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Axis Max Life Insurance

Axis Max Life Insurance is one of India's leading life insurance providers. It offers various life insurance plans, such as protection, savings, child, and pension, to suit various insurance needs. The plans offered by the Axis Max Life Insurance Company are designed to fit the needs of Indian customers and ensure lifetime protection for you and your loved ones.

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Axis Max Life Insurance Company

Axis Max Life Insurance Co Ltd. is India's leading life insurance provider, formed as a joint venture between Max Financial Services Limited and Axis Bank Limited. The company is known for its strong financial stability and customer-centric approach. It offers various insurance plans, including protection, savings, child, and pension. With a focus on providing comprehensive financial security, Axis Max Life Insurance ensures lifetime protection and peace of mind for individuals and families across India.

Key Highlights of Axis Max Life Insurance Company?

No. of Branches 304 Offices
Assets Under Management (2023-24) Rs. 1,50,836 Crore
Solvency Ratio (2023-24) 1.72%
Claim Settlement Ratio (2023-24) 99.65%
Gross Premium (2023-24) Rs. 29,529 Crore

**Data for the FY 2022-23

Why Should You Choose Axis Max Life Insurance?

  • A Strong Partnership: Axis Max Life Insurance is a joint venture between Max Financial Services Ltd. and Axis Bank Ltd., combining the financial expertise and trust of two leading institutions.

  • Customer-Centric Approach: Focusing on customer satisfaction, Axis Max Life ensures smooth policy journeys, personalized service, and tailored financial solutions to meet diverse insurance needs.

  • Transparency: With a claim settlement ratio of 99.65%, the company offers transparency to the insurance buyers. Insurance buyers can check every detail related to different policies online. With a solvency ratio of 190% (Source Public Disclosure FY 2022-23), Axis Max Life policies offer reliability to the customers.

  • Accountability: The company values the trust of the insurance buyers and thus provides excellent customer support service 24/7 to the insurance buyers. The company takes accountability for the policies and provides a hassle-free claim settlement process in case the policy nominee files the claim

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Term Plans


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Life Cover

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What Are The Different Types Of Axis Max Life Insurance Plans?

The Axis Max Life Insurance policy list is mentioned below. Take a look and choose the one as per your needs and requirements:

Types of Axis Max Life Plans Types of Axis Max Life Plans

Term Insurance Plan

These comprehensive life insurance plans offer you and your family much-needed financial protection. Following are the best term insurance plans

Plan Name Entry Age (Min-Max) Maturity Age Policy Term Sum Assured (Min-Max)
Axis Max Life Smart Term Plan Plus 18 years- 65 years 85years/100 years 10 years- 82 years Rs 5 Lakhs- No Limit
Axis Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan 18 years- 65 years 85 years 10 years- 67 years Rs. 20 Lakhs- No Limit
Axis Max Life Smart Total Elite Protection Plan 18 years- 65 years 85 years 10 years- 67 years Rs. 20 Lakhs- No Limit
Axis Max Life Saral Jeevan Bima 18 years- 65 years 70 years 5 years- 40 years Rs. 5 Lakhs- 25 Lakhs

one crore term plan

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+Standard T&C Applied

ULIP Plans

These are insurance cum investment plans that help to fulfil the goal of wealth generation. The plans offer much-needed flexibility to manage the investment.

Plan Name Entry Age (Min-Max) Maturity Age Policy Term
Axis Max Life Fast Track Super Plan 18 years - 60 years(5 Pay and Single Pay), 50 years( For Regular Pay) 70 years 5 pay- 10 years Single pay- 10 years Regular pay- 20 years
Axis Max Life Platinum Wealth Plan Single pay/ Limited pay/Regular pay- 18 years - Single pay/ Limited pay- 60 years & for Regular pay- 55 years Single pay/ Limited pay- 70 years Regular pay- 65 years 10 years and 20 years
Axis Max Life Online Savings Plan - Variant 1 18-60 years 85 years Minimum 5 years and maximum 52 years for maturity age less or equal to 70 years; minimum 10 years and maximum 67 years for maturity age greater than 70 years
Axis Max Life Online Savings Plan - Variant 2 18-54 years 64 years Minimum 5 years and maximum 30 years
Axis Max Life Shiksha Plus Super 21-50 years 65 years 10 years for 5 years and 15-25 years for regular pay

Pension Plans

Pension plans help the policyholder to save for his/her old age. With the help of these plans, the policyholder can enjoy the golden period of his/her life

Plan Name Minimum Entry Age Maximum Entry Age Maximum Single Premium Annuity Payment Modes
Guaranteed Lifetime Income Plan 0 years for immediate annuity; 45 years for deferred annuity 80 years Rs. 12,000/annum - No Limit Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, Yearly
Saral Pension Plan 40 years 80 years Rs. 12,000/annum - No Limit Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, Yearly

What Are The Axis Max Life Insurance Riders?

Add-on rider benefits enhance policy coverage. The policyholder can purchase the riders by paying an extra premium in addition to the basic premium of the policy. Let’s examine the rider benefits.

  • Comprehensive Accidental Benefit Rider (CAB Rider)
    Under this rider option, an extra sum assured is paid to the policyholder's beneficiary in case of accidental demise or dismemberment.

  • Waiver of Premium Plus
    Under this rider option, all the future premium of the policy is waived off in case of critical illness, death or dismemberment of the insured person. If the insured person and policyholder are the same, then the waiver of future premium is provided to the nominee in case of diagnosis ofa specific critical illness or dismemberment. In case the insured person and policyholder are different, then the waiver of future premium is provided to the nominee in case of diagnosis of specific critical illness, dismemberment, or death of the policyholder.

  • Partner Care rider
    The partner care rider can be added to the life insurance plan to provide extra protection to the dependents if the insured person dies. Under this rider option, the insurance company pays all the future premiums of the policy to the nominee in the event of the insured's death during the plan's tenure.

  • Critical Illness Rider
    Policyholders can choose this rider for extra coverage in the event of a critical illness that he/she may be diagnosed with. The rider can be active for up to 20 years. If your base plan is 20 years or shorter, the rider will also be for 20 years. However, if your base plan extends beyond 20 years, the rider will align with its duration. This provides you with flexibility to suit your requirements.

  • Accidental Total and Permanent Disability Rider
    This rider provides a lump sum to the policyholder if he/she faces an unfortunate accident and is, therefore, totally and permanently disabled. The ATPD rider sum assured is usually an additional benefit amount paid to the life assured while the base term insurance plan continues as usual.

Benefits of Axis Max Life Insurance

Here are the key benefits of Axis Max Life Insurance:

  • Financial Protection for Your Family
    Axis Max Life Insurance ensures that your loved ones remain financially secure in your absence. With high coverage at affordable premiums, the policy helps provide a safety net for your family's future, ensuring they can maintain their lifestyle and meet essential expenses.

  • Tax Benefits & Savings
    Policyholders can enjoy tax benefits under Sections 80C and 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act. Premiums paid towards the policy qualify for deductions up to ₹1,50,000 annually, and the maturity or death benefits received are also tax-free, helping you save significantly on taxes.

  • Long-Term Wealth Accumulation
    Some Axis Max Life Insurance plans combine life coverage with investment options, enabling policyholders to accumulate wealth over time. These plans help meet long-term financial goals such as children's education, marriage, home purchase, or retirement planning.

  • Flexible-Premium Payment Options
    The insurer offers multiple payment frequency options—monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually—allowing you to choose a mode that fits your financial planning. This flexibility ensures that you can manage your premium payments without financial strain.

  • Diverse Plan Options to Suit Different Needs
    Axis Max Life Insurance offers various policies, including term insurance, savings, retirement, and ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans). Customers can select a plan that aligns with their financial goals and protection requirements.

  • Dual Benefit of Insurance & Investment
    Some life insurance plans come with a combination of life cover and investment opportunities, ensuring that while your family is financially protected, your money grows over time. These plans offer market-linked or guaranteed returns, helping you create a financial cushion for the future.

Life Insurer Details

How To Buy Axis Max Life Insurance Plans From Policybazaar?

Below are the steps to buy Axis Max Life Insurance Plans from Policybazaar:

  • Step 1: Go to the Policybazaar Life Insurance page and select the type of insurance you want to buy between term insurance and investment plan.

  • Step 2: Fill in details like Name, Gender, Mobile Number, DOB, and then click on View Term Quotes.

  • Step 3: Also fill in your annual income, smoking habits, educational qualification and occupation type, and click ‘View Plans'.

  • Step 4: Select Axis Max Life Insurance from the list of insurer options available.

  • Step 5: Fill in details, such as full name, occupation, email, yearly income and educational qualification

  • Step 6: Fill in your city, pin code and nationality.

  • Step 7: Choose your preferred payment option and pay to complete the purchase.

*Note—You can contact Max Life Insurance's customer care service for additional information or to solve queries and doubts. You can also contact Policybazaar's insurance advisors for quick resolution.

How To Renew Axis Max Life Insurance Policy?

Following the steps below, you can easily renew the Axis Max Life Insurance policy and continue enjoying your policy's benefits.

  • Step 1: Visit Life Insurance Renewal

  • Step 2: Select Axis Max Life Insurance from the list of insurers mentioned

  • Step 3: Enter details, like Policy Number and DOB and press on ‘Continue’

  • Step 4: Enter the rest of the required details and provide the necessary document if necessary

  • Step 5: Pay the premium to renew your policy using modes like net banking, credit card, debit card, or other electronic payment methods

*Note: You can call Axis Max Life Insurance customer care if you need further assistance or have any doubts/queries. You can also use the Axis Max Life Insurance login portal for your Axis Max Life Insurance policy details.

How To Make Axis Max Life Online Premium Payment?

Making your Axis Max Life Insurance premium payment online is a simple and convenient. Here's how you can do it:

  • Visit the Axis Max Life Insurance Website

  • Click on the “Customer Login” button.

  • Enter your credentials (User ID and Password) to access your account. This is your max life insurance login premium payment portal.

  • Look for the "Payments" section or select "Pay Premium."

  • You can pay for max life insurance premiums online from this section.

  • Please enter Your Axis Max Life Insurance policy details, such as your policy number, to proceed.

  • Choose your preferred payment method (credit/debit card, net banking, etc.) for max life insurance online payment premium.

  • Once the payment is processed, you will receive a confirmation via email or SMS.

How To File Axis Max Life Insurance Claim?

Axis Max Life Insurance provides a convenient and hassle-free claim intimation and settlement procedure. The insurance company processes claims by ensuring that the amount of claim is received by the family members easily and quickly. A dedicated and committed claims officer is assigned for every Max Life death claim to guide applicants through every phase of the claim procedure. The company has a claim settlement ratio of 99.65% as per the IRDAI Annual Report 2023-24.

What is the Online Axis Max Life Claim Settlement Process?

Axis Max Life Insurance has three quick and hassle-free claim settlement procedures. The procedure is as follows:

  • Step 1: Intimation of Claim
    The nominee should inform the insurance company about the claim in written form. Enter the information about your claim on the official website of Axis Max Life Insurance. Fill in the required information like policy number, claim information, details of a claimant, policyholder details, and contact information of the claimant. The nominee or beneficiary can get the claim intimation form by visiting the nearby Axis Max Life Insurance branch or downloading it from the insurer’s official website.

  • Step 2: Documents Submission
    After submitting all the required information, it is important to upload all the documents with the provided details. The nominee is required to provide the insurer with a few documents, such as the death certificate, age of the policyholder, policy documents, and any other documents requested by the insurer.

  • Step 3: Settlement of claims
    According to IRDAI, the insurer must settle the Axis Max Life Insurance Claim within 30 days of receiving the submitted documents. However, in some scenarios, the insurer needs further investigation. In these situations, the insurer has to finish the entire process within six months of getting the written intimation notice.

Documents Required to Claim Axis Max Life Insurance

In case of a death claim, the client is required to submit the following documents:

  • Attested or original copy of Death certificate that is issued by the local municipal

  • NEFT Mandate application attested by the bank personnel

  • Cancelled cheque or passbook of bank account

  • Death claim form i.e., Form-A

  • Photo ID Card of Beneficiary such as passport, Voter ID, PAN card, Aadhar card

Additional Documents

These additional documents are required to submit as per the death cause:

  • Natural/Medical Death

  • Statement of Attending Physician

  • Medical reports such as Discharge or death summary, test reports, admission notes

  • Unnatural/Accidental Death

  • FIR (First Information Report) or Police Complaint or Panchanama

  • Post-mortem report copy, viscera, and Autopsy report

  • Charge sheet or Final Police Investigation Report (FPIR)

How to Avoid Axis Max Life Insurance Claim Rejection?

Here are some tips to make sure your life insurance claim doesn't get rejected:

How to avoid rejection on max life How to avoid rejection on max life
  • Provide Accurate Information: Be honest and thorough when disclosing your health, lifestyle habits, and personal details during the application process. Any inaccuracies could lead to claim rejection.

  • Promptly File Claims: If you have a claim, notify your insurance provider immediately. Delays in filing could raise suspicions and lead to rejection.

  • Timely Premium Payments: Keep your policy active by staying up-to-date with Axis Max Life Insurance premium payments. Failure to pay premiums could result in the policy lapsing, leading to claim denial.

How To Contact Axis Max Life Insurance Customer Care?

You can easily reach out to Axis Max Life Insurance through various channels:

  • Digital Servicing Options: You can reach the Max Life customer executives by scanning the QR code on the official website or sending 'Hi' to +91 74283 96005 from your registered mobile number.

  • Customer Login Section: Manage your policy conveniently by logging into the Customer Login section on the Axis Max Life Insurance website.

  • Email: For assistance, write to using your registered email ID. The usual response time is 5 days.

  • Customer Service Helpline: For existing customers: Call 1860 120 5577 (Monday to Saturday, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM) from your registered mobile number.

For NRI customers: Contact +91 11 71025900 or +91 11 61329950 (Available 24x7). You can also email


  • What is Axis Max Life Insurance?

    Ans: Axis Max Life Insurance Co Ltd. is a leading life insurance company in India, a joint venture between Max Financial Services Ltd. and Axis Bank. Ltd. They offer a wide range of life insurance products and services, including term insurance, health insurance, and investment plans, designed to meet the diverse financial needs of individuals and families.
  • Is Axis Max Life Insurance good?

    Ans: Axis Max Life Insurance Company Limited is a reputable company with many products and services. However, the suitability of their products depends on your individual needs and financial circumstances.
  • How to check my Axis Max Life Insurance Policy Status?

    Ans: You have two ways to check the policy status of your Axis Max Life Insurance policy:
    - Online: Visit the official Axis Max Life Insurance website and use the policy lookup feature.
    - Max Life Insurance Customer Care: Contact the Max Life Insurance customer care service helpline for assistance.
  • How to change the nominee in Axis Max Life Insurance Policy?

    Ans: You can change your nominee by submitting a duly filled policy amendment form to the nearest Axis Max Life branch office.
  • Can I Surrender my Axis Max Life Insurance Policy Online?

    Ans: No, policy surrender typically requires submitting a physical surrender form and the necessary documents to the nearest branch office.
  • Can I buy an Axis Max Life Insurance Policy online?

    Ans: Yes, you can easily purchase Axis Max Life Insurance policies online through their website or mobile app.
  • How to change the mode of Axis Max Life Insurance Premium Payment?

    Ans: You can change your Max Life Insurance payment mode by submitting a request form to Axis Max Life Insurance. This is usually possible during your policy's anniversary.
  • Will I get a receipt for my Axis Max Life Insurance premium payments?

    Ans: Yes, you will receive an official receipt for all Axis Max Life Insurance premium payments made towards your Axis Max Life Insurance policy.
  • Can I revive a lapsed Axis Max Life Insurance Policy?

    Ans: Yes, you may be able to revive a lapsed policy within the revival period as per the policy terms and conditions of Axis Max Life Insurance co Ltd. You'll need to submit a health declaration form and pay outstanding premiums and applicable revival charges.
  • How to cancel my Axis Max Life Insurance Policy?

    Ans: You can typically cancel your policy by submitting a cancellation form to the nearest branch office. Some policies may also allow online cancellation through the official website.
  • How do Customer Login to the Axis Max Life Insurance Portal?

    Ans: Follow the below steps to Max Life Insurance login:
    - Visit the official Axis Max Life Insurance website.
    - Click on the "Customer Login" tab.
    - Enter your registered mobile number, policy number, email address, and date of birth.
    - Enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number or email address.
    - You will be successfully logged in to your account.
  • Do I get Survival Benefits under Axis Max Life Insurance Plans?

    Ans: Survival benefits vary depending on the specific plan. Some plans, like Maxc Life term insurance plans with a return of premium, offer survival benefits at the end of the policy term.
  • What happens if I miss a premium payment of my Max Life Insurance Policy?

    Ans: If you miss a premium payment on your Axis Max Life Insurance Policy, the Max Life Insurance Company Limited will give you a 30-day grace period. Failing to pay the premiums during the grace period will result in the lapsation of your policy.
  • How to choose the right sum assured for my Axis Max Life Insurance Plan?

    Ans: Determine the sum assured based on your financial liabilities (loans, mortgages), dependents, income, and future financial goals.
  • How to get Axis Max Life Insurance policy details?

    Ans: Log in to your online account on the Axis Max Life Insurance website or contact customer service for Axis Max Life Insurance policy details.
  • How much does a Max Life Term Insurance Plan cost?

    Ans: The cost of Max Life term insurance varies based on factors like age, health, smoking habits, coverage amount, and policy duration.
  • How can I pay premium online for my Axis Max Life Insurance Policy?

    Ans: You can make premium payments through various channels, including online payments, net banking, debit/credit cards, and ECS.
  • What is Included in the Axis Max Life Insurance Policy List?

    Ans: The Axis Max Life Insurance policy list includes various plans, such as term insurance, health insurance, investment plans, and retirement plans.
  • How to change the payment mode in Max Life Insurance Online?

    Ans: Log in to your online account, navigate to your policy details, select the "Change Payment Mode" option, choose your preferred payment method, and submit the request.

˜Top 5 plans based on annualized premium for bookings made on  in the first 6 months of FY 24-25.

Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. This list of plans listed here comprise of insurance products offered by all the insurance partners of Policybazaar. For a complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website,

+Rs. 487/month (Rs.16/day) is starting price for a 1 crore term life insurance for an 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Prices offered by the insurer are as per the approved insurance plans | #All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans | Standard Terms and Conditions Apply | **Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.| Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited

We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30-minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale

Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited | CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 | Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 | Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers. Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the insurers.

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+Rs. 820/month is starting price for a 2 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

+Rs. 1,443/month is starting price for a 5 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Max Life Insurance Reviews & Ratings

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Gujarat, July 22, 2024
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HDFC Click 2 Protect Super Term Plan offered me high coverage at an affordable price. As someone who recently started a small business, this plan ensures my family is protected without straining my finances.
Maharashtra, July 22, 2024
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Easy and simple platform on Policybazaar helped me pick Tata AIA for its comprehensive coverage.
Haryana, July 22, 2024
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Secure and clear coverage for my family with ICICI Prudential via Policybazaar. Its comforting to know they are protected.
Punjab, July 22, 2024
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Fast and reliable service from Policybazaar helped me select Bajaj Allianz without any delays.
West Bengal, July 22, 2024
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Saved a lot of time with Policybazaar. Chose Bajaj Allianz quickly and easily.
Gujarat, July 22, 2024
Helpful Guidance
Policybazaars guidance led me to the best term insurance plan from Bajaj Allianz.
Current Version
Mar 05, 2025
Written By
Rhishabh Garg
Reviewed By
Vivek Jain
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