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Aviva Life Term Insurance Plans

Aviva Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between Dabur Invest Corp and Aviva Group. Dabur Invest Corp is one of India’s oldest and most respected business houses producing traditional healthcare products since time immemorial. Aviva Group is a UK based insurance group serving 31 million customers across 16 countries. Together Aviva Life Insurance has become a key player in insurance sector quality products and efficient service.

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The company boasts of being among the first companies to introduce modern unit-linked and unitized with-profit plans. The company leads the market in protection and child plans with world-class products and a strong sales force.

Aviva Term Plans

The company has a vast profile of plans in the category of Aviva Term Insurance so that any customer looking for a term plan to suit his requirement may find it easily. The plans are presented below in details:

Aviva Term Insurance - iLife

It is a pure Aviva term plan which is available online. The plan has the following characteristics:

  • It is an online plan which you can buy by clicking a button of your mouse from anywhere
  • If the insured expires when the plan is running, Sum Assured is given to the nominee.
  • There is a rebate in premium for choosing higher ranges of Sum Assured
  • Premium for women is 5% less than the tabular premium charged for men
  • The premiums and claim are free from tax

Eligibility Details

  Minimum Maximum
Entry Age 18 years 55 years
Maturity Age - 70 years
Policy Term 10 years 35 years
Sum Assured Rs.25 lakhs No limit
Premium Payment Term Equal to the policy term
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly or half-yearly

Aviva iLife Total Protect Assure Plan

Aviva iLife total Protect Assure Plan is a term policy that comes with unique features such as in-built terminal illness, maturity benefit, critical illness rider etc. This policy is tailor-made to protect the financial future of your family in case of your sudden demise. The key features of this plan include:

  • It can be bought easily online by visiting the official website of the insurer
  • The plan offers coverage for terminal illness where 50% sum insured is paid immediately
  • Life coverage with an accidental death benefit
  • The insured’s family gets a regular income in case of the sudden demise of the insured
  • 120% of premiums paid as maturity benefit with life cover
  • All future premiums are waived off in case of death
  • 16 critical illnesses can be covered by paying an additional premium
  • Policy sum assured can be increased under Protect and Protect Plus variants.

Plan Eligibility Details

Entry age
  • Minimum: 18 years
  • Maximum: 65 years (Protect, Protect Plus, Protect income)
  • 60 years (for Protect Assured)
Maximum Maturity Age
  • 75 years (without Aviva Critical Illness & Disability cover)
  • 70 years (with Aviva Critical Illness and Disability cover)
  • Minimum: Rs. 3525 (excluding taxes)
  • Maximum: based on the age, policy tenure, the chosen sum assured
Policy Term
  • Minimum: 10 years (Protect, Protect Plus, Protect Income)/15 years (applicable for Protect Assured)
  • Maximum: 57 years for Protect, Protect Plus, Protect Income, 30 years (for Protect Assured)
Sum Assured
  • Minimum: 50 lakh
  • Maximum: No limit
  • Protect Plus: 50 lakh to 1,00,00,000
  • Protect Income: RMIx12xPolicy Tenure
Premium Frequency
  • Monthly, Quarterly, semi-annually and yearly

Aviva Term Insurance - Life Shield Advantage Plan

A term plan with return of premium on maturity. The features of the plan are as follows:

  • There are two death benefit options under the plan. Under this Aviva term insurance first option the Sum Assured is paid on death of the insured during the tenure of the plan. Under the second option, the Sum Assured and the aggregate premiums paid are returned either on death of the insured or if the insured suffers a Total and Permanent Disability due to an accident, whichever is earlier
  • In case of maturity, the total premiums paid by the policyholder are returned
  • Income tax benefit on the premium paid as per Section 80C and on the claims received as per Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Eligibility Details

  Minimum Maximum
Entry Age 18 years 55 years
Maturity Age 28 years 65 years
Policy Term 10 years 30 years
Sum Assured Rs.2 lakhs Option A – no limit Option B – Rs.50 lakhs
Premium Payment Term Equal to the policy term
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly or Single Pay only for Option A

Aviva Term Insurance - Life Shield Platinum

A unique term plan from Aviva offering three types of benefits along with attractive features which are as follows:

  • The Aviva term insurance plan gives three types of protection options. Under Option A which is Life Protection, the nominee gets the Sum Assured in case of pre-mature death of the insured during the term of the plan. Under Option B which is Income Replacement, the nominee receives regular monthly payouts which increase @5% every year compounded annually. Under Option C which is Loan Protection, the Sum Assured reduces every year and on death of the insured during the term, the applicable Sum Assured as on the date of death is paid to the nominee
  • The premium payment term under Options B and C is limited to 2/3rd of the policy tenure
  • There is a rebate in premium for choosing higher ranges of Sum Assured
  • Income tax benefit on the premium paid as per Section 80C and on the claims received as per Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.
  • Premium rates vary for smokers, non-smokers and healthy non-smokers

Eligibility Details

  Minimum Maximum
Entry Age 18 years 60 years
Maturity Age 28 years 65 years
Policy Term 10 years 52 years
Sum Assured Rs.50 lakhs No limit
Premium Payment Term Option A - Equal to the policy term Option B – 2/3rd of the policy term
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly

Aviva Term Insurance - Life Shield Plus

A simple term plan which boasts of the following features:

  • The nominee will get the Sum Assured chosen at the time of availing the plan in case of death of the life insured
  • Premiums can be paid regularly for the entire term of the plan or in lump sum through Single Pay option.
  • Tax benefit is available on the premium paid and the claim received.

Eligibility Details


Minimum Maximum
Entry Age 18 years 55 years
Maturity Age 28 years 65 years
Policy Term 10 years 30 years
Sum Assured Rs.10 lakhs No limit
Premium Payment Term Equal to the policy term or Single Pay
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly or Single Pay
Five things to know before buying Term Plan Five things to know before buying Term Plan

Life Insurer Details

Aviva Term Insurance - Sampoorna Suraksha Plan

A term plan which promises return of premiums paid on maturity. The features of the Aviva Term plan are as follows:

  • The nominee will get the Sum Assured chosen at the time of availing the plan in case of death of the life insured
  • On maturity of the policy, if the insured is still alive, the premiums paid will be returned based on the tenure chosen. The table below shows the % of total premiums paid in case of maturity:
Policy Tenure Premium Paying Tenure Entry age <=30 years Entry age 31 – 40 years Entry age 41 – 45 years Entry age 46 – 50 years
8 Single Pay 125% of the Single premium paid 120% of the Single premium paid 115% of the Single premium paid 110% of the Single premium paid
9 5 130% of the total premiums paid 125% of the total premiums paid 120% of the total premiums paid 115% of the total premiums paid
10 7 135% of the total premiums paid 130% of the total premiums paid 125% of the total premiums paid 120% of the total premiums paid
15 10 155% of the total premiums paid 150% of the total premiums paid 145% of the total premiums paid 140% of the total premiums paid
  • Premium can be paid in a lump sum through Single Pay or for a limited term
  • Tax benefit is available on the premium paid and the claim received. The premiums paid are exempt from taxation under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act and the claim received in exempt under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Eligibility Details


Minimum Maximum
Entry Age 18 years 50 years
Maturity Age - 65 years
Policy Term 8 / 9 / 10 or 15 years
Sum Assured Rs.7500 Rs.3 lakhs
Premium Single Pay – Rs.2500 Limited Pay - Rs.750 Rs.60, 000
Premium Payment Term Single Pay or 5 / 7 / 10 years
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, half-yearly or Single Pay
Why Buy Term Life Insurance from Policybazaar Why Buy Term Life Insurance from Policybazaar

Aviva Term Insurance - Extra Cover

A combination of term plan offered under i-Life and a health plan under Aviva Health Secure with the following features:

  • A combination of Aviva i-Life and Aviva Health secure offering term insurance and Critical Illness cover under the same plan
  • In case of death of the insured the Sum Assured is paid to the nominee
  • In case the insured is diagnosed with a Critical Illness covered under the scope of the plan, the Sum Assured will be paid to the policyholder if the life insured survives for 30 days post the diagnosis
  • 12 major critical illnesses are covered under the plan for which premium is not charged for the first 5 years of the plan and thereafter a review is done by the company based on which the premium is altered from the 6th policy year
  • It is an online Term Plan which can be bought online lowering the premium and avoiding the hassles of unnecessary paperwork
  • There is a rebate in premium for choosing higher ranges of Sum Assured
  • Premium rates are lower for non-smokers
  • Income tax benefit on the premium paid as per Section 80C and on the claims received as per Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.

Eligibility Details


Minimum Maximum
Entry Age

18 years

55 years
Maturity Age - 70 years for term insurance 65 years for critical illness cover
Policy Term 10 years 35 years for term insurance 30 years for critical illness cover
Sum Assured Rs.5 lakhs for critical illness cover Rs.25 lakhs for term insurance Rs.50 lakhs for critical illness cover No limit for term insurance
Premium Payment Term Equal to policy term
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, half-yearly

Aviva Term Insurance - i-Life Secure

A pure term plan with annual payouts. The features of the plan are as follows:

  • On death of life insured, 6% of the Sum Assured is paid immediately to the nominee. The rest of the amount is paid @6% of the Sum Assured every year for 15 years following the year of death.
  • It is an online Term Plan which can be bought online lowering the premium and avoiding the hassles of unnecessary paperwork
  • Rebate is offered in premium for choosing high Sum Assured ranges from Rs.1 crore and above
  • Income tax benefit on the premium paid as per Section 80C and on the claims received as per Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act

Eligibility Details


Minimum Maximum
Entry Age 18 years 50 years
Maturity Age - 70 years
Policy Term 10 years 25 years
Sum Assured Rs.50 lakhs Rs.10 crores
Premium Payment Term Equal to policy term
Premium Payment Frequency Yearly, half-yearly
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One Click Easy Refund
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To buy any of the above Aviva Term Insurance plans, the following documents are required to be submitted:

  • Photo Identity Proof which includes either PAN Card, Passport or Driving License
  • Income Proof which includes either last 3 months’ salary slip, copy of latest ITR or Form 16

Applying for a Aviva Term Insurance Plan from the company:


The company offers specific life insurance plan which are available online only. The customer only needs to log into the company’s website, choose the required plan, choose the coverage and provide the details. The premium will be determined using the filled details. The customer then needs to pay the premium online through credit card, debit card or net banking facilities and the policy will be issued


Plans which are not available online can be purchased from agents, brokers, banks, etc. where the intermediaries help with the application process.

What are the different Types of Term Plans?

Term plans provide pure cover at a lower price. It is a wonderful life insurance tool that everyone must have. There are however different types of term plans that cater to different needs. The types of term plans include pure term plans, return of premiums term plans, decreasing term plans, increasing term plans and convertible term plans.

What is a Pure Term Plan?

A pure term plan is nothing but an insurance policy that covers your life for a fixed period of time and promises to pay a fixed sum assured to your family in the case of your death. A pure term plan is the easiest and least expensive type of term plans. The premium you pay for a pure term plan depends on your age, the term for which you buy the plan and the sum assured you opt for. The premium remains intact throughout the policy and you also get a discount if you purchase the plan online. If you outlive the policy, you don’t get anything in return.

Why buy Term Insurance early?

Your premium is decided on age at which you buy the policy and remains same, throughout your life

Premiums can increase between 4-8% each year after your Birthday

Your policy application could be rejected or premiums increase by 50-100%, if you develop a lifestyle disease

See how age affects Term Insurance Premiums
See how age affects Term Insurance Premiums
Premium 479/month
Age 25
Age 50
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What is a return of premium term plan?

A term plan usually doesn’t have a return component. This means that the policyholder pays the premium only for life cover and if he lives, he doesn’t receive any benefit at the end of the term. However, if you opt for a return of premium term plan, the premium will be returned if you outlive the policy period. This type of a term plan is however more expensive that a pure term plan.

What is a decreasing term plan?

This is a kind of term plan where the sum assured keeps decreasing throughout the policy period. The premium usually remains constant but the sum assured is lowered either annually or semi annually. This kind of term plan is popular with mortgage holders who buy the plan for the period over which they repay the loan. As the loan amount decreases, the sum assured of the term plan decreases as well and the plan usually terminates when the loan is repaid.

Note: Check all the best term insurance plan in India.

Note: You should also check the benefits of term life insurance if you are planning to purchase the term insurance plan.

Aviva Life Term Insurance Plans- FAQs

  • Q: How to pay premium? What are the modes of payment available?

    Ans: For receiving continuity of your benefits, it is critical to pay premiums on time. You can pay your AVIVA term Life Insurance premium through these 7 methods:
    • Airtel money
    • Auto Debit card or Credit card
    • HDFC/SBI/AXIS Bank debit card
    • NEFT
    • Cash/Cheque Payments
    • Change Payment Mode

    Step 1: Enter your Aviva Term Insurance policy details – policy number and policyholders date of birth

    Step 2: Select your online bank account or debit/ credit card to make the payment

    Step 3: Authenticate and confirm your payment details and receive online confirmation.

  • Q: How can I check policy status for Aviva term insurance?

    Ans: As a registered user, you must log into the e-portal with your Client ID and password to check the Aviva term insurance policy status.
  • Q: What is the policy renewal process for Aviva term insurance

    Ans: Online Policy Renewal facility is available to all Aviva customers. The process is as follows;

    Step 1: Login into e-portal with your Client ID and password.

    Step 2: Select the policy due for renewal payment. Click Pay Renewal Premium Now

    Step 3: Choose payment option- NEFT, Credit Card/Debit Card

    Step 4: Authenticate and confirm your payment details and print out the payment receipt

  • Q: What is the company’s process to settle claim for Aviva term insurance

    Ans: For Aviva Health Plus policyholders, Cashless facility is permitted in case of for surgery or hospitalization. For others the process is as follows;

    Step 1: Complete the claim form

    As per your policy T&C and options, you need to duly fill the forms for claims against riders, hospital cash benefit, death benefit, gratuity and group term insurance.

    Step 2: Arrange for correct documents

    Based on the claims made, you need to attach the correct supporting documents. You can submit the documents in original or photocopies attested by a Gazetted officer or Magistrate.

    Step 3: Arrange for medical reports for medical related claims

    In case of hospitalization or surgery; produce the relevant medical reports and bills, issued by the attending physician, who is qualified to issue such a report.

    Upon completion of the above-stated documentation, submit them to your nearest AVIVA branch office. Alternatively, you can send the documents to us by post:

    Our Address:

    Claims Department

    Aviva Life Insurance Company India Limited

    Aviva Towers, Sector 43,

    Opposite DLF Golf Course,

    Sector 43,

    Gurgaon 122003

  • Q: What is the policy cancellation process for Aviva term insurance

    Ans: The Aviva Term Insurance policyholders must attach all the relevant policy documents along with a duly filled surrender form at any of the branch locations in their city. The value of their units will be calculates at the current market rates, if documents are submitted before 3:00 PM, else the next day’s market rates will be used to calculate unit price.
Premium By Age

Aviva Life Term Insurance Plans
Aviva i-Shield

˜Top 5 plans based on annualized premium for bookings made on  in the first 6 months of FY 24-25.

Policybazaar does not endorse, rate or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by any insurer. This list of plans listed here comprise of insurance products offered by all the insurance partners of Policybazaar. For a complete list of insurers in India refer to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India website,

+Rs. 487/month (Rs.16/day) is starting price for a 1 crore term life insurance for an 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Prices offered by the insurer are as per the approved insurance plans | #All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans | Standard Terms and Conditions Apply | **Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws.| Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited

We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30-minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881

For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale

Policybazaar Insurance Brokers Private Limited | CIN: U74999HR2014PTC053454 | Registered Office - Plot No.119, Sector - 44, Gurgaon, Haryana – 122001 | Registration No. 742, Valid till 09/06/2027, License category- Composite Broker Visitors are hereby informed that their information submitted on the website may be shared with insurers. Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the insurers.

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+Rs. 820/month is starting price for a 2 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

+Rs. 1,443/month is starting price for a 5 crore term life insurance for an (NRI) 18 year-old male, non-smoker, with no pre-existing diseases, cover upto 38 years of age.

Aviva Term Insurance Plans Reviews & Ratings

4.2 / 5 (Based on 30 Reviews)
(Showing Newest 10 reviews)
Gujarat, July 16, 2024
Quick Resolution
Policybazaar resolved my queries quickly, demonstrating their commitment to customer satisfaction. Their efficient service made the entire process stress free. Highly appreciate their support.
Mahabubnagar, March 31, 2021
Low premium at my budget
I found my type of term insurance plan from the website of the policybazaar. The term plan is of aviva life insurance company and have been availed with various benefits under the same. One of the best thing is that I can pay the premium amount as per my convenience and it is quite less. Great work team.
Tangi, March 30, 2021
Choosing the right sum assured
I have taken the term insurance plan from aviva life term insurance and it was done from the website of the policybazaar. I choose the right type of sum assured amount so that it can be easy for my family to survive and achieve their goals in future. That’s an appropriate plan for me and my family. Thanks team.
Pilibhit, March 30, 2021
Low premium at my budget
I found my type of term insurance plan from the website of the policybazaar. The term plan is of aviva life insurance company and have been availed with various benefits under the same. One of the best thing is that I can pay the premium amount as per my convenience and it is quite less. Great work team.
G.k. Bhatar, February 16, 2021
Claim settlement ratio:
The claim settlement ratio of policybazaar and Aviva life term insurance is best. I took the plan last year and checked all the things clearly about claim, features and benefits. Great work team.
Ahmednagar, February 16, 2021
Great plans
I have recently bought a term insurance plan from the policybazaar. I got the plan of aviva life term insurance. It is really great plan and I found various benefits under the same. Kudos to team policybazaar.
Raigarh, August 04, 2016
Best Insurance
Best term insurance plan in very low investment. The policy coverage is high ~90% and claims are even higher. Service is superb and fast given by the company team and members. Updates of the policy is also send time to time to the email address.
Meerut, July 15, 2016
Coverage Is Good
The term insurance plan which i purchase from aviva life insurance is fantastic. Policy coverage is maximum and claims are easy to get because of quick service provided by team members of the company. Premium is low, hassle free documentation because of online portal service.
Nagpur, July 04, 2016
Term Insurance Plan
My term insurance plan is fantastic with good returns. Premium is low and paybacks are high. Policy coverage is 87% and claims are easily cleared by the service given by staff members. Updates are mailed on my email address and web service service is simple to access.
Panipat, June 27, 2016
I have term insurance plan which is very good. The premium is low and claims are high. Policy coverage is high and claiming part is easy due to fast service facilitate by the members of the company. Internet service is good and policy can be renewed on it. Updates are mailed to me regularly.
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