HDFC ERGO General Insurance

HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company is a joint venture between HDFC Limited of India and the Munich based ERGO International AG. HDFC Ltd. holds 51.769% and ERGO International AG holds 48.231% of the equity in the joint venture. HDFC Limited is India's premier housing finance institution, and it has a presence in life and general insurance, banking, and asset management.

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HDFC ERGO General Insurance

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    ERGO International AG is part of the Munich Re group which is one of the world’s leading reinsurers and risk carriers. Serving over 40 million customers, ERGO is present in more than 30 countries spread across Europe and Asia.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance operates in 113 cities with 127 branch offices and has a wide product portfolio, which is directed at catering to the needs and insurance requirements of the customers. The products have been designed according to the customer’s preferences and careful study and analysis of the risks involved in a particular situation.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited has been assigned 'iAAA’rating by ICRA indicating its highest claim paying ability. It has an experienced management team consisting of Mr. Ritesh Kumar as the Managing Director and CEO of HDFC ERGO General Insurance.

    HDFC ERGO General insurance was awarded Best Insurance Company in Private Sector - General by the World HRD Congress at ABP NEWS - Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Awards 2014. It also got Gold Shield ICAI Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the year 2012-13.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Vision and Values

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance endeavors to meet its following vision and values by providing the most comprehensive insurance solutions and seamless services to its customers.
    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Vision: The insurer envisions being the most trusted and valued insurance provider that by being responsible for the different needs of its customers.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Values: HDFC ERGO General insurance follows the SEED model that stands for Sensitivity, Excellence, Ethics, and Dynamisms.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Statistics

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited provides numerous insurance solutions about different sectors such as Travel, Health, Motor, Home, and Personal Accident Insurance. The company also offers customized insurance products such as property, marine insurance, and liability insurance across 127 cities in India. The insurer has been servicing more than 5 million policies. Moreover, it is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. And it gross premium growth for the last 5 years is 20% (CAGR), as per the company’s report.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance was accredited with iAAA for the ability to pay and settle the claims. The insurer has a strong market presence and is known for settling all of its customer’s claim requests.

    • Incurred Claim Ratio: 99%
    • Network Garages: 7500+ Cashless Network Garages Across India
    • Personal Accident Cover: 15 lakh

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Financial

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company is spreading out its offerings in almost all the categories of the insurance industry and it has its online presence as well. Out of the total business of HDFC Limited, the revenue of HDFC ERGO General Insurance is 47%. The market shares of this company have also increased from 1.1% in the year 2008 - 09 to 4% in the year 2013 - 14.

    Latest Financial Status of HDFC ERGO General Insurance

    The HDFC ERGO General Insurance is the fourth largest general insurance provider of the private sector in India. The GWP of this company in the year 2014 - 15 was Rs.3, 257 Crore, whereas its NWP was Rs.1, 778.4. In the year 2014 - 15 only, HDFC ERGO General Insurance maintained a market share of 4% and registered its growth at the rate of 9.5%. Now with the latest features such as HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy renewal online, the company is aiming very high.

    Offerings of HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance offers products of general insurance. The company also takes care of investments and services of reinsurance claims management. HDFC ERGO General insurance provides HDFC ERGO General insurance renewal and purchase of HDFC ERGO General insurance plan online via its portal, offices, and intermediaries. Some of the products that the company offers are HDFC ERGO Health Insurance, HDFC ERGO Motor Insurance, HDFC ERGO General Insurance for Travel, HDFC ERGO General Insurance for Home, etc. The online HDFC ERGO General insurance renewal is also provided by the company.   

    Why Should You Choose HDFC ERGO General Insurance?

    You should choose HDFC ERGO General insurance because of the below-mentioned reasons:

    • The Company has More than 1 Crore Happy Customers: HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company has more than 1 Crore trusted customers. The company constantly works to make the insurance sector easier, dependable, and affordable to its customers. The HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited keeps the promises, fulfills the claims, and customers are satisfied with the utmost commitment.
    • 24X7 Customer Support: The company understands that at the time of distress immediate help is required. The in-house claim department of the company provides support 24X7 for ensuring the hassle-free experience of the claim. The company ensures to be with its customers at the times of their need.
    • Caters to All the Requirements of the Customers: The HDFC ERGO General Insurance is serving its customers for the past 16 years and catering to their requirements by offering a wide range of HDFC ERGO General insurance plans and rider benefits for almost all the portfolio.
    • Transparency: The claim settlement process of HDFC ERGO General Insurance is transparent.
    • Awards and Accolades: The company has received the award for Best Customer Experience of the Year as well as excellence in financial reporting for 2016.

    Awards and Achievements of HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited

    The insurance provider has been accredited with several awards for its seamless insurance services:

    • ERGO Award 2015
    • ICAI Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting
    • Gold Shield ICAI Awards 2012-13 for Excellence in Financial Reporting
    • HR Excellence through technology award 2012(at Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards)
    • Best General Insurance Company in India 2013 (by International Alternative Investment Review (IAIR))
    • Best Customer Experience Award of the Year (under the General Insurance Sector) by KamiKaze
    • Best Insurance Company in Private Sector - General 2014
    • Best General Insurance Company in India 2014 by International Alternative Investment Review (IAIR)
    • Best Employer Brand Award ( IPE BFSI )
    • Best Investor Education & Category Enhancement - Insurance 2012 ( by UTV Bloomberg - Financial Leadership Awards )
    • ICAI Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting( for Excellence in Financial Reporting by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) under the Category IV - Insurance Sector )

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Product Portfolio

    • HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Policy

      HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Policy: Healthcare expenditures are at an all-time high and show no sign of decreasing. Without adequate health cover, in the event of an unforeseen illness, you may have to shell out your hard-earned savings leaving you with a financial emergency. Health insurance plans, therefore, help you overcome this financial emergency by providing an affordable and comprehensive health cover.

      HDFC ERGO General My Health Suraksha Silver Smart:

      A health plan that takes care of all your medical needs at an affordable premium with a sum insured ranging from 3 to 5 lakhs which provides cashless hospitalization & health care facilities covering  In-Patient Treatment, Pre-Post Hospitalization, Sum Insured Rebound facility & other treatment-related expenses

      HDFC ERGO General My Health Suraksha Gold Smart

      This Plan offers optimum coverage towards most of your healthcare needs ensuring you remain protected With a sum insured ranging from 7.5 to 15 lacs, which provides cashless hospitalization & health care facilities covering In-Patient Treatment, Pre-Post Hospitalization, Sum Insured Rebound facility & other treatment-related expenses

      HDFC ERGO General My Health Suraksha Platinum Smart

      A high sum insured plan which will give a tough fight to the soaring medical expenses, my: health Suraksha Platinum Smart, with a sum insured ranging 20 to 75 lakhs which provides cashless hospitalization & health care facilities covering In-Patient Treatment, Pre-Post Hospitalization, Sum Insured Rebound facility & other treatment-related expenses

      HDFC ERGO Health Suraksha Top Up Policy:

      This top-up plan supplements one's existing primary health insurance cover by insuring one for a larger sum insured limit at a lower cost, thereby providing a wider coverage at a much lesser cost.

      HDFC ERGO Critical Illness Policy:

      This Critical Illness policy provides a lump sum amount to cover costs towards treatment, recuperation aids and also gives additional funds to take care of changes in lifestyle and loss of income due to decreased ability to earn.

      HDFC ERGO Critical Illness Platinum Policy:

      The Critical Illness Platinum plan covers 15 critical illnesses and provides a lump sum benefit amount on the first diagnosis after a 30-day survival period. It covers the cost of care, treatment; recuperation aids and provides funds due to change in lifestyle and decreased ability to earn.

      HDFC ERGO General Insurance Policy Terms

      Mentioned below are the terms of the health insurance plans offered by HDFC ERGO General Insurance. However, the terms can vary from HDFC ERGO General insurance plan to plan:

      Minimum Entry Age

      91 days

      Maximum Entry Age

      No Limit

      Renewal of the Policy

      The policies offered by HDFC ERGO General Insurance provide a lifetime renewability feature.

      Waiting Period

      The waiting period for HDFC ERGO General Insurance policies is 30 days for some disease except accident. However, the waiting period is 24 months for surgical procedures and critical illness.


      The facility of 20% co-payment for therapy in Tier 1 and Tier 1B cities. 

      HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Plans Tax Benefits

      The premium that you pay for your HDFC ERGO Health Insurance qualifies for income tax benefits as per the Income Tax Act. The below table shows the tax benefits that are available for the policyholders of the HDFC ERGO Health Insurance plans:


      Premium Paid

      Deduction u/s 80D of the IT Act



      Family, Self, and Children


      When the parents and policyholder are under 60 years

      Rs.25, 000

      Rs.25, 000

      Rs.50, 000

      When the family members and the policyholders are less than 60 years and their parents are more than 60 years

      Rs.50, 000

      Rs.25, 000

      Rs.75, 000

      When the family members, policyholders, and parents are more than 60 years

      Rs.50, 000

      Rs.50, 000

      Rs.1, 00, 000

      Non-residential individuals

      Rs.25, 000

      Rs.25, 000

      Rs.25, 000

      Members of Hindu Undivided Family

      Rs.25, 000

      Rs.25, 000

      Rs.25, 000

      * Tax benefit is subject to changes in tax laws

      Calculation of Premium for Health Insurance Plans Offered by HDFC ERGO General Insurance

      Many factors affect the premium that you pay for your health insurance policy offered by HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Company. The awareness of the factors that affect the amount of premium you pay for your health insurance policy helps you to select a plan as per your budget and requirements. Below is the list of factors that affect the premium of your health insurance plan:

      • Pre-Existing Medical Condition: Your pre-existing medical condition is one of the most prominent factors for deciding the premium of your health insurance policy. Many people with pre-existing diseases may get their insurance plans at a high premium or may get them rejected.
      • Age: The amount of premium that you have to pay depends on your age as well. This means the older people have to pay more premium than the younger ones. This is because the older you are the more prone you become towards disease. Therefore, it is best to purchase a health insurance plan as early as possible.
      • Sum Insured: The sum insured of your health insurance policy refers to the maximum amount that the insurance provider promises to pay for the health insurance policy. This means, the higher the value of sum insured the more premium you have to pay for your health insurance plan.
      • Habits/ Lifestyle: Your habits and lifestyle as well decide the premium of your health insurance plan. Unhealthy lifestyles and bad habits such as excess drinking, smoking, tobacco chewing, etc. increase the premium of the health insurance policy as people with such lifestyles are more prone to diseases.

      What Is Covered in HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Plan?

      The health insurance policies offered by HDFC ERGO General Insurance provide the following coverage:

      • Pre and Post Hospitalization: All the expenses of pre-hospitalization for up to 90 days of admission in the hospital are bear by HDFC ERGO Health Insurance. Moreover, the expenses of post-hospitalization for 180 days after discharge are also covered.
      • In-Patient Hospitalization: Under this, the medical cost incurred because of the hospitalization of more than 24 hours is covered. This includes various expenses like room rent, doctor’s fees, expenses of nurses, charges of ICU, etc.
      • Procedures of Day Care: The health insurance policy offered by HDFC ERGO General Insurance provides coverage for day care procedures.
      • AYUSH Treatment: With all the above-mentioned expenses, the HDFC ERGO General Insurance as well provides coverage for the expenses that incur for the treatment under the AYUSH plan such as Unani, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, and Siddha.
      • Expenses in Organ Donation: The insurance provider also covers the surgical and medical expenses of the organ donor during the organ transplant procedure.

      What Is Not Covered in HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Policy?

      The health insurance plans that are provided by HDFC ERGO General Insurance have the following exclusions:

      • Injuries That Are Self Inflicted: Self-inflicted injuries cannot be claimed in this plan.
      • Injuries That Are Caused by Adventure Sports: Injuries that are incurred because of or during participating in adventure sports are not covered in health insurance policy offered by HDFC ERGO General Insurance.
      • War: The situations of war can be unfortunate and disastrous. However, the insurance policies offered by HDFC ERGO Health Insurance do not provide coverage for the same.
      • Cosmetic Surgery or Treatment of Obesity: Cosmetic surgery and treatment for obesity are not covered under health insurance plans of HDFC ERGO General Insurance.
      • STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) or Venereal: The sexually transmitted diseases or venereal is not covered in an HDFC ERGO Health Insurance plan.
      • Defense Operations Participation: Injuries that are incurred by participating or during any defense operation (army/air force/navy) are not covered.
    • HDFC ERGO Car Insurance Policy

      HDFC ERGO Car Insurance Policy: These car insurance policies enable you to safeguard yourself against loss or damage to your car in situations like the uncertain risk of accident, theft, fire, earthquake, etc. and provide coverage for the liability that arises out of third party property damage.

      HDFC ERGO Private Car Insurance Policy:

      The Private Car Insurance plan is a financial safeguard to protect the car against damages, theft, and natural disasters. It also includes a third party liability, which covers claims by the third party when the insured car damages another person's property.

    • HDFC ERGO Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy

      HDFC ERGO Commercial Vehicle Insurance Policy: This plan offers insurance to a wide range of commercial vehicles, protecting businesses from financial loss due to accidents or damage to the vehicles, and legal liability towards third parties for personal injury, death and property damage in case of an accident involving the insured vehicle.

      HDFC ERGO Third Party Liability Only Insurance Policy:

      The third-party liability insurance from covers legal liabilities arising from injuries to or damages sustained by third parties from the insured vehicle. The policy is available for both private and commercial vehicles insurance

    • HDFC ERGO Two Wheeler Insurance Policy

      HDFC ERGO Two Wheeler Insurance Policy: With so much happening around us on the roads, two-wheeler insurance should not be seen as an additional expenditure, but as a necessity. Buying two-wheeler insurance certainly helps you reduce your stress if you find yourself in an unwanted situation.

      HDFC ERGO Two-Wheeler Insurance:

      Purchasing two-wheeler insurance is mandatory by law and it also provides peace of mind. HDFC ERGO General Insurance offers two products - two-wheeler comprehensive insurance and two-wheeler liability only - multiyear policy.

    • HDFC ERGO Home Insurance Plans:

      HDFC ERGO Home Insurance Plans to give you the benefit of affordable coverage for your property and possessions against almost any eventuality.

      HDFC ERGO Home Insurance:

      The home insurance policy covers the superstructure as well as the belongings inside the house for up to 5 years. It also covers against man-made or natural disasters such as fire, lightning, explosion or implosion, floods, water inundation, storms, riots, strikes, earthquakes as well as burglary, theft, larceny, and terrorism.

      HDFC ERGO Standard Fire and Special Perils Insurance:

      This is a comprehensive home insurance policy protecting one’s property and possessions against almost any eventuality including risk due to fire, lightning, explosion, flood, storm, riot, strike, terrorism, earthquake, etc.

    • HDFC ERGO Travel Insurance Plans

      HDFC ERGO Travel Insurance Plans help you to explore and enjoy new destinations without any worries.

      Travel Insurance Plan:

      It is a comprehensive and affordable travel insurance policy for business and leisure travel offering benefits like cashless hospitalization, instant issue of policy, and 24x7 international helpline assistance without the need for any health check-up. The plan covers medical expenses, trip cancellation charges, loss due to damage or loss of luggage, flight accidents, and other related expenses on trips abroad. It comes in individual as well as family floater format. The family floater plan by HDFC ERGO travel insurance covers the insured and his/her spouse, up to the age of 60 years, and a maximum of two children from ages of 3 months onwards until the age of 21 years.

      HDFC ERGO Student Travel Insurance:

      Student Suraksha is a comprehensive, overseas student travel insurance policy designed for Indian students (between the ages of 16 and 35 years) studying abroad to ensure their financial security in case of emergencies.

    • HDFC ERGO Personal Accident

      HDFC ERGO Personal Accident: A personal accident policy is strongly recommended to everyone not only to protect their families in the event of a mishap like accidental death but also to cover disablement, leading to loss of earning capacity, at competitive premium rates. A personal accident cover is very effective in making you financially independent and ensures that you have a dignified future, no matter what happens.

    • Commercial Insurance by HDFC ERGO General Insurance

      HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited offers a range of commercial insurance solutions catering to the corporate and business market. Commercial firms can choose from any of the policies as per their requirements.

      • Knowledge Series
      • Specialty Insurance
      • Property & Misc Insurance
      • Casualty Insurance
      • Group Insurance
    • Rural Insurance by HDFC ERGO General Insurance

      HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited also offers insurance solutions for rural customers including farmers, dairy owners, and tradesmen.

      • Agriculture Insurance
      • Cattle Insurance

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Policy Renewal Process

    The insurance company allows its customer to easily renew an existing policy in the following ways:

    Online HDFC ERGO General Insurance Policy Renewal Process

    The policy renewal is a simple and convenient process. Just by following the steps mentioned below, you can get your policy renewed:

    • Visit their official site and select the Instant Renewal option
    • Submit the insurance policy details
    • You can also opt for additional benefits to enhance the scope of coverage
    • Once you enter all the required details, you will know the cost of renewal premium
    • You can pay online and your policy will be instantly renewed
    • The confirmation will be sent over the email

    Renewal of Policies from Other Insurers with HDFC ERGO General Insurance

    The Company follows a flexible approach towards renewing policies purchase from another insurance provider as well. Simply visit the insurer's site, provide your expiring insurance policy details, and simply make the payment online. With the online purchase, the No claim bonus will also remain intact.

    Premium Payment Process of HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company

    HDFC Online Insurance Payment Process

    The insurer does not want its customers to go through the hassle of making the payment offline. To make it simple, the insurer allows its customers to make the payment online and the procedure goes as follows: 

    • Log on to the insurance company’s official website and click on the ‘Renew Online’ Option
    • The website will direct you to another page, where you need to enter the general insurance policy number
    • Now click on the Proceed button and view your policy details before making the payment
    • Ensure that all the details are true and accurate before you click on the payment button.

    And the policy will be instantly renewed and mailed on the official email address. After a few days, the hard copy of the policy is also sent to the official email address.  You can also check your HDFC ERGO General Insurance Policy Status on their website.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Offline payment process

    You can visit the nearest branch of the company and get your policy renewed.  And the payment can also be made at the branch itself. Timely HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy renewal is important to enjoy the continuous benefits of any insurance policy.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Online Claim

    Just like purchase and renewal, the HDFC online insurance follows a simple and effective claim process.

    • The HDFC ERGO General Insurance Claim Form can also be easily downloaded from the insurer’ site
    • Simply fill the information and submit the duly signed HDFC ERGO General Insurance claim form
    • After the claim request is approved, you can also check the HDFC ERGO General Insurance Claim Status online

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Co. Ltd Distribution Network:

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited has a multichannel distribution network. Its products are also available online through its website and insurance aggregators. The company has a large network in India across 113 cities and multiple branches in some cities. It has a large basket of products to meet the different insurance requirements of individuals and companies. HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company has been expanding its presence across the country and is today present across 113 cities with 127 branch offices with an employee base of over 3600 professionals.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance - FAQs

    • Q1. How can I pay my HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy premium? What are the various modes of payment?

      Ans: The premium for an HDFC ERGO General Insurance plan can be paid both online and offline. It can be paid through the following three modes:
      • Online payment via debit card/ credit card or internet banking
      • Automatic deduction from the bank account
      • Cash and cheque
    • Q2. How can I check the status of my HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy?

      Ans: You can check the status of your HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy by visiting the official website of the insurer. Existing users can log in using their email id and password. New users can register themselves at the portal and login thereafter to check the status of their insurance policy.
    • Q3. What is the procedure to renew my HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy?

      Ans: In order to renew your insurance policy by HDFC ERGO General Insurance, visit the official website of the insurer and go to renew section. Enter your policy number, mobile number or your email id. Pay the premium for your policy online to renew your policy. Download your renewed HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy document.
    • Q4. What is the claim settlement process of HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company?

      Ans: HDFC ERGO General Insurance should be informed about any claims within 24 hours of hospitalization. All cashless claims will be settled by the insurer directly with the network hospital. In case of reimbursement claims, all the required documents should be submitted to HDFC ERGO General Insurance immediately after getting discharged from the hospital. All reimbursement claims will be settled by the insurer within 7 days of receiving all the required documents.
    • Q5. What is the cancellation process for an HDFC ERGO General Insurance policy?

      Ans: HDFC ERGO General Insurance gives a 15-day free-look period that allows a policyholder to cancel the policy within the first 15 days of the policy commencement. If the policy needs to be canceled after the free-look period, you can do so by paying some cancelation charges. The premium will be refunded after deducting the cancelation charges.

    HDFC ERGO General Insurance – Latest News

    • Buy GIC Reinsurance, price target Rs 270: HDFC Securities

      With a target price of Rs. 270, HDFC Securities has given a ‘buy rate’ on GIC (General Insurance Corporation of India) Reinsurance, which was closed at Rs.131.60. It is noticed that GIC RE shares closed at 8.15 percent down from 139.75. Formed in the year 1972, supervising, controlling and carrying out the general insurance business throughout India is the main purpose of General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC). Gradually, all shares of general insurance companies held by GOI were transferred to GIC. However, GIC continues to make underwriting losses.

      In order to improve its financial performance, HDFC was quite hopeful for the steps taken to increase in insurance rates for property and lower crop insurance in the financial year 21 to reduce combined ratios for the organization. However, the company needs to improve its financial performance as soon as possible to ensure an additional 10.8% government's share by September 2020.

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    Disclaimer: Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by an insurer.
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    HDFC ERGO General Insurance Reviews & Ratings

    4.2 / 5 (Based on 10 Reviews)
    (Showing Newest 10 reviews)
    Faridabad, October 05, 2020
    Slow working process
    I really love to be a customer of hdfc ergo but sometimes they get delay in giving the resolution to their customers. I faced the same but, its good that are much responsible for the same. I can rely on them. Thanks team and you can improve it more.
    Farenda, October 05, 2020
    Variety of plans
    With the help of the hdfc ergo general insurance I got to know about various plans and the policies related to health insurance. I am able to choose the best among the all. All thanks to hdfc ergo.
    Chadayamangalam, September 04, 2020
    Personal accident coverage
    Recently I have taken the car insurance policy from the policybazaar and now along with the same I got to know about the personal accident cover. Though for that I need to pay an extra amount but it is worth it. Thank you so much hdfc ergo.
    Dabhoi, September 03, 2020
    Claim settlement is easy
    I like the services of the hdfc ergo good because the claim settlement ratio of the whole team is best. I recently got the claim from the hdfc ergo and it was resolved in next 3-4 working days.
    Habra, September 02, 2020
    Low premium rates
    I am really happy with the prices and the premium rates of the hdfc ergo general insurance policy. I took the health insurance policy and it was best. Thank you team for such support and assistance.
    East Midnapore, September 01, 2020
    Customer oriented
    I found the whole team of hdfc ergo quite customer oriented and they understand the concerns and queries of the customers. And also resolved it on immediate basis. Great work team.
    R.k.nagar, August 28, 2020
    Technical glitch
    I was getting the car insurance policy from the policybazaar and I got the technical glitch issue while making the payment but later it was resolved by the team. Thanks team.
    Wokha, August 27, 2020
    Compare and buy
    It is really important to compare and buy all sorts of policies and plans. It is my opinion and I did it and found it much useful. I searched for plans of car in the hdfc ergo and got the best ones.
    Alagapuram, August 26, 2020
    Online services
    It is very easy to avail the online services from the hdfc ergo and I bought my two wheeler insurance policy from them from the online website. I found it much transparent in nature. Thank you.
    Babhleshwar, August 21, 2020
    Excellent features
    I have taken the general insurance policy from the hdfc ergo and it is a very good plan which has certain safety features and the policies. I really like the plan and bought it the car plan from them last year only. Thank you team.
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