IFFCO TOKIO Personal Accident Insurance

IFFCO Tokio is a foremost General Insurance company. They are providing their services to a large customer base in India. It ranks among top companies in India and providing varied range of products to their customer especially designed as per their need. It is a trusted brand name among their customer.

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IFFCO TOKIO Personal Accident Insurance

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    They have their expert team of Insurance analyst, who make sure to value your hard earned money and provide you the comprehensive cover exclusively designed as per your need. They provide full transparency in their services. The entire product range is available online, so it is very convenient for customer to buy their product at their ease. Their Claim settlement process is also very fast and prompt.

    Why Personal Accident Insurance Cover?

    In today’s scenario life is always at risk. Risk of accident while driving, or at work, while travelling, or even at our home. These unfortunate events may give rise to some inevitable financial burden on us and on our family. Life Insurance is needed to cover the risk of death, medical insurance needed to cover any ailment, same way personal accident insurance are there to provide you the cover against any disability or death as a result of an accident. These are very cost effective policies which provide you cover in case your earning capability is affected negatively due to an accident. Every individual who have started earning should opt for personal accident Insurance cover. Especially those who have taken any kind of loan should definitely go for these policies because it will provide you the monetary support to repay the loan in case of any casualty happen due to accident which in turns affected your earning capacity. Under this policy the insurer provide the compensation in case of death or disability happen due to an accident.

    Personal Accident insurance Plans offered by IFFCO Tokio:

    IFFCO Tokio offers personal accident insurance cover with varied features. Different plans offered by the company are:

    • Individual Accident Insurance Policy
    • Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy 

    Individual Accident Insurance Policy by IFFCO Tokio:

    IFFCO Tokio provides a comprehensive range of product to cover accidental cases. This product provides protection against any accidental event which may lead to physical injury or death of the insured person. This policy will provide the complete financial security to the family of the life insured in case of his untimely death in an accident. This policy also provides financial coverage in case the insured faced any physical injury during an accident which may lead to total or permanent disability. Company will provide part of the Total insured amount which may depend upon the type of injury and disability.




    Age at Entry

    5 years

    70 years

    Policy Term

    1 year


    Salient Features:


    % of Capital Sum Insured



    Loss of Sight -Both Eyes


    Loss of Two Limbs


    Loss of One Limb and One Eye


    Loss of Sight- One Eye


    Loss of One Limb


    Permanent Total & Absolute Disability


    •  As per the policy, company will provide the compensation in the case of death or physical injury to life assured, solely and directly in consequence of an accident by violent, external and visible mean.
    • In the event of the death of the insured person 100% of the Sum Assured will be provided to the legal representative or assignee or nominee of the insured person.
    • 100% of sum assured amount will be provided to the insured person in case of permanent or total disablement.
    • You can also cover your family under this plan.
    • This policy also covers the expenses occurred for the carriage of dead body from the place of accident to hospital.
    • In case of the death or permanent disability of the insured person, an education fund for maximum of two children is payable.
    • Different types of accidents are covered under this policy like- road accident, train accident, accident as a result of any natural calamity.

    Other Benefits:

    • For Loss of Fingers or toes due to accident or other partial disability, company will provide 5% to 40 % of sum assured depending upon type of disablement.
    • 1% of sum insured will be payable for temporary Total disability subject to maximum of Rs. 6000/- per week.

    Ad on Covers:

    • Educational Benefit- In case of the death or permanent disability or loss of limbs or eyes of the insured person, an education fund for maximum to the specified limit. This fund helps the children to continue their study without any financial trouble in case of any casualty happened to their parents.
    • Employment Benefit- If the life insured suffered from Total or Permanent disablement or loss of sight or loss of limbs out of an accident, he/she will be provided with financial compensation up to specified limits towards it.
    • Ambulance Benefit- This Policy will pay the necessary expenses incurred on ambulance which is used by the insured person to reach to the hospital. Charges will pay up to the specified limit.
    • Cumulative benefits- Sum Insured amount under individual or family cover will automatically be increased at renewal up to the specified limit without paying any extra premium.
    • Expenses for carriage of Dead Body- This policy also covers the expenses occurred for the carriage of dead body from the place of accident to hospital.
    • Damage to Cloths- Rs 1000/- per person for any one accident or actual expenses whichever is lower will be payable for damage of your cloths during the accident.


    On payment of extra premium this policy can be extended to cover medical expenses incurred for the treatment of injury provided the claim otherwise is permissible under the policy.

    Indian Personal who are working abroad:-

    Any Indian personal corporate or professional working in foreign countries can also opt for this policy after paying some extra premium.

    • During normal conditions 50 % extra premium will be chargeable.
    • During apprehensive or disturbing condition 200% extra premium will be chargeable.

    Cost of Travel:

    The policy can be extended to cover the cost of travel of one person who might be friend, relative or colleague of the life insured to meet the insured person who has been admitted due to injury in accident up to the specified limit. It also covers the return travel expenses of injured insured person up to some specified limit.

    Cost of Supporting Item:

    In the event of an accident, the company will also reimburse the expenses incurred for purchasing of supporting items like, artificial limb, tricycle, wheelchair, stretches, crutches etc which in opinion of medical practitioner is necessary for the life insured. The maximum liability of the company is limited to Rs 10000/- or 2% of sum assured or actual expenses whichever is lower.


    • It does not provide any claim amount in case of the death of insured person due to self injury, or suicide or attempt to suicide.
    • It does not provide any claim amount in case of the death of insured person due to taking intoxicated liquor or drugs.
    • It does not provide any claim amount in case of the death or injury to insured person due to the illness/ disease not covered in policy.
    • If the insured person has violated any law with criminal intention then his claim will be rejected.
    • It does not provide any claim amount if the death of insured person caused due to pregnancy.
    • It does not provide any claim amount if the death of insured person caused due to HIV/AIDS.

    Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy by IFFCO Tokio:

    Salient Feature:

    • Any death or disability out of disease or illness is not cover under the policy. Only death or permanent disability or loss of limbs or eye sights as a result of external, violent and visible accident is covered under this accidental insurance policy.
    • This policy is meant for firm, association, club and companies. This can be provided on individual name basis or unnamed basis in which all the members will be included.
    • Group Accident policy is available with lucrative discount on premium depending upon the size of group.
    • The policy is based on 24 hours coverage basis.
    • If the coverage is restricted to on duty cover only or off duty cover only than lucrative discounts will be provided by the company.

    Coverage under Group Accident Insurance Policy:

    As result of any one accident, the person can claim under any one of the below mentioned sections.

    Types of Cover

    Table A

    Table B

    Table C

    Table D

    Accidental Death

    100 % of sum assured

    100 % of sum assured

    100 % of sum assured

    100 % of sum assured

    Loss of two limbs or one limb
    and one eye or both eyes

    up to 100% of sum assured

    up to 100% of sum assured

    up to 100% of sum assured


    Loss of one eye or one limb

    up to 50% of sum assured

    up to 50% of sum assured

    up to 50% of sum assured


    Permanent total disablement other than as mentioned above for example- paralysis

    100% of sum Assured

    100% of sum Assured

    100% of sum Assured


    Permanent Partial Disability

    Pre-specified portion of sum assured depends upon type of disability and its fraction.

    Pre-specified portion of sum assured depends upon type of disability and its fraction.



    Temporary Total Disability

    1% of sum insured is payable on weekly basis for max of 100 weeks




     Ad on Covers:

    • Educational Benefit- In case of the death or permanent disability or loss of limbs or eyes of the insured person, an education fund for maximum to the specified limit. This fund helps the children to continue their study without any financial trouble in case of any casualty happened to their parents.
    • Employment Benefit- If the life insured suffered from Total or Permanent disablement or loss of sight or loss of limbs out of an accident, he/she will be provided with financial compensation up to specified limits towards it.
    • Ambulance Benefit- This Policy will pay the necessary expenses incurred on ambulance which is used by the insured person to reach to the hospital. Charges will pay up to the specified limit.
    • Expenses for carriage of Dead Body- This policy also covers the expenses occurred for the carriage of dead body from the place of accident to residence subject to limit of Rs 2500/- or 2% of Sum Assured whichever is less.
    • Damage to Cloths- Rs 1000/- per person for any one accident or actual expenses whichever is lower will be payable for damage of your cloths during the accident.


    • It does not provide any claim amount in case of the death of insured person due to self injury, or suicide or attempt to suicide.
    • It does not provide any claim amount in case of the death of insured person due to taking intoxicated liquor or drugs.
    • It does not provide any claim amount in case of the death or injury to insured person due to the illness/ disease not covered in policy.
    • If the insured person has violated any law with criminal intention then his claim will be rejected.
    • It does not provide any claim amount if the death of insured person caused due to pregnancy.

    How to apply:

    You can download the pre printed application form for Accidental cover Insurance plan from company’s website and submit it to their nearest branch along with other required documents. Also you can directly visit their branch to complete the formalities. After the payment of the premium amount the policy will be issued directly or through the registered post.

    How to Claim:

    Nominee/Assignee need to contact their nearest branch to intimate them about the incident. Fill the claim form provide the necessary proof and documents and all your claim amount or expenses will be paid as applicable.

    Documentation for death claim:

    1.  Claim form
    2.  Death Certificate
    3.  Post mortem report
    4.  Police report
    5.  Original policy documents

    Documentation for injury claim:

    1.   Police Report (if any)
    2.   Claim form
    3.   Medical certificate certify the disability
    4.   Prescription along with bills (If medical expenses extension has been taken)

    IFFCO TOKIO Personal Accident Insurance - FAQs

    1. How to pay a premium? What are the modes of payment available?

    The IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company offers 4 modes of premium payment namely:

    • Cash/ checque payment at the branch
    • Online Payment
    • Mobile portal with the help of Android and iOS
    • By Post

    For the online payment mode, the policyholder can pay via;

    • Credit Card,
    • Debit Card
    • Net banking

    2. How can I check policy status for IFFCO TOKIO personal accident insurance?

    You can inquire from Toll free number of the company to know more. Please keep your policy details handy.

    3. What is the policy renewal process for IFFCO TOKIO personal accident insurance?

    You can pay your renewal premium in 3 easy steps online, if you are a registered user:
    Step1: Enter your Policy details to login into e-portal
    Step2: Select the payment option Debit/Credit Card or Net Banking to pay
    Step3: Save or print the premium deposit receipt
    Walk into nearest branch to depost cash/cheque.
    4. What is the company’s process to settle claim for IFFCO TOKIO personal accident insurance?

    You can register the claim in the following steps
    Step 1: Intimate IFFCO-Tokio through the toll number immediately on admission (not later than 7 days from the date of discharge). Please quote your Policy Certificate Number while intimating the claim.
    Step 2: Avail treatment and settle all the bills with the hospital and then file a claim for reimbursement.
    Step 3: Download the relevant claim form from our website request for one through our call centre.
    Step 4: Submit Claim documents to your nearest branch

    5. What is the policy cancellation process for IFFCO TOKIO personal accident insurance?

    You can visit the nearest branch with your policy documents to surrender. The refund will be dierctl credited into your bank and intimated to you by an SMS.

    You might be interested following insurance plans provided by IFFCO TOKIO:

    IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance - Latest News

    • IFFCO-Tokio Insurance will Offer Cover for Accidents on Three Highway

      Ministry of road transport and highway has collaborated with IFFCO Tokio general insurance to provide cashless insurance cover for road victims on three national highways. Vadodra-Mumbai highways will have free ambulance facilities and IFFCO Tokio will pay for hospitalization expense. It is to be noted that premiums for these insurance will be paid by ministry of road transport and highway. The policy will cover around 150-200 km highway roads.

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    IFFCO TOKIO Personal Accident Insurance Reviews & Ratings

    4.8 / 5 (Based on 3 Reviews)
    (Showing Newest 3 reviews)
    Ahmednagar, August 03, 2016
    IFFCO Insurance Plan
    I have personal accident insurance policy which has maximum expenditures and covers maximum amount and bills. The claims are high and easy top sanctioned due to fast service given by the executives and staff members.
    Faridabad, August 03, 2016
    Personal Accident Insurance
    The iffco tokio insurance company is good insurers and i have purchase personal accident insurance plan from them. The service is fabulous and on time. Good number of hospitals and ambulance is facilitate by them for free at any location.
    Mathura, May 13, 2016
    Good Service
    I got very good policy i.e., iffco tokio personal accident insurance plan. The policy coverage is high and the premiums is low. The service is very fast and the claiming part get easy. Executives and staff members behave well with there clients. Ambulance service is facilitate absolutely free of any charge. Good work.
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