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Edelweiss Life Term Insurance Plans

Edelweiss Life Insurance is the concord of Tokio Marine Holdings Inc, Japan, and Edelweiss Financial Services, Mumbai, established in 2011. This company is one of the leading financial service providers that cater to various customer needs and provide diverse products specifically designed to serve the customers' needs.

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Edelweiss Tokio Term Plans

Edelweiss Life Insurance Company sells different types of term insurance plan to its customers, each with extensive features and benefits. Let us look at the different types of term life insurance plans available with the company in detail. 

Edelweiss Life Insurance Term Plans – Summary

Edelweiss Tokio Term Plans Benefits Eligibility and Other Criteria
Edelweiss Life My Life + Plan Regular Premium paying option The death benefit can be availed either in a lump sum or in instalments Sum Assured on death is higher of 10 times the yearly premium or 105% of total premiums paid Entry: 18 to 60 years Maturity: 80 years Term: 10 to 40 years Premium: Rs. 2,500+ Sum Assured: Rs. 25 lakh+
Edelweiss Life Income Replacement Plan Regular Pay, Limited Pay or Single Pay options Month death benefit paid up to the end of the term (minimum 5 years) Monthly payouts increase by 5% Discounts in premiums for non-tobacco users and for monthly benefits of Rs. 20,000 and above Entry Age: 18 to 60 years Maturity: 28 to 70 years Term: 10 to 30 years Monthly Benefit: Rs. 15,000+ Sum Assured: Monthly Benefit * 12 * Term
Edelweiss Life Protection Plan Regular Pay, Limited Pay or Single Pay options Sum assured paid to the nominee on demise of insured during the tenure of the plan Discounts in premium for non-tobacco users and for sum assured of Rs. 20 lakh and above Tax benefit on the premium paid and claims Entry: 18 to 60 years Maturity: 28 to 70 years Term: 10 to 30 years Sum Assured: Rs. 15 lakh+
Edelweiss Life Raksha Kavach Plan Covers people living in the rural areas Premiums can be paid for the entire duration of the plan or only once Entry: 18 to 50 years Maturity: 23 to 55 years Term: 5 years Sum Assured: Rs. 5000 to Rs. 50,000
Edelweiss Life Wealth Gain Plus The plan provides insurance coverage to the family of the insured in case of any eventuality. The plan offers two strategies to cater to the different investment requirements of the insured person. After the completion of 5 years policy, the life insured can make a partial withdrawal in case of an emergency. The fund value percentage is added back to the fund of the life insured to maximize the savings Entry age- 0-45 years, 50 years Maturity- 18 years- 70 years Term- 10-20 years Sum Assured- Higher of (10, Policy Term/ 2) X Annualized Premium
Edelweiss Life Wealth Plus The plan provides financial protection to the family in case of the demise of the life insured. Additional units are added by the insurer during the premium payment tenure of the policy in order to increase the fund value. For the first 5 policy years, the allocation benefits start at the rate of 1% and then increases every 5 years at the rate of 3%,5% and 7%. No premium allocation and policy administration charges are applied in this plan. In case of an emergency, partial withdrawal is applicable from the sixth policy year. Entry Age- 1 year- 55 years Maturity Age- 18 years- 70 years Policy Term- 10 years- 20 years Sum Assured- 10 X Annualized Premium.
Edelweiss Life -GCAP After the completion of the 9th policy year, the life insured is entitled to receive guaranteed accrual additional benefit. The plan provides extra benefits for a higher premium. The plan provides a loan facility. Provides additional riders benefits to enhance the coverage of the policy. Entry Age- 91 days- 55 years Maturity Age- 18 years- 70 years Policy Term- 10, 15, 20,25 and 30 years. Sum assured- Minimum- Rs.1, 65,000 Maximum- No limit
Edelweiss Life Zindagi Plus The plan provides insurance coverage to the spouse in case of the demise of the insured. The plan provides the option to increase the insurance coverage yearly as per the selected rate. Daily cash allowance is provided in case of hospitalization of the life insured. Moreover, the plan also provides post-hospitalization benefits as well. Entry Age- 18 years- 65 years Maturity Age- 80 years Policy Term- 10 years- 62 years Sum assured- 50 Lakh and 25 Lakh Maximum- No upper limit
  1. Edelweiss Life Income Replacement Plan

    The benefit on death in this Edelweiss term plan is paid at an increasing rate every month post-death. Other points include:

    • Premiums can be paid for the entire duration of this Edelweiss term plan through the Regular Pay option or for a limited period through the Limited Pay Option or at once through the Single Pay option of Premium Payment.
    • On the insured's death, the death benefits payable are expressed as the opted Monthly Benefit as chosen by the policyholder, which is paid every month following the death of the insured up to the end of the term with a minimum of 5 years. The monthly payouts increase by 5% with every payout made.
    • The plan can be customized using various riders like Edelweiss Life Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Rider, Edelweiss Life Accidental Death Benefit Rider, Edelweiss Life Waiver of Premium Rider and Edelweiss Life Critical Illness Rider.
    • Discounts in premiums are given for non-tobacco users and for selecting higher monthly benefits of Rs.20000 and above.

    Edelweiss Life Income Replacement Plan – Eligibility Details

    Minimum Maximum
    Entry Age 18 years 60 years
    Maturity Age 28 years 70 years
    Policy Term 10 years 30 years
    Monthly Benefit Rs.15, 000 No limit
    Premium amount Depends on the age, coverage, tenure and the premium paying term
    Sum Assured Monthly Benefit amount * 12 * Term
    Premium Payment Term Equal to policy term or 5, 10 or 15 Pay or Single Pay
    Premium Paying Frequency Yearly
  2. Edelweiss Life Protection Plan

    The plan has lower rates of premiums and the following points:

    • Regular Pay, Limited Pay or Single Pay option of paying the required premiums is available in the plan
    • On the death of the insured during the tenure of the plan, the Sum Assured is paid to the nominee
    • The plan can be customized using various riders like Edelweiss Life Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Rider, Edelweiss Life Accidental Death Benefit Rider, Edelweiss Life Waiver of Premium Rider and Edelweiss Life Critical Illness Rider.
    • Discounts in premiums are given for non-tobacco users and for selecting higher levels of Sum Assured of Rs.20 lakhs and above
    • Tax benefit accrues on the premiums paid and claims.

    Edelweiss Life Protection Plan – Eligibility Details

    Minimum Maximum
    Entry Age 18 years 60 years
    Maturity Age 28 years 70 years
    Policy Term 10 years 30 years
    Premium amount Depends on the age, coverage, tenure and the premium paying term
    Sum Assured Rs.15 lakhs No limit
    Premium Payment Term Equal to policy term or 5, 10 or 15 Pay or Single Pay
    Premium Paying Frequency Yearly

  3. Edelweiss Life RakshaKavach Plan

    A micro term insurance plan designed for the backward classes of the society like rural areas to provide life cover at cheap rates of premiums. The features and benefits of the plan are as follows:

    • Premiums under the plan can be paid for the entire duration of the plan under the Regular Pay option or at once under the Single Pay option of Premium Payment.
    • The plan covers people living in the rural areas of the country.
    • In case of death of the insured during the tenure of the plan, the Sum Assured is paid to the beneficiary

    Edelweiss Life RakshaKavach Plan – Eligibility Details

    Minimum Maximum
    Entry Age 18 years 50 years
    Maturity Age 23 years 55 years
    Policy Term 5 years
    Premium amount Depends on the age, coverage and tenure
    Sum Assured Rs.5000 Rs.50, 000
    Premium Payment Term Equal to policy term or Single Pay
    Premium Paying Frequency Yearly
  4. Edelweiss Life – Wealth Gain Plus

    It is a non-participating unit-linked life insurance plan that provides life insurance cover to ensure financial security to the family of the policyholder in case of his/her demise. The key benefits of this plan are:

    • The plan provides life cover to the family of the policyholder in case of the policyholder’s demise.
    • Fund value percentage that is added back to the fund of the policyholder to maximize the savings.
    • On survival of the policyholder till the date of maturity, the total charges of mortality are deducted during the term of the policy. These charges are added to the fund value at the date of maturity.
    • The plan offers two strategies to cater to the different investment requirements of the policyholder.
    • This insurance policy provides an option to withdraw your money partially after the completion of five years of the policy but in case of some emergency.

    Edelweiss Life Wealth Gain Plus – Eligibility Details

    Eligibility Conditions Maximum Minimum
    Entry Age 45 Years (For Premium Paying Term that is less than 10 years) Zero years
    50 Years (For Premium Paying Term that is greater than or equal to 10 years)
    Maturity Age 70 Years 18 Years
    Premium Paying Term For Regular Equal to the policy term Equal to the policy term
    Limited Policy Term – 1 Five Years
    Policy Term 20 Years 10 Years
    Top-Up Sum Assured 1.25 X Top-Up Premium 1.25 X Top-Up Premium
    Sum Assured Higher of (10, Policy Term/ 2) X Annualized Premium Higher of (10, Policy Term/ 2) X Annualized Premium
    Top Up the Sum Assured 1.25 X Top-up Premium 1.25 X Top-up Premium
    Annualized Premium No Limit Premium Payment Term Policy Term
    5-9 Years >=10 Years
    48,000 36,000 10 – 14 Years
    36,000 30,000 15 – 19 Years
    24,000 18,000 20 Years
    Top-Up Premium The total top-up premium paid by should not be more than the total of the base premium paid at the time. Rs. 5, 000
  5. Edelweiss Life – Wealth Plus

    It is a futuristic Unit-Linked Insurance plan that is developed to cater to the digitally savvy customers of Edelweiss Life. The key features of this plan are:

    • The plan ensures the financial security of the family of the policyholder in case of his/her unfortunate demise.
    • The insurer adds additional units to the policy during the term of premium payment. This resultantly increases the fund value. The additional allocations start at the rate of 1% for the first five years, and then it increases every five years at the rate of 3%, 5%, and 7%.
    • There are no policy administration and premium allocation charges applied in this plan.
    • In order to secure the future of the policyholder's child, the plan offers the additional benefit of ‘Rising Star'.
    • The policyholder can partially withdraw his/her money from the sixth policy year in case of an emergency.

    Edelweiss Life Wealth Plus – Eligibility Details

    Eligibility Conditions Minimum Maximum
    Entry Age 1 Year 55 Years
    Policy Term 10 Years 20 Years
    Maturity Age 18 Years 70 Years
    Premium Payment Term Limited Five Years Policy Term – 1
    Regular Equal to the policy term Equal to the policy term
    Sum Assured 10 X Annualized Premium 10 X Annualized Premium
    Premium Payment Frequency Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly
    Top-Up Sum Assured 1 – 44 Years 1.25 X Top-up Premium 1.25 X Top-up Premium
    45 Years and More 1.10 X Top-up Premium 1.10 X Top-up Premium
    Annualized Premium PPT (Years) Policy Term (Years) Mode Other than Annual Annual Mode No Limit
    5 – 10 10 – 14 Rs.48,000 Rs.60,000
    15 – 20 Rs.36,000 Rs.36,000
    More than 10 11 – 14 Rs.48,000 Rs.48,000
    15 – 20 Rs.36,000 Rs.36,000
    Top-Up Premium Rs.5, 000 At any time the total top-up premium that is paid should not be more than the total of the base premiums that are paid at that time.

    The eligibility conditions for Rising Star Benefit for the policyholder and the life insured are as follows:

    Eligibility Conditions Minimum Maximum
    Entry Age Policyholder 18 Years 55 Years
    Life Insured One Year 17 Years
    Maturity Age Policyholder 28 Years 70 Years
    Life Insured 18 Years 37 Years

    Life Insurer Piller

  6. Edelweiss Life – Wealth Ultima

    Wealth Ultima is a ULIP plan that comes with combinations of Systematic Monthly Plan, Systematic Withdrawal Plan, and Systematic Transfer Plan. Some of the key features of this policy are:

    • The plan offers various additions to provide better returns.
    • The Systematic Monthly Plan safeguards the policyholder from the erratic moments of the market.
    • The Systematic Transfer Plan enables the transfer of money from one asset class to another.
    • The Systematic Withdrawal Plan works as a second income for the policyholder.
    • The plan provides life cover and gives a lump sum amount to the nominee in case of the sudden demise of the policyholder.
    • In case of the sudden demise of the policyholder, the policy continues and the child gets the benefits of the policy as per the plan.

    Edelweiss Life Wealth Ultima – Eligibility Details

    This policy comes with two options:

    • Option 1: Plan wherein the age of the policyholder at maturity is 70 years or less.
    • Option 2: Plan wherein the age of the policyholder at the time of maturity is 100 years.
    Minimum Policy Term 10 Years
    Maximum Policy Term 5 to 6 PPT: 70 – entry age (for Option 1)
    7 PPT and Above: 100 – entry age (For Option 1 and 2 Both

    Premium Paying Term (PPT)

    Option Policy Term PPT With Little Champ Benefit Without Little Champ Benefit
    Option 1 10 – 30 Years Regular Pay Provided when the age of the Life Insured at the maturity is <= 30 years Available
    Limited Pay 5 Years to Minimum of: · Policy Term – 1 year or · 30 years – entry age of the life insured 5 years to (Policy Term – 1)
    31 Years Regular Pay No Available Available
    Limited Pay 5 years to 30 Years (minus entry age of the life insured) 5 Years to 30 Years
    Option 2 100 minus the entry age Regular Pay Not Available Available
    Limited Pay 5 Years to 30 Years (minus the entry age of the life insured) 5 Years to 30 Years

    Entry Age Criteria for Option 1 and Option 2:

    With Little Champ Benefit Without Little Champ Benefit
    Minimum Entry Age PPTs Life Insured Policyholder Life Insured
    All PPTs 0 Years 18 Years 0 Years
    Maximum Entry Age 5 Pay 17 Years 70 Years 50 Years
    6 & 7 Pay 17 Years 70 Years 55 Years
    8 Pay 17 Years 70 Years 60 Years
    9 – 13 Pay 17 Years 65 Years 60 Years
    14 – 27 Pay 17 Years 60 Years 60 Years
    28 – 30 Pay 17 Years 55 Years 60 Years
    31 & Above Pay N/A N/A 60 Years
  7. Edelweiss Life – GCAP

    It is a non-linked non-participating guaranteed return life insurance policy. The key benefits of this plan are:

    • The structure of the product is very simple to understand.
    • The guaranteed accrual additions ensure additional benefits from the ninth policy year.
    • Multiple premium payment term and policy term options.
    • Provide extra benefit for a higher premium.
    • Provision of loan to meet any unforeseen or urgent liquidity requirements.
    • Provides an option to make a more comprehensive cover with the help of riders.

    Edelweiss Life GCAP – Eligibility Details

    Minimum Entry Age 91 days
    Maximum Entry Age 55 Years
    Policy Term 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 Years
    Minimum Maturity Age 18 Years
    Maximum Maturity Age 70 Years
    Premium Payment Term 5, 7, 10, and 12 Years
    Frequency of Premium Payment Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annual, Annual
    Minimum Premium Monthly: Rs.1,5 00 Quarterly: Rs.4, 000 Semi-Annual: Rs. 8, 000 Annual: Rs.15, 000
    Sum Assured on Death Minimum: Rs.1, 65, 000
    Maximum: No Limit
    Sum Assured on Maturity Cumulative Annualized Premium, which is equal to Premium Paying Term* Annualized Premium
  8. Edelweiss Life Insurance Term Plan – Zindagi Plus

    Edelweiss Tokio Term Plans Benefits Eligibility and Other Criteria
    Edelweiss Life Zindagi Plus A plan with the option to cover the spouse of the policyholder. Different rider benefits to cover various requirements of the insured. Entry: 18 to 65 Years Maturity: 80 Years Term: 10 to 62 Years Premium: Rs.500+

    Edelweiss Life Zindagi Plus – Eligibility Details

    Minimum Entry Age 18 years (For insured and his/her spouse)
    Maximum Entry Age Option of Plan Premium Payment Term Policyholder Spouse
    Life Insurance Cover with Level Sum Assured Regular Pay 65 Years 60 Years
    Pay till the age of 60 years 50 Years 50 Years
    Life Insurance Cover with Decreasing Sum Assured Regular Pay 55 Years 55 Years
    Pay till the age of 60 years 50 Years 50 Years
    Minimum Maturity Age Option of Plan Premium Payment Term Minimum Age of Maturity
    Life Cover with Level Sum Assured Regular Pay 28 Years
    Pay till the age of 60 years 65 Years
    Life Cover with Decreasing Sum Assured Regular Pay 65 Years
    Pay till the age of 60 years 65 Years
    Maximum Maturity Age 80 Years
    Minimum Policy Term Regular Pay 10 Years
    Pay till the age of 60 years 15 Years
    Maximum Policy Term 62 Years
    Maximum Base Sum Assured (in Rs.) No Limit, which is subject to Board approved policy underwriting.
    Minimum Base Sum Assured (in Rs.) In the case of top-up benefit, better half benefit or life stage benefit is opted: 50 Lakh and in other scenarios: 25 Lakh
    Premium Paying Term (PPT) Regular Pay Same as the term of the policy
    Pay till the age of 60 years (60 – Entry Age + 1) Years
    Premium Payment Frequency Monthly, quarterly, Semi-Annual, Annual
    Maximum Premium (Rs.) No Limit, which is subject to board-approved policy’s underwriting.
    Minimum Premium (Rs.) Frequency of Premium Payment Minimum Premium (Rs.)
    Monthly 500
    Quarterly 1, 250
    Semi-Annual 2, 000
    Annual 3, 000

    A term insurance plan that provides an option of ‘better half’ benefit gives an additional life insurance cover to the policyholder's spouse when the policyholder is not around. In this way, the plan ensures complete financial security for the complete family. Some of the key features of this plan are:

    • A life insurance cover starts in the name of the policyholder’s spouse and provides him/her protection in case of the policyholder's demise.
    • In the base sum assured of the policy, an increased amount is added when some major life event like childbirth or marriage occurs in the policyholder's life.
    • The plan provides the option to increase the life cover yearly as per the selected rate (either five percent or ten percent) of the policyholder so that he/she can shield him/herself from various uncertainties of the future.
    • All the future premiums are waived off if the policyholder is diagnosed with any of the mentioned 35 listed diseases.
    • The policyholder gets a lump sum amount to cater to the immediate requirements in case of hindrance in the income capacity of the policyholder due to critical illness.
    • Daily cash allowance is provided in case of hospitalization of the insured, and it provides post-hospitalization benefits as well.
    • The plan provides ‘Accidental Total and Permanent Disability rider. Under this rider, the selected amount is provided to the policyholder if he/she meets with an accident that causes permanent or partial disability. The rider also provides a lump sum amount to cater to the immediate expenses of the policyholder.
    • The ‘Accidental Death Benefit’ rider provides life cover benefits in case of the policyholder’s demise in the accident.

What is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is the most basic form of insurance where only the policyholder's life is covered. A term policy usually has no savings component, and so it is known as a pure insurance tool. Term Life Insurance is one of the most popular and widely sold insurance products worldwide simply because it provides a high cover at a low rate, making it very affordable for people. 

Under this plan, a yearly premium has to be paid to Edelweiss Life Insurance. On the insured's death during the policy tenure, the insurance amount, called the Sum Assured, is paid by Edelweiss Life Insurance to the nominees of the insured. If the insured survives the policy term, he or she does not get anything in return and loses the yearly premiums paid. 

Edelweiss Life Insurance Company offers several term life insurance plans to cover the needs of its customers. 

Why buy Term Insurance early?

Your premium is decided on age at which you buy the policy and remains same, throughout your life

Premiums can increase between 4-8% each year after your Birthday

Your policy application could be rejected or premiums increase by 50-100%, if you develop a lifestyle disease

See how age affects Term Insurance Premiums
See how age affects Term Insurance Premiums
Premium 479/month
Age 25
Age 50
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What is an Increasing Term Plan?

An increasing term plan is the opposite of a decreasing term plan, and here the sum assured increases each year. This term insurance has a higher value as the sum assured rises every year. This term plan is often brought to secure the policyholder against inflation. If the policyholder feels that the sum assured would not be sufficient in the years to come with rising costs, he can opt for term insurance. The sum assured goes up by 5% every year up to a maximum of 50%, i.e. until the original sum assured is doubled. 

What is a Convertible Term Plan?

A convertible term plan is a type of term insurance policy that can be converted or changed into an endowment plan later in the duration of the policy. The premium rate will change at the time of conversion and become higher. A convertible term plan is ideal for a person who wants to have his life insured at a lower cost early on in life but wants to invest in the insurance plan to address additional financial responsibilities later. 

Things to Consider When Buying a Term Insurance Plan from Edelweiss Life Insurance

The importance of having term life insurance from Edelweiss Life Insurance cannot be overstated. Amongst all the cheapest life insurance products available in the market, a term plan from Edelweiss Life Insurance helps secure the financial future of one's near and dear ones in the unfortunate event of one not being around to take care of them personally. 

Edelweiss Life Insurance helps avoid the possibility of one's family facing bad times due to financial instability in the future. 

After having decided to purchase a term insurance plan from Edelweiss Life Insurance, certain things should be kept in mind before taking the final step of buying a plan. These will help avoid confusion and prevent buying a term plan that does not meet one's requirements adequately. It will also restrict over-spending. 

Things to consider before buying term insurance from Edelweiss Life Insurance: 

  1. Determining the Right Amount of Cover

    The first and foremost thing to do once one has made up his or her mind to buy term insurance is to determine the quantum of cover required. After considering various factors, this amount is arrived at – one's responsibilities, liabilities, income, life-stage, etc. 

  2. Family Members and Life-Stage

    It is important to understand the purpose of an Edelweiss Life Insurance term plan. It is not bought for the individual benefit of the policyholder/insured but that of his or her family. A term plan from Edelweiss Life Insurance helps secure the financial future of the near and dear ones of the insured if he or she is no longer around to take care of them. 

    The unique life stage of the insured while purchasing the Edelweiss Life Insurance term plan – whether he or she is single, married or married with children goes to determine the cover amount. The financial responsibility of a married person is obviously higher than someone who is still unmarried. Again, a person with kids has to shoulder more responsibility as he or she has to take care of his or her spouse and his or her children. Consequently, such a situation will require a higher cover. 

  3. Income

    The number of earning members in a family and additional sources of income to contribute to the overall collective income also affects the amount of insurance required from Edelweiss Life Insurance. The insured, who is the sole breadwinner of the family, will require a much higher cover from Edelweiss Life Insurance to take care of his or her family in his or her absence than a family with more than one earning member. 

  4. Liabilities

    The total value of liabilities also determines the amount of cover required from Edelweiss Life Insurance. The higher the liabilities, the greater will be the cover required. Liabilities may include outstanding loans which may have been taken to purchase a house or car or taken for children's higher education or for children's marriage. 

  5. Determining Family Needs and Requirements

    Apart from determining the cover amount, the needs and requirements of one's family have to be assessed accurately to address them adequately through the term plans of Edelweiss Life Insurance. 

    The capability of Family Members to Handle Finances

    Term plans from Edelweiss Life Insurance usually present a huge lump sum amount of money as a death benefit to the insured's immediate family on his or her demise. 

    The insured or would-be-insured should make an unbiased judgment on the competence of his or her family members in handling finances. Suppose he or she realizes that their kith and kin are inexperienced and incapable of handling money matters, especially huge sums of money. In that case, alternative options should be explored to reduce the risk of botching up finances. Edelweiss Life Insurance offers annuity payment options as well as monthly, quarterly or semi-annual payments. In addition, Edelweiss Life Insurance offers lump sum payments at different life stages. 

  6. Steady Income Support

    The insured/would-be-insured should also endeavor to provide a safety cushion by way of a regular income to his or her family to take care of their day-to-day needs. A fixed monthly income from Edelweiss Life Insurance, in addition to the lump sum amount, will help in this regard. 

  7. Maintaining Current Lifestyle

    While determining one's family's needs and requirements, such an option should be chosen that allows them to continue living the lifestyle they are used to despite rising costs and expenses in the unpleasant scenario of the absence of the insured. The best option would also cover their wants and aspirations, but this would mean higher premiums. 

  8. Choosing the Right Insurer

    Today, several insurance companies offer life insurance policies, and many offer term plans. Things like the insurance company's claim settlement ratio, customer service standards, and market reputation, among others, should be considered in detail before zeroing in on an insurer. 

  9. Claim Settlement Ratio

    Claim Settlement Ratio is defined as the ratio of claims honored by the insurance company versus the total claims received from customers. A higher ratio signifies greater disbursement of funds to the policyholders, or his or her nominees, as the case might be.

    In addition to having a favorable claim settlement ratio, the claim settlement process must be quick, simple, and hassle-free. People resort to filing claims only in times of need when they have suffered the personal loss of their near and dear one, the insured. These are delicate times when family members need all the reassurance and support, even from the insurance company. 

  10. Strong Financial Track-Record

    It is advisable to choose an insurance company with a strong financial record. A solid record signifies stability and security and gives confidence that when a situation arises, the company will honor the claim and help secure the future of the insured's family. 

  11. Service Standards

    The business of life insurance is all about trust and credibility. And superior customer service is a big part of it. A customer-centric organization makes buying a term plan easy and ensures that nominees and family members of the insured have a positive experience during the claim settlement process. An organization that provides a positive experience to customers at every touchpoint will undoubtedly focus on nurturing long-term relationships with customers. 

  12. Market Reputation

    A life insurance company that has a good standing in the market is a better option. Positive customer experiences create a good reputation over a period of time. It is always a good idea to go through customer reviews and testimonials on online forums and social networks to get a realistic picture of the reputation of a life insurer. Past customers will always have positive things to say about a company whose dealings are fair, quick, and smooth. 

  13. Corporate Governance

    A life insurance company known for good corporate governance is bound to offer better products and superior service to customers. Such companies are more transparent and accountable. Hence, it makes sense to buy policies of such companies whose internal processes are streamlined. 

Applying for a Term Plan from the company: 

  1. Online

    Edelweiss Life Insurance offers customers the option to buy term plans from its website itself. The company offers specific plans which are available online only. The customer only needs to log into the company's website, choose the required plan, choose the coverage and provide the details. The premium will be determined using the filled details. The customer then needs to pay the premium online through credit card, debit card or net banking facilities, and the policy will be issued. Edelweiss Life Insurance plans purchased online are often cheaper than when they are purchased offline. 

  2. Intermediaries

    Plans which are not available online can be purchased from agents, brokers, banks, etc., where the intermediaries help with the application process. Edelweiss Life Insurance Company finally issues the policy. 

Applying For Term Insurance through PolicyBazaar

  • On the PolicyBazaar homepage, click on Term Insurance under the Personal tab.
  • Click New Quotes to compare.
  • Fill in your date of birth (DOB), whether you are a smoker/non-smoker, and the payout amount. Based on your payout amount, you will get an estimate of your premium. Next, click Continue.
  • Fill in your name, email address, city, country code, and mobile number. Click Continue.
  • You will be taken to the Life Insurance quotes page, where you will see life insurance quotes of more than 10 insurers. Next, choose the plan as per payment schedule – One Time Payout and Monthly Payout Plans.
  • After reviewing and comparing each life insurance quote, click the premium amount to buy the desired plan.
  • You will see a pop-up on the screen which will give you an overview of the chosen plan like premium, plan features, exclusions, additional riders, etc. Click Proceed.
  • This will take you to the insurer's website. You will have to fill in the necessary details to buy the plan.

Note: Check all the best term insurance plan in India.

Note: You should also check the benefits of term life insurance if you are planning to purchase the term insurance plan.

Edelweiss Life Insurance - FAQs

  • Q: How to pay the premiums? What are the modes of payment available?

    Ans: There are two basic modes of payment for premiums of Edelweiss Life, which further has few options: 
    • Online Mode
      • Debit Card payment
      • Payment through standing instructions or credit card
      • Net Banking
    • Offline Mode
      • Through ECS facility
      • IVRS
      • Money Order
      • Cash/Cheque/DD 
    You can pay offline by visiting the nearest branch in your city. The 'Locate a Branch' hyperlink on the Edelweiss Life Insurance website helps locate the nearest branch in your city.  
  • Q: How can I check the policy status for Edelweiss Tokio Term insurance plans?

    Ans: You can check policy status online by visiting the e-portal and punching in the policy number and date of birth. The Edelweiss Life Insurance website makes it very easy to inquire about the policy status.  
  • Q: What is the policy renewal process for Edelweiss Tokio Term insurance plans?

    Ans: Edelweiss Life Insurance provides 2 ways to renew a term insurance plan – online and offline. 
    The policy renewal process requires either using auto direct debit options, which can be availed online by feeding your login ID and password into the e-portal.
  • Q: What is the company's process to settle the claim for Edelweiss Tokio Term insurance plans?

    Ans: Edelweiss Life Insurance Company has streamlined the process of settling claims arising from term insurance plans. To settle the claim, you must submit the policy documents and claims form at any branch offices in your city. Upon receiving and verification of the documents, it takes about 30 days to settle the claims. The claims are settled via NEFT mode. 
  • Q: What is the policy cancellation process for Edelweiss Tokio Term insurance plans?

    Ans: Edelweiss Life Insurance Company allows cancellation of the term insurance policy under certain circumstances. In case you are dissatisfied with the policy, a surrender form can be filled and submitted to any of the branch offices along with the cancellation charges. Within a time frame of 10 days, the policy will stand canceled on record. The refund will be calculated based on the NAV of the current market price.
Premium By Age

˜Top 5 plans based on annualized premium for bookings made on  in the first 6 months of FY 24-25.

Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. This list of plans listed here comprise of insurance products offered by all the insurance partners of Policybazaar. For a complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website,

+Rs. 487/month (Rs.16/day) is starting price for a 1 crore term life insurance for an 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Prices offered by the insurer are as per the approved insurance plans | #All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans | Standard Terms and Conditions Apply | **Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.| Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited

We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30-minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale

Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited | CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 | Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 | Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers. Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the insurers.

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+Rs. 820/month is starting price for a 2 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

+Rs. 1,443/month is starting price for a 5 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Edelweiss Life Term Insurance Plans Reviews & Ratings

4.6 / 5 (Based on 33 Reviews)
(Showing Newest 10 reviews)
Rajasthan, July 16, 2024
Trustworthy Provider
Policybazaar is a trustworthy provider for term plans. Clear terms, competitive rates. Feel confident in my familys financial protection.
Maharashtra, July 16, 2024
Smooth Experience
Smooth experience purchasing a term plan from Policybazaar. User friendly website, helpful customer support. Satisfied with the coverage options.
Maharashtra, July 16, 2024
Reliable Coverage
The company provides reliable coverage options for term insurance. Found the perfect plan to suit my needs and budget. Highly satisfied with their service and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Anand, April 07, 2021
Add on benefits
With the term insurance plan I got the additional benefits too with the minimum amount of payment. This plan has been a great thing for me. I got some of the benefits added in my term plan as it will give my plan a much better enhancement. It is possible with edelweiss tokio and policybazaar. Thanks team.
Nadasa, April 05, 2021
Check premium online
It is really easy to check for the premium price online. I bought this edelweiss tokio plan from the website of the policybazaar. It is easy for me to understand about the term plan and to buy it conveniently. Thanks to whole team of policybazaar.
Andipatti, March 31, 2021
Add on benefits
With the term insurance plan I got the additional benefits too with the minimum amount of payment. This plan has been a great thing for me. I got some of the benefits added in my term plan as it will give my plan a much better enhancement. It is possible with edelweiss tokio and policybazaar. Thanks team.
Sheikhpura, March 23, 2021
Check premium online
It is really easy to check for the premium price online. I bought this edelweiss tokio plan from the website of the policybazaar. It is easy for me to understand about the term plan and to buy it conveniently. Thanks to whole team of policybazaar.2
Ashok Nagar, February 16, 2021
Got the best
I have got the best term insurance plan with the help of the policybazaar. I am really liking this product as it has given me so much of facilities in one plan. I have got the edelweiss tokio life insurance plans.
Nandyal, February 16, 2021
Get best coverage
I got the one of the amazing plan from the policybazaar and it has the great coverage. I bought the edelweiss tokio life insurance and I got it done from the website of the policybazaar. Thanks a lot team.
Badami, February 16, 2021
Compare and buy
I have recently bought a edelweiss tokio term insurance plan from the policybazaar. It is one of the best plan and before buying it I compared it a lot. All thanks to whole team for providing the best plan.
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