Cholamandalam Personal Accident

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      Cholamandalam Personal Accident

      Life is full of uncertainty and nobody knows when any uncalled situation may come up. Any predicament situation can become life’s worst outlandish feeling if somebody is not prepared for it. An accident can happen in a flash of a second but leaves a scar for a lifetime. It can wreak havoc both financially and emotionally.

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      A loss of life or a partial loss of sight or physical disability is not an easy thing to cope with. We cannot predict what’s going to happen next, but can always plan our future well by buying  Personal accident plans.

      Cholamandalam Personal Accident Protection Plans bring complete peace of mind and affirms financial stability in such unfortunate cases and covers death, physical injuries and bodily burns. The coverage offered under the plan helps the insured to deal with the sudden financial burden and also rehabilitation by providing a strong cover and protection.

      The salient features of the Personal Accident Protection Plans are

      • An ideal protection plan covering all unseemly events such as Death, injury or any other disabilities caused by accidents
      • Worldwide Comprehensive security coverage plans for individual and family members in case of an unfortunate event or a sudden accident.
      • Complete peace of mind with high sum insured ranging from Rs. 5 Lakhs to 1 Crore uder the plans.
      • Simple and hassle free plan documentation. Online enrollment available for instant plan coverage and transparent terms and conditions for all the plans in cholamandalam
      • Plans are available for individuals between age group of 18 to 69 years under various sum insured plans .
      • The plans have unique benefit composition of Weekly compensation for Individuals or family members in case of loss of income caused by disability or death due to an accident.
      • A grace period of 30 days for renewal of plans.
      • The plans have extended cover to spouse and two dependent children.
      • The plans offer Compensation in the case of fractures of bones due to an accident.
      • Reimbursements In the event of permanent disability due to an accident for modifications of the home or vehicle.
      • A Free –Look period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this plan to review the terms and conditions of the plan and to return the same if not acceptable.
      • Coverage for Family transportation costs is also available under the plan.
      • In case the plan holder or insurer is a student, reimbursement of tuition fee is provided in the event of an accidental injury.
      • Daily allowance for hospitalization in the case of an accident.
      • In the occurrence of death of plan holder, all costs up to post-cremation or burial is covered under the plan.                                                    

      Plan Benefits

      • The plan benefit includes Weekly Compensation for loss of income due to a disability caused by accident.
      • An insured in eligible for fixed compensation for Broken Bones in the event of fractures or accidental bone damage under the plan.
      • The plan benefit includes any modification of Residences / Vehicle  In case of permanent total disability, the expenses incurred are reimbursed for modifying residential accommodation or own vehicle.
      • Expenses towards transportation of the family member to the location of the insured in case of accidental death / permanent total disability under the plan
      • Compensation towards the tuition fees if the insured under the plan is a student and is not able to attend school / college due to an accidental injury.
      • The plan offers a daily cash allowance for hospitalization due to an accident.
      • Expenses towards Repatriation of Mortal Remains from the accident site to hospital, residence or cremation ground .Additionally the cost of cremation Ceremony to perform religious ceremonies up to the time of or post-cremation is covered under the scope of plan.
      • The plan benefit include fixed Ambulance charges paid for Ambulance hiring charges following an accident.
      • The basic Sum Insured for Accidental Death, Permanent total disability and Permanent Partial Disability will be increased by 5% on every renewal up to maximum plan  period of 3 years provided there is no claim under the plan

      Plan coverage

      • Accidental Death coverage in the event of death of the insured due to an accident within the plan period, Sum Insured is paid to the nominee as mentioned in the plan.
      • Permanent Total Disability coverage for protection against any accidental injury, causing the insured Permanent Total Disability for 12 consecutive months. The compensation for such cases shall be paid proportionally as per table below.


      Percentage of
      Capital Sum Insured

      Loss of sight of both eyes


      Loss of two entire hands or two entire feet


      Loss of one entire hand and one entire foot


      Loss of sight of one eye and such loss of one entire foot, or hand


      Complete loss of hearing of both ears & complete loss of speech


      Complete loss of hearing of both ears or complete loss of speech and loss of one limb or loss of sight of one eye


      • Permanent Partial Disability is covered for the cases where any accidental injury has resulted in Permanent Partial Disability for 12 consecutive months to the insured. The compensation shall be paid proportionally as per table below.


      Percentage of
      Principal Sum

      Loss of toes: all


      Great: both phalanges


      Great: one phalanx


      Other than great, if more than one toe lost, each


      Loss of hearing - both ears


      Loss of hearing - one ear


      Loss of speech


      Loss of four fingers and thumb of one hand


      Loss of four fingers


      Loss of thumb: both phalanges
      one phalanx


      Loss of index finger - three phalanges or two phalanges or one phalanx


      Loss of middle finger - three phalanges or two phalanges or one phalanx


      Loss of ring finger - three phalanges or two phalanges or one phalanx


      Loss of little finger - three phalanges or two phalanges or one phalanx


      Loss of metacarpals - first or second, third, fourth or fifth


      Sense of smell


      Sense of taste


      Sight of one eye


      One hand
      One foot



      • If the accident impairs a number of physical functions, the degree of disablement given in the Table of Benefits will be added together, but liability in any case shall not exceed 100% of the Accidental Death Sum Insured.
      • In the event of an accident to the Aircraft in which the Insured Person is traveling as a fare paying passenger and the body of the Insured Person cannot be located within 365 days from the date of such accident, then a compensation of 100% of the Sum Insured for Death Cover towards loss of life.
      • In the event of Permanent Total Disablement or Permanent Partial Disablement, Insured Person will have to get examined himself/herself by the empanelled doctors and the cost shall be paid thereof.
      • Compensation for any other disability arising out of accident to the insured individual/member and not specified above will be decided as assessed by the attending doctor of the Insured and validated on the advice of the Company’s panel of medical practitioner

      Exclusion under the plan

      The Plan does not provide benefit for any death, disability, expense or loss incurred in result of any injury attributable directly or indirectly to the following:

      • Intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempt thereat while sane or insane
      • Injury or Disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed by ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from burning nuclear fuel.
      •  Injury or Disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed by the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of any explosive nuclear equipment or any part of that equipment;
      •  War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, military or usurped power, seizure, capture, arrests, restraints and detainment of all kings, princes, and people of whatsoever nation condition or quality, terrorism
      • The Insured Person’s participation in naval, military or air force operations whether in the form of military exercises or war games or actual engagement with the enemy with foreign or domestic;
      • Loss sustained or contracted in consequence of the Insured being under the influence of alcohol or drugs unless administered on the advice of a physician and as mentioned in various plans.
      • Any loss of which a contributing cause was the Insured’s actual or attempted commission of, or willful participation in, an illegal act or any violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to arrest;
      • Any loss sustained whilst engaging in aviation or ballooning, whilst mounting into, dismounting from or travelling in any balloon or aircraft other than as a passenger (fare paying otherwise) in any duly licensed standard type of aircraft anywhere in the world;
      • Any opportunistic infection and/or malignant neoplasm, if at the time of the accident or sickness the Insured had an Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or having an antibody positive blood test to HIV (Human Immune-deficiency Virus). Opportunistic infection shall include but will not be limited to pneumosystis carinii pneumonia, organism of Kaposi’s Sarcoma, central nervous system lymphoma, and/other malignancies now known or which become known as causes of death in the presence of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome;
      • Any loss sustained while the Insured is participating in contests of speed using a motorized vehicle or bicycle and/or hunting and/or skiing and/or skydiving and/or gliding and/or mounteering and/or winter sports;
      • Any loss resulting directly or indirectly from or, contributed or aggravated or prolonged by childbirth or from pregnancy.
      • Loss caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly by: a. bacterial infections (except pyogenic infections which shall occur through an accidental cut or wound) or any other kind of disease;
      • Medical or surgical treatment except as may be necessary solely as a result of Injury;

      Claims Procedure

      In any of the event as covered under the scope of plan benefits, an immediate notice of occurrence or commencement of loss shall be done. Apart from this duly filled Claim Form with written evidence of loss must be furnished within thirty (30) days after the date of such loss. Upon acceptance of the offer of claim settlement by the Insured, the claim amount will be settled by the Company within 7 days from the date of acceptance of the offer by the Insured. In case of delay in the payment, the Company shall be liable to pay interest at the rates stipulated by IRDA from time to time.

      Claims Documentation

       Death Claim

        1. Duly completed Claim form by the nominee
        2. Copy of FIR / Police Report, wherever necessary
        3. Copy of Post Mortem Report/Coroner’s report (If postmortem is conducted)
        4. Copy or Panchanama / Inquest report
        5. Death Certificate
        6. Original Plan  Certificate for deletion of name of the Insured person from the list.

      Permanent Total / Partial Disablement Claims:

        1. Duly completed claim Form
        2. Report of the attending Doctor confirming disability
        3. Admit / Discharge card
        4. Investigation reports such as X-rays, Lab test etc
        5. FIR/ Police report, wherever necessary

      Weekly Benefit Claim

        1. Duly completed claim Form
        2. Report of the attending Doctor confirming disability
        3. Admit / Discharge card
        4. Investigation reports such as X-rays, Lab test etc
        5. Police report wherever necessary
        6. Fitness certificate 

      Residential Accommodation or Vehicle Modification Benefit

      All documents for Permanent total disability along with bills and receipts for expenses incurred for modification of vehicle accommodation.

      Broken Bones

        1.  Documents as per the Weekly Benefit except confirmation of the doctor regarding disablement.
        2.  Proof of identity and residence of the beneficiary for claims exceeding Rs 1 Lakh

      All the documents should be sent to or such other address as may be notified to the Insured:

      Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Limited

      Chola MS HELP – Health Claims Department

      No. 163, Hari Nivas Towers, 2nd Floor,

       Thambu Chetty Street Parry’s Corner,

      Chennai - 600001

      Other Important Terms and Conditions

      • Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to revise any of the terms, conditions and exceptions of the various plans including the premium payable on renewal in accordance with the guidelines/rules framed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) and after obtaining prior approval from the Authority.
      • Any change in plans shall be notified at least three months before the revision are to take effect.
      • Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Limited may also withdraw the insurance as offered hereunder after following the due process as laid down by the IRDA and after obtaining prior approval of the IRDA
      • For withdrawn plans, insured shall be offered to cover under such revised/new terms, conditions, exceptions and premium.

      Cholamandalam Personal Accident - FAQs

      1. How to pay premium? What are the modes of payment available?

      You can pay your insurance premium in THREE ways

      Direct Bank Debit (Auto Debit): You can avail the auto debit facility/directly transfer the cash to the Cholamandalam MS General Insurancebank account. You will get a discount in your premiums, too.

      Online Payment: Pay your premium online using your Debit/Credit card on the e-Portal

      Mobile Payment: Recently the insurer has launched mobile application to pay car insurance premium.

      2. How can I check my policy status for Cholamandalam personal accident?

      Existing policyholders can log into the insurer’s website with their valid login details to check the policy status.

      New users must create their account first and then can check their policy status. It just takes 5 minutes to register.

      3. What is the policy renewal process for Cholamandalam personal accident?

      Online or mobile registered users can directly renew their policy on the go. However for others, they must visit any of the nearest branches in the city to fill up the renewal form and attach a cheque of premium amount.

      Process for online users

      Step 1: Please login with your login ID and password on the e-Portal

      Step 2: Choose mode of Payment- Debit/Credit card, Net Banking

      Step 3: Complete payment and print the cyber receipt

      4. What is the company process to settle the claim for Cholamandalam personal accident?

      Cholamandalam MS General Insurance ensures claims are settled within a specific period of 30 days, provided the claims form is duly filled and the essential documents (medical reports and bills) are attached and deposited in any of the branches in the city.

      5. What is the policy of cancellation process for Cholamandalam personal accident?

      To cancel the policy you need to walk into any of the nearest branch offices in your city with your policy documents and a duly filled surrender form. The premium refund will be made, upon deducting the applicable charges.

      You might be interested following insurance plans provided by Cholamandalam:

      Cholamandalam Personal Accident Insurance - Latest News

      • Cholamandalam Awards Rs. 22.47 Lakh as Compensation to Road Accident Victim’s Family

        Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Limited recently awarded Rs. 22.47 Lakh to the family of the woman who died in a road accident. The husband, father-in-law, and children of the deceased woman collected the amount as compensation from the insurer of the offending vehicle (i.e. Tempo) that hit the woman, as directed by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal. MCAT Presiding Officer, Naveen Arora, said that Pinky suffered fatal injuries in the road accident nearby DDA Flats (at the BRT Corridor) due to rash driving of the tempo driver on 2 July 2015 when she and her husband were traveling home by their motorcycle. The speeding tempo hit the motorcycle from behind, leaving the couple severely injured. When taken to AIIMS, doctors declared Pinky brought dead. The compensatory amount (22.47 lakh) was finalized by the Tribunal, keeping multiple factors like annual income (1.5 lakh) of the victim, loss of dependency and love, affection for her husband and kids.
      Policybazaar exclusive benefits
      • 30 minutes claim support*(In 120+ cities)
      • Relationship manager For every customer
      • 24*7 claims assistance In 30 mins. guaranteed*
      • Instant policy issuance No medical tests*
      Disclaimer: The list mentioned is according to the alphabetical order of the insurance companies. Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. For complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website

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      Cholamandalam Personal Accident Reviews & Ratings

      4.1 / 5 (Based on 24 Reviews)
      (Showing Newest 10 reviews)
      Maharajganj, August 02, 2016
      Quality Product
      Personal accident insurance plan of mine is great and coverage is high. Good work cholamandalam insurance company. The service is fast and premiums are less. The ambulance is facilitate for free at any location at any time.
      Bairia, July 21, 2016
      Good Insurance
      Nowadays, Accident is a common issue. Precaution is better than cure that's why i took my alders advice and buy personal accident plan. Now the problem is there are vast range of insurers, I choose cholamandalam insurance which provide low premiums and good paybacks. Great policy which has large number of hospitals to provide on time customer service and treatment.
      Khalapur, July 05, 2016
      Personal Accident Policy
      Policy i have is very nice and beneficial insurance plan i.e., personal accident insurance. Policy coverage is high and premium is low. Service is quick and ambulance service is provided at any location for free. Claims sanctioned easily.
      Bharatpur, June 24, 2016
      Nice Policy
      The personal accident insurance plan is very much important in this time. I have one which has low premiums. The service is perfect and ambulance is provided for free of cost. Policy coverage is good and the accidental death benefits is inbuilt in the policy. Claiming is easy due to fast service and hassle free documentation. Good plan.
      Pune, June 03, 2016
      Wonderful Policy
      I have personal accident policy plan with cholamandalam ms general insurance. The number of facilities are provided like ambulance is free of cost and the premium is low. The policy coverage and claims are high. Large number of hospitals are providing service 24X7.
      Delhi, June 03, 2016
      Perfect Policy
      My cholamandalam personal accident policy plan is good. The policy coverage is high and the claims are also nice. The policy provides some good benefits like good future investment and save tax. The service provided by the executives and staff members is great. I like it.
      Ambala, June 03, 2016
      Fine Policy
      I good personal accident policy plan which buy from cholamandalam ms general insurance. The policy coverage is good approx. 89% and the claims are high which can easily sanctioned. The services are good and fast which provided by the executives and staff members. The plan is good for future security and it saves tax also. Updates are send to me regularly.
      Pondicherry, June 03, 2016
      Buy cholamandalam personal accident plan which has many benefits like ambulance is not charge for ride and the number of hospitals is big so the service issues are not occur. Policy coverage is good ~90% and the claims are high. Claiming process is easy due to executives and staff members, they provide good and fast service.
      Nilgiris, June 03, 2016
      Power Plan
      I bought cholamandalam personal accident plan. The policy coverage is good and the policy premium is low. The claims are high which is easily sanctioned because of the fast service provided by the company staff. Great future investment which saves taxes. I like the policy.
      Zahirabad, June 03, 2016
      Recently I purchase personal accident plan from cholamandalam ms general insurance. The policy is nice with its huge benefits like, worldwide comprehensive security coverage plans for individual and family members in case of an unfortunate event or a sudden accident. Simple and hassle free plan documentation. Online enrollment available for instant plan coverage and transparent terms and conditions.

      *We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30- minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881.

      *Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the Insurer. Policybazaar is acting only as a facilitator and claims settlement shall be at the sole discretion of the Insurer. Policybazaar does not provide any medical or surgical advice or diagnosis and is not responsible for your interactions / treatment by a medical practitioner/hospital. Please consult a registered medical practitioner for any medical or surgical advice. The Information that you obtain or receive from Policybazaar, and its employees, or otherwise on the Website is for informational purposes only. As per the Insurance guidelines, you are allowed to cancel the policy with-in 30 days from the date of Issuance of policy.This option is available incase of policies with a term of one year or more.

      *All the health insurance plans cover hospitalization expenses including COVID-19 treatment cover up to the specified limits. You can also buy specific COVID-19 health insurance policies such as Corona Kavach Policy and Corona Rakshak policy.

      **All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans. #Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemptions depend on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents.

      *₹1748/month is the starting price for a 1 crore health insurance for an 18-year-old male, with no pre-existing diseases. Discount on renewal premium is subject to the number of wellness points earned in the health insurance policy. For more details about the plans, please read the sale brochure carefully to get upto 100% discount on renewal premium.

      *₹400/month is the starting price for ₹ 5 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹541/month is the starting price for ₹ 10 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹762/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Crore Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹243/month(₹ 8/day) is the starting price for a 5 lakh health insurance for a 20-year-old male, non-smoker, living in Bengaluru with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹2020/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Cr Health insurance for a 50 year old male & 50 years old female, living in Bangalore with no pre-existing diseases rounded off to nearest 10.

      *₹390/month (₹13 per day) is starting price for 1 cr. Health insurance for 25 years old male, with pre-existing diseases, residing from tier 1 city rounded off to the nearest 10.

      *No medical tests are required unless requested by the insurer’s underwriter. In-case of pre-existing diseases relevant medical proof would be required as per the terms and condition of the policy opted.

      *The values taken for effective cost calculation are indicative values and may change as per the selected plan.

      *Coverage upto double the amount of Sum Insured is available on certain covers for a minimum plan of Rs. 5 Lakh on the first claim only to an individual of upto 45 years of age with no pre-existing diseases. The benefit is available with or without extra cost depending on the plan chosen.

      *Coverage of pre-existing diseases is provided by insurer as per their underwriting policy.

      *The scope of coverage may vary from plan to plan.

      ~Source: Google Review Rating available on:-

      ##On ground claim assistance is available in 114 cities

      Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemption depends on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents as required by the insurers. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure and applicable rules and regulation carefully before concluding a sale.

      STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.

      Policybazaar is a registered Composite Broker |Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2024, License category- Composite Broker| Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers.

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