When and How to Use Face Masks? Can Wearing a Mask Protect You Against COVID-19?

Knowledge about the transmission of Coronavirus is accumulating every day. SARS CoV2 is a respiratory disease and therefore wearing masks is advised to both general public and healthcare workers.

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      The severity of the infection is reported to vary from one person to another, while some report very mild systems, while some patients reported facing severe acute respiratory illnesses, and in extreme cases patients had sepsis with organ dysfunction, leading to death. On the contrary, there are a few people who are asymptomatic and do not report any symptoms.

      As per the WHO, Coronavirus spread among people through contact routes and respiratory droplets. Droplet transmission can take place if a persona is in close contact with the infected person i.e. within 1 meter and gets exposure to potentially infective respiratory droplets via sneezing, coughing, or very close personal contact through nose, mouth, or conjunctivae. Here is a guide to effectively use your face masks amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

      Use of Medical Masks to Provide Care to COVID-19 Patient

      Medical masks are the surgical masks that are pleated or flat in shape and are affixed to the head with straps that go around the ears and head. Their effectiveness is based on the standardized test methods (ASTM F2100, EN 14683, or equivalent) to ensure adequate breathability, filtration, and optionally, fluid penetration resistance.

      Check out the Different Types of Face Masks To Protect Yourself from COVID-19 and Similar Infections

      If you are considering wearing a face mask to protect yourself against respiratory infections, there are three types of masks you should be aware of:

      1. Surgical Face Masks

      Surgical face are disposable masks and are easily breathable masks with fairly loose-fitting. They are approved as medical devices by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). You must have seen nurses, dentists, medical practitioners, and surgeons wearing them while treating patients.

      Surgical masks basically prevent transmission of large bodily fluids droplets containing germs or other viruses through mouth or nose. moreover, it also offers protection against infections that may spread through coughs and sneezes.

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      2. Cloth Face Masks

      You can wear a cloth face mask when stepping out in public for grocery shopping, where you may come in close contact with the general public and are close. As per the WHO guidelines, it is imperative to wear a face mask or have your face covered when you are within 6 feet of distance to other individuals.

      However, it is imperative to know that a cloth mask may not be as effective as other masks that have at least 3-layers of protection like respirators or surgical face masks. However, cloth masks are still beneficial in reducing the community transmission of the virus, if worn by the public at large. It prevents transmission of droplets via asymptomatic people. It is easy to make a cloth mask at home with few basic materials such as t-short, cotton fabric, and even a headband. You can refer to the CDC instructions for the same.

      While making a cloth mask, make sure that it fits tight against the face and covers both nose and mouth. To keep it close you need to use ear loops. And avoid touching your eyes, face, and nose when removing your cloth face mask. People who have difficulty breathing, children below the age of 2-years who cannot remove their masks on their own should avoid wearing a cloth mask.

      3. Respirator Masks

      Respirators masks also called as N95 masks are designed to offer protection against small air particles including coronavirus and other H1N1 viruses. They’re certified by the WHO and CDC.

      N 95 masks, as the name suggests can filter almost 95 percent of the air borne particles are often used by painters or other professions dealing with potentially toxic materials.

      Respirators should fit perfectly to your face and there should not be any gaps. Healthcare workers during the times of COVID-19 pandemic are advised to wear an N95 mask to avoid being exposed to this deadly virus.

      However, make sure that the mask forms a perfect seal and there are no gaps to restrict the entry of airborne viruses. The healthcare workers need to wear them to protect themselves against airborne infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, H1N1 and COVID-19. Respirator masks protect small particles and flu viruses from entering into the nose, face, and mouth, unlike regular face masks. It offers protection against both small and large particles and protects from airborne diseases.

      You may like to Read: Corona Kavach Policy for Covid 19

      Guidance On The Use of Face Masks During Coronavirus for The General Public

      Various studies on influenza, influenza-like illnesses, and human coronaviruses (not COVID-19) evidently prove that the use of medical masks is successful in preventing the transmission of infected droplets from symptomatic infected person to another person and the potential contamination of the environment. Listed below are some of the guidelines that are issued by the World Health Organization for the General Public:

      • Strictly do not share face masks with another person
      • If the mask is wet from inside or is soiled, it should be changed ( if disposable) or washed (if reusable)
      • Same mask should not be born for an extended time period
      • Non-medical masks should have a minimum of three layers based on the fabric used. The outermost layer is exposed to the airborne particles and the innermost layer of the mask is in contact with the wearer’s face
      • When removing the mask avoid touching the outer or front of the face mask and do not touch any other surface, face, eyes, nose and mouth after removing the mask. Wash your hands for more than 20 seconds and then touch anything
      • If it reusable wash the mask, dry it and keep in a sealed bag ,or either discard the mask in a covered dustbin
      • Practice hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene
      • Non-medical masks can be washed daily and need to be handled with care to avoid contamination. If the layers of the mask looks worn out, immediately discard that face mask

      Examples of where the general public should be encouraged to use medical and non-medical masks in areas with known or suspected community transmission:

      Situation Population Purpose of Mask Type of Mask to Consider
      Suspected or known areas with widespread transmission with the limited implementation of containment measures like physical distancing, testing, contact tracing, isolation and medical are for confirmed and suspected cases The general population at social gatherings, mass gatherings, grocery stores, closed settings, work, etc. Potential benefit for source control Non-medical mask
      Settings where physical distancing is difficult Public transportation like a plane, bus, trains and special working conditions where the possibility of close contact is higher like social workers, severs, etc. Potential benefit for source control Non-medical mask
      High population areas with no physical distancing with limited surveillance, testing capacity, and quarantine facilities People living in the camp like settings, slumps, refugee camps, etc. Potential benefit for source control Non-medical mask
      Settings where physical distancing cannot be achieved and increased risk of infection and/or negative outcomes Vulnerable populations like elderly people, People with underlying comorbidities, diabetes, blood pressures, obesity, cancer, and those with weak immunity Protection Medical mask
      Any setting in the community Anyone showing signs of COVID-19 Source control Medical mask
      (Source: WHO)

      In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is recommended that all persons, regardless of whether they are using masks or not, should:

      • Avoid group gatherings and crowded spaces
      • Follow the advice of the local authorities to deal with this global pandemic
      • Maintain a minimum physical distance of at least 1 metre or 3.3 feet from another person, especially if someone is sneezing or coughing or seems unwell
      • Frequently perform hand hygiene using an alcohol-based sanitizer or wash hands with soap and water if it is dirty
      • Follow respiratory hygiene by covering your mouth, nose, and sneeze or cough in the bent elbow or a tissue paper and throw it immediately after use
      • Refrain from touching any possible contaminated surface, nose, eyes, and mouth
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      While everyone is seen wearing a face mask or having their faces covered, it is also important to have the right knowledge of how the masks should be worn and disposed of. Follow the above –mentioned guidelines to protect yourself and your loved ones during the times of COVID-19.

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      *We will respond in the first instance within 30 minutes of the customers contacting us. 30-minute claim support service is for the purpose of giving reasonable assistance to the policyholder in pursuance of the claim. Settlement of claim (including cashless claim) is the responsibility of the insurer as per policy terms and conditions. The 30- minute claim support is subject to our operations not being impacted by a system failure or force majeure event or for reasons beyond our control. For further details, 24x7 Claims Support Helpline can be reached out at 1800-258-5881.

      *Product information is authentic and solely based on the information received from the Insurer. Policybazaar is acting only as a facilitator and claims settlement shall be at the sole discretion of the Insurer. Policybazaar does not provide any medical or surgical advice or diagnosis and is not responsible for your interactions / treatment by a medical practitioner/hospital. Please consult a registered medical practitioner for any medical or surgical advice. The Information that you obtain or receive from Policybazaar, and its employees, or otherwise on the Website is for informational purposes only. As per the Insurance guidelines, you are allowed to cancel the policy with-in 30 days from the date of Issuance of policy.This option is available incase of policies with a term of one year or more.

      *All the health insurance plans cover hospitalization expenses including COVID-19 treatment cover up to the specified limits. You can also buy specific COVID-19 health insurance policies such as Corona Kavach Policy and Corona Rakshak policy.

      **All savings and online discounts are provided by insurers as per IRDAI approved insurance plans. #Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemptions depend on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents.

      *₹1748/month is the starting price for a 1 crore health insurance for an 18-year-old male, with no pre-existing diseases. Discount on renewal premium is subject to the number of wellness points earned in the health insurance policy. For more details about the plans, please read the sale brochure carefully to get upto 100% discount on renewal premium.

      *₹400/month is the starting price for ₹ 5 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹541/month is the starting price for ₹ 10 lakh Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹762/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Crore Health insurance for a 30 year old male & 29 years old female, living in Delhi with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹243/month(₹ 8/day) is the starting price for a 5 lakh health insurance for a 20-year-old male, non-smoker, living in Bengaluru with no pre-existing diseases

      *₹2020/month is the starting price for ₹ 1 Cr Health insurance for a 50 year old male & 50 years old female, living in Bangalore with no pre-existing diseases rounded off to nearest 10.

      *₹390/month (₹13 per day) is starting price for 1 cr. Health insurance for 25 years old male, with pre-existing diseases, residing from tier 1 city rounded off to the nearest 10.

      *No medical tests are required unless requested by the insurer’s underwriter. In-case of pre-existing diseases relevant medical proof would be required as per the terms and condition of the policy opted.

      *The values taken for effective cost calculation are indicative values and may change as per the selected plan.

      *Coverage upto double the amount of Sum Insured is available on certain covers for a minimum plan of Rs. 5 Lakh on the first claim only to an individual of upto 45 years of age with no pre-existing diseases. The benefit is available with or without extra cost depending on the plan chosen.

      *Coverage of pre-existing diseases is provided by insurer as per their underwriting policy.

      *The scope of coverage may vary from plan to plan.

      ~Source: Google Review Rating available on:- http://bit.ly/3J20bXZ

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      Tax Benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. GST Exemption depends on fulfilment of qualification criteria and submission of relevant documents as required by the insurers. For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure and applicable rules and regulation carefully before concluding a sale.

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