parents are also covered simultaneously.

      Features & Benefits

      • Loyalty discounts
      • Good Health Discounts
      • Cumulative Bonus
      • Family Discount
      • Reimbursement of Health check up
      • Income Tax Benefit under section 80D of IT Act.
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      New India Family Floater Mediclaim Insurance Policy

      This New India Mediclaim policy covers the following:

      • Pre and Post Hospitalization expenses upto 30 days and 60 days respectively.
      • Hospitalization expenses for the treatment of injury or illnesses which is more than 24 hours.
      • Ambulance Charges as per the limits.
      • Day care treatments where 24 hrs hospitalization is not required.
      • Ayurvedic Treatment of medicine is also covered to the tune of 25% of Sum Insured.
      • Pre-existing diseases are covered subject to a waiting a period of 4 years claim free period and 2 years for certain conditions like diabetes, hypertension.
      • Cataract surgery.


      This plan can be availed by individuals who are aged between 18-60 years. The Family Floater Mediclaim Plan can be availed by person upto 60 years of age with self, spouse, maximum two dependent children. Parents/ Parents in law/ brothers and sisters are not covered.

      Sum Insured & Premium

      Minimum Sum Insured is 2 lakhs and maximum is Rs 5 lakhs. A load of 50% will be applied to cover spouse, and 25% to cover each dependent child.

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      New India Janata Mediclaim Policy by New India Health Insurance
      • Pre and Post Hospitalization expenses upto 30 days and 60 days respectively.
      • Hospitalization expenses for the treatment of injury or illnesses which is more than 24 hours.
      • Ambulance Charges as per the limits.
      • Day care treatments where 24 hrs hospitalization is not required.
      • Ayurvedic Treatment of medicine is also covered to the tune of 25% of Sum Insured.
      • Preexisting diseases are covered subject to a waiting a period of 4 years claim free period and 2 years for certain conditions like diabetes, hypertension.
      • Cataract surgery.


      Individuals aged between 18-60 years and other members 3 months – 65 years. Children between 3 months till 18 years are covered under this plan provided their parents are also covered simultaneously.

      Sum Insured & Premium

      Rs 50000 to Rs 75000 and No Claim Bonus is increase in 5% for every claim free year.

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      New India Senior Citizen Mediclaim Plan by New India Health Insurance

      This New India Health Insurance plan covers:

      • Inpatient hospitalization expenses minimum 24 hours which includes
      • ICU charges: Upto 2% of Sum Insured per day (overall limit 25% of sum assured).
      • Room and Nursing Charge: 1% of Sum Insured per day (overall limit 25% of sum assured).
      • Specialists Fee, Consultants, Surgeon, Medical Practitioner, and Anesthetist fees (overall limit 25% of sum assured).
      • Oxygen, Surgical Appliances, Medicines & Drugs, Blood, Anesthesia, OT Charges, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Artificial Limbs, Cost of Prosthetic devices implanted during surgical operation like pacemaker, related test, X-Ray and other expenses-upto 50% of sum insured.
      • Organ Donor hospitalization expenses.
      • Pre/Post hospitalization expenses upto 30/60 days respectively.
      • Ambulance Charges.
      • Limited Ayurvedic treatments are also payable under this policy
      • Preexisting diseases waiting period is 18 months.


      Individuals aged between 60-80 years are eligible for this policy. And the renewability continues till the age of 90 without a break. Health check up is mandatory for all applicants.

      Sum Insured & Premium

      Sum Insured is Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.5 lakhs and No Claim Bonus increase in 5% for every claim free year. Premiums are as lower as Rs 3850 to Rs 7650 depends on the age and sum insured. Again, loading of 10% to 20% will be applicable which depends on the age. There is a family discount of 10%.

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      New India Personal Accident Insurance Plan

      The below mentioned coverages are there under this New India personal accident insurance plan:

      • Table A : Coverage under Table B and Total Disablement Plans.
      • Table B: Coverage under Table C and Permanent Partial Disablement Plans.
      • Table C: Coverage under Table D , loss of two limbs/ both eyes, one limb and one eye, loss of one limb, or one eye and Permanent Total Disablement Plans.
      • Table D : Coverage of Death of 100% of Sum Insured.

      Various types of personal accident plans are as under:

      • Group Personal Accident Plans
      • Individual Personal Accident Plans.
      • Passenger Flight coupon.
      • Janata Personal Accident Plan.
      • Student Safety Insurance Plan.
      • Gramin Accident Personal Policy
      • Raj Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojna
      • Bhagyashree Child Welfare Policy.


      Individuals and dependent family members aged between 5 years -70 years are eligible for this policy.

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      New India Overseas Mediclaim Plan

      This covers the medical expenses incurred by the insured individuals outside India in terms of bodily injuries or sickness or disease contracted. The plans are :

      • Business and Holiday Plans which includes medical/ repatriation expenses, loss and delay of checked in baggage, loss of passport, personal liability under A-1, A-2 B-1, B-2, E-1 CFT ( Executives of Corporate Clients and Partners), E-2 CFT plans.
      • Employment and Studies Plans which includes medical, transfer of remains, reunioin expense. In both the above cases there are deductibles which are applicable.


      Individuals aged between 6 months-70 years are eligible for this policy provided the plans are taken before leaving India.

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      New India Assurance Health Insurance - FAQs

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      Policybazaar exclusive benefits
      • 30 minutes claim support*(In 120+ cities)
      • Relationship manager For every customer
      • 24*7 claims assistance In 30 mins. guaranteed*
      • Instant policy issuance No medical tests*
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      Disclaimer: The list mentioned is according to the alphabetical order of the insurance companies. Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. For complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website

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      New India Assurance Health Insurance Reviews & Ratings

      4.1 / 5 (Based on 42 Reviews)
      (Showing Newest 10 reviews)
      Faridabad, April 08, 2021
      Great for Plan Comparison
      I had to buy a health insurance policy for myself and came to policybazaar after my uncle suggested it. I saw overwhelmed to see so many health plans from several insurers. The website provides coverage and cost of all plans and let you compare them. I found the New India health policy suitable for me as it fitted my budget. I am surely going to come back for renewals.
      New Digha, April 07, 2021
      Stress-Free Claims
      My daughter had sick and we had to admit her to a hospital. I called claim support team at Policybazaar from where I had purchased my New India health policy. The claim team helped me to file a claim without running here and there and letting me stay near my daughter. Thanks to them my daughter treatment was covered by my insurance company.
      East Midnapore, April 07, 2021
      Helpful Customer Care
      I needed to get my phone number changed in my New India health policy that I had bought a few months back from Policybazaar. I was unaware how to change it and so, called customer care. They heard me and told me what I should do. I did what I was asked to do and my insurance company updated my phone number in the records. Policybazaar has awesome customer care.
      J.n.prasad, April 06, 2021
      Cancer Plan
      I wanted to buy a health insurance policy that covers cancer treatment. I decided to try policybazaar as I could not decide which plan is the best. The website gave me multiple options of cancer mediclaim plans and let me compare them. I found New India’s Cancer Guard policy the best and bought it without any trouble. Recommend it to everyone.
      Tajpur, April 06, 2021
      Easy to Choose
      I used Policybazaar for the first time to buy New India health insurance policy for myself. They offer health plans from so many insurers and let you compare them with each other. It makes choosing the best policy very simple. I also paid the premium online and within a few minutes received my policy. I had a wonderful experience.
      G.mahisani, February 22, 2021
      Helpful Customer Support
      In house shifting, I misplaced some of the policy documents of my New India Mediclaim 2007 plan. I had to submit the documents of this policy in my office as proof of investment. I contacted and the customer support executive provided these documents without any hassle. He just asked about my policy number and sent all the required documents to my mailing address.
      J.n.prasad, February 22, 2021
      Health Insurance at Lowest Price does not only claim to offer any policy at the lowest price, but it does the same. They offered me New India Asha Kiran Policy at the lowest premium.
      Udagamandalam, February 10, 2021
      Got On-Time Treatment
      I wanted to get cashless treatment for my mother who was included in my family floater plan of New India. I called the customer care of for the same and got the approval for the same on time. Thanks, team.
      Ichoda, February 08, 2021
      Team is Always Available
      I purchased a health insurance plan for New India Health Insurance via I am satisfied with their service as they are available always. The customer support executive has helped me completely while I was purchasing a policy online through them.
      New Digha, February 08, 2021
      Satisfactory network hospitals list
      The list of network hospitals of New India Health Insurance is vast and includes many hospitals. Felt satisfied as I purchased it because of the recommendation of

      *We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30- minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881.

      *Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the Insurer. Policybazaar is acting only as a facilitator and claims settlement shall be at the sole discretion of the Insurer. Policybazaar does not provide any medical or surgical advice or diagnosis and is not responsible for your interactions / treatment by a medical practitioner/hospital. Please consult a registered medical practitioner for any medical or surgical advice. The Information that you obtain or receive from Policybazaar, and its employees, or otherwise on the Website is for informational purposes only. As per the Insurance guidelines, you are allowed to cancel the policy with-in 30 days from the date of Issuance of policy.This option is available incase of policies with a term of one year or more.

      *All the health insurance plans cover hospitalization expenses including COVID-19 treatment cover up to the specified limits. You can also buy specific COVID-19 health insurance policies such as Corona Kavach Policy and Corona Rakshak policy.

      **All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans. #Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemptions depend on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents.

      *₹1748/month is the starting price for a 1 crore health insurance for an 18-year-old male, with no pre-existing diseases. Discount on renewal premium is subject to the number of wellness points earned in the health insurance policy. For more details about the plans, please read the sale brochure carefully to get upto 100% discount on renewal premium.

      *₹400/month is the starting price for ₹ 5 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹541/month is the starting price for ₹ 10 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹762/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Crore Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹243/month(₹ 8/day) is the starting price for a 5 lakh health insurance for a 20-year-old male, non-smoker, living in Bengaluru with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹2020/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Cr Health insurance for a 50 year old male & 50 years old female, living in Bangalore with no pre-existing diseases rounded off to nearest 10.

      *₹390/month (₹13 per day) is starting price for 1 cr. Health insurance for 25 years old male, with pre-existing diseases, residing from tier 1 city rounded off to the nearest 10.

      *No medical tests are required unless requested by the insurer’s underwriter. In-case of pre-existing diseases relevant medical proof would be required as per the terms and condition of the policy opted.

      *The values taken for effective cost calculation are indicative values and may change as per the selected plan.

      *Coverage upto double the amount of Sum Insured is available on certain covers for a minimum plan of Rs. 5 Lakh on the first claim only to an individual of upto 45 years of age with no pre-existing diseases. The benefit is available with or without extra cost depending on the plan chosen.

      *Coverage of pre-existing diseases is provided by insurer as per their underwriting policy.

      *The scope of coverage may vary from plan to plan.

      ~Source: Google Review Rating available on:-

      ##On ground claim assistance is available in 114 cities

      Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemption depends on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents as required by the insurers. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure and applicable rules and regulation carefully before concluding a sale.

      STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.

      Policybazaar is a registered Composite Broker |Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2024, License category- Composite Broker| Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers.

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