Professional Indemnity Insurance

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Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional indemnity insurance is crafted to shield professionals and businesses against financial losses arising from allegations of negligence, errors or omissions in their services. It also covers legal costs and settlements if a client alleges that the professional's work caused harm to their finances or reputation.

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Why is Professional Indemnity Insurance an Important Purchase?

Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy is important for the following reasons:

  1. Protects your Financial Position if a Claim is Made

    In the event of a claim or legal action against your business, professional indemnity insurance provides financial protection by covering legal expenses, settlement costs, or damages awarded.

  2. Ensures Coverage for Businesses of All Sizes

    Whether you run a small startup or a large corporation, professional indemnity insurance policy offers coverage tailored to your specific business needs, mitigating the risks associated with professional services.

  3. Offers Peace of Mind Knowing your Organization is Protected

    Having professional indemnity insurance in place offers peace of mind. It ensures that your organization is safeguarded against potential liabilities and unforeseen circumstances that could arise from professional mistakes or negligence. It allows you to focus on your work without constant worry about potential legal or financial repercussions.

    Regardless of your professional experience, the potential for mistakes always exists. In such cases, a professional indemnity insurance policy is essential. Hence, you may need this insurance if you are:

    • Handling Clients or Business Data

      Businesses handling sensitive client or business data are susceptible to the risk of data breaches or loss. Professional indemnity insurance can alleviate the financial consequences associated with mishandling data.

    • Providing Advice or Guidance to Clients

      Professionals providing advice or guidance face the risk of errors or omissions that may cause financial harm to clients. The professional indemnity insurance policy addresses claims arising from such situations.

  4. Vulnerability to Claims Challenging Professional Work

    Professionals face the risk of claims challenging the quality or effectiveness of their services. To mitigate this risk, professional indemnity insurance provides protection against financial losses resulting from legal actions initiated by dissatisfied clients.

What does Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover?

Professional indemnity insurance policy covers the following:

    • Costs and expenses including defence costs and legal costs
    • Unintentional breach of contract
    • Unintentional breach of confidentiality
  • Defamation including libel and slander
  • Fraud/Dishonesty of employees
  • Infringement of intellectual property and copyright
  • Loss of documents and data
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Explore Types of Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance: Exclusions

Professional liability insurance does not provide coverage for the following:

  • War, Invasion, Acts of Foreign Enemies: Professional liability insurance policy does not cover losses resulting from war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, civil unrest, government actions, or related conditions.
  • Known or Reasonably Foreseeable Situations or Incidents: Situations or incidents that the insured knew about or could have reasonably foreseen at the start of the professional liability insurance policy.
  • Previously Reported Situations or Incidents: Situations or incidents that have been reported under any other insurance before the start of this policy are excluded from professional indemnity cover.
  • Fines & Penalties: The professional liability insurance policy does not cover fines, penalties (civil, criminal, or contractual), punitive damages, exemplary damages, treble damages, or any other damages that exceed compensatory damages or are uninsurable by the law of the land.
  • Losses from Specific Substances & Disease: Losses arising from substances such as asbestiform talc, asbestos, diethylstilboestrol (DES), dioxin, urea formaldehyde, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are not covered under professional indemnity insurance.
  • Losses due to Prohibited Acts or Omissions: The policy does not cover losses caused by dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, or malicious acts or omissions. It also excludes losses resulting from violations of laws or ordinances, as well as services provided while under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics.
  • Insolvency or Bankruptcy: Any claim resulting from the insolvency or bankruptcy of the insured is not covered under professional liability insurance.
  • General Liabilities: This plan does not cover regular accidents that occur outside of your work or workplace. For coverage in such cases, General Liability Insurance is required.
  • Losses resulting directly or indirectly from:
    1. Ionizing radiations or contamination caused by radioactivity from nuclear fuel or nuclear waste.
    2. The radioactive, toxic, explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or its components.
    3. Nuclear reactors, nuclear power stations, plants, premises, or facilities involved in nuclear energy production or the production, storage, or handling of nuclear fuel or waste.
    4. Any other premises or facilities covered by a local nuclear pool or association's insurance.

*Disclaimer: To learn about the exclusions in detail, you can refer to the policy wording of the insurance product.

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Tail Reporting Coverage

Tail reporting cover is an add-on that the insured can purchase along with professional indemnity. It is also known as extended reporting endorsements cover, which is a type of insurance that covers the incidents that occurred within the tenure of the indemnity insurance but were not reported until the termination of the policy.

Extended coverage is offered by some insurance companies if the insurance policy remains non-renewed for that time. Of course, the extended coverage gives rise to the premium, which has to be paid if the tail reporting coverage needs to be used for claims.

Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy - Limit of Indemnity

Let us now tell you about the Limit of Indemnity in the professional liability insurance policy:

  • The sum insured in professional indemnity insurance is known as the Limit of Indemnity.
  • This limit is set per accident and per policy period.
  • It is referred to as Any One Accident (AOA) limit and Any One Year (AOY) limit respectively.
  • The ratio of AOA limit to AOY limit can be chosen.
  • The AOA limit, which is the maximum amount payable for each accident, should be predetermined.

The ratio options for AOA limit to AOY limit, along with their meanings and examples, are provided in the table below:

Limit of Indemnity Meaning Example
1:1 Full sum assured for any one claim. If the insured has opted for the sum insured of Rs. 1 Crore and if a claim arises during the policy tenure then the insured can get coverage up to Rs. 1 Crore for 1 claim.

Note 1: The AOA limit should be determined based on factors such as the insured's nature of the activity, the potential number of people affected, and potential property damage in the worst-case accident.

Note 2: When considering the coverage, it is important to assess the adequacy of the sum insured and the chosen extensions.

You may also read: Indemnity Insurance for Chartered Accountants

Who can Purchase Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professional indemnity or Errors and Omission insurance can be availed by individuals or companies providing professional services. Here is a table of individuals and entities that can purchase professional indemnity insurance policy:l

Individual Entities
PI for Doctors
PI for Architects
PI for Lawyers
PI for Chartered Accountants
PI for Contractors
PI for Management Consultants
PI for Interior Decorators, etc.
PI for IT/ITES Companies
PI for e-commerce
PI for Fintech
PI for Manufacturing Company
PI for Banks
PI for Hospitals, etc.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing Professional Indemnity Insurance:-

Here are certain factors that you should keep in mind while purchasing professional liability insurance:

  1. Decide on the Right Sum Insured

    Choose an appropriate sum insured based on the nature and magnitude of risks associated with your business, ensuring adequate coverage for potential claims.

  2. Be Transparent with Information

    Full disclosure is crucial when obtaining insurance. Provide all relevant details, no matter how insignificant they may seem, to avoid claim rejection and ensure the effectiveness of the insurance policy.

  3. Align Insurance Features with Business Needs

    Ensure that the professional liability insurance policy's features align with your business requirements. If your business, deals with international clients, it is advised toopt for a policy that provides coverage beyond domestic borders to meet your specific needs.

How Professional Indemnity Insurance Works?

Here’s how it works:

  • Claims may arise due to your or your employee’s negligence, errors, etc., while rendering professional services to clients, leading to significant financial losses to your business.
  • Professional indemnity coverage is mainly provided on a claims-made basis, i.e. it will typically cover claims related to incidents that occurred or were discovered during the policy period.

Here’s a condition:

  • Any claims filed for an incident that occurred before the retroactive date of the policy coverage may not be covered by the insurance company.

Professional Indemnity Insurance: Triggering Event

A triggering event for the professional indemnity insurance policy is typically when a claim is made against the insured for an alleged error, omission, or negligence in their professional services. Let's consider a case scenario to understand this:

Case Scenario:

Dr. Sharma is a surgeon who specializes in orthopedic procedures. He has a professional indemnity insurance policy in place. One day, Dr. Sharma performs a knee replacement surgery on a patient, Mr. Varun. However, during the surgery, Dr. Sharma inadvertently makes an error, resulting in complications for Mr. Varun.

As a result of the surgical error, Mr. Varun experiences prolonged pain, limited mobility and requires additional medical treatment and rehabilitation.

Dissatisfied with the outcome, Mr. Varun decides to take legal action against Dr. Sharma, claiming medical negligence and seeking compensation for the damages he has suffered.

In this scenario:

  • The triggering event for Dr. Sharma's professional indemnity insurance occurs when Mr. Varun files a claim against him, alleging professional negligence.
  • Dr. Sharma notifies his insurance policy provider about the claim, and the insurer initiates the claims process.
  • The professional indemnity insurance policy coverage is triggered, and the insurer begins investigating the claim and assessing its validity.
  • If the claim is deemed valid, the insurer may provide financial coverage for legal expenses, settlement costs, or damages awarded to Mr. Varun, up to the policy's specified limit of indemnity.

Note: The Professional Indemnity Insurance coverage is typically triggered when a claim is made during the policy period, regardless of when the alleged incident actually occurred.

Professional Indemnity Insurance: Claim Process

In the event of an incident necessitating a claim, here are the steps to follow:

  • Step 1: Inform your assigned relationship manager about the incident.
  • Step 2: The claim handler will send a claim intimation format, which you must complete and submit. You will asked to provide the following details.
    • Policy No.
    • Insurance Company Name
    • Policyholder’s Name
    • Address of the Policyholder
    • Date of Incident
    • Brief detail of the Incident
    • Estimated loss amount
    • Address of the site of the incident
    • Name & Contact details of the person at the site of the incident.
  • Step 3: Once your claim is assessed and registered, a claim reference number will be issued.
  • Step 4: After generating the claim reference number, the insurance company will depute a surveyor or share the List of Requirements (LOR) in order to proceed further with the claim process.
  • Step 5: The insurance company will send a claim form that you will have to fill up, sign and stamp with the company seal and then submit it along with the LOR. (In the case of professionals, if they have a seal, they can use that to stamp on the claim form).

    Here is the list of documents required for KYC:

    • PAN Card
    • Aadhar Card
    • GST Registration Certificate
    • Address proof of the location of the incident
    • Electricity Bill

    Disclaimer: These are the basic documents required. However, in case of any additional requirement/LOR, the insurance company will inform the Policybazaar claim handler who will then inform and help you in collecting and submitting them to the insurance company.

  • Step 6: If an ongoing court case, provide the insurance company with all the relevant details related to the legal proceedings
  • Step 7: Once the court case ends and the judge finalises the compensation amount in the court’s final verdict, the insurance company will have to pay that amount to the insured as per the policy terms and conditions.

Disclaimer: The coverage for lawyer's fees is limited to a specific percentage of the sum insured amount, as specified in the insurance policy. For instance, if the sum insured amount is Rs. 100 and the coverage for lawyer's fees is set at 25% of the sum insured, the insured will receive coverage for lawyer's fees up to Rs. 25, not exceeding that amount. This is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the insurance policy

Also, in some cases, if the insurance company wants, they can deploy their lawyer in service of the insured; however, if the insured has already deployed his lawyer, then the coverage will be provided as per the above-mentioned condition.

What is the Retroactive Date in Professional Indemnity Insurance?

The retroactive date is the date that the insured first bought the policy and kept renewing without any break in the coverage.

Let's take an example to illustrate the concept more clearly:

  • A doctor purchased a professional indemnity insurance policy from XYZ Insurance Company on January 1, 2020. The policy remained valid until December 31, 2020. However, the doctor was dissatisfied with the coverage provided by XYZ Insurance Company and decided to switch insurers.
  • To ensure continuous coverage without any gaps, the doctor promptly renewed the professional indemnity insurance policy with ABC Insurance Company, effective from January 1, 2021. In this scenario, January 1, 2021, serves as the inception date for the new policy, while the retroactive date remains January 1, 2020.
  • Now, let's consider a claim arising from an incident that occurred when the doctor was covered under the professional indemnity policy of XYZ Insurance Company, specifically on June 1, 2020.
  • Since there was no gap between the two policies and the new insurer, ABC Insurance Company, ensured continuous coverage, they will provide coverage for the claim arising from the period when the doctor was insured under the previous policy from XYZ Insurance Company.

Transferring Retro-active Date from Old Insurer to New One

Transferring retroactive date from the old insurer to the new one refers to the point when the new insurer takes the responsibility to provide coverage for any claim that might come up from the policy tenure of the old one.

*Condition: There should be no gap between the old policy and the new one.

What is Professional Indemnity Insurance for Doctors?

Professional indemnity insurance for doctors provides specialized coverage against claims for negligence, errors, or omissions in their services. It safeguards doctors from financial losses and allows them to focus on quality care without constant litigation concerns. The insurance includes legal defense, settlements, and damages, up to the policy limit.

Why Buy a Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy from Policybazaar for Business?

  • Expert Advisory: Our business risk consultants provide personalized guidance tailored to your needs.
  • Dedicated Relationship Manager: You'll have a dedicated relationship manager offering continuous support and guidance to protect your business against potential risks.
  • 365-Day Claims Assistance: Our claims specialists are available every day to ensure efficient processing of your claims throughout the year.
  • Competitive Pricing: With our extensive network of insurer partnerships, we offer competitive quotes from multiple insurers, ensuring you get the relevant rates

Professional Indemnity Insurance- FAQs

  • Question 1: Is Professional indemnity insurance mandatory?

    Ans: Professional indemnity insurance is not mandatory for all professions in India. However, it is strongly advised for professionals such as doctors, lawyers, architects, and accountants because it protects against legal claims related to their professional services. Some regulatory bodies and professional associations may mandate this insurance for their members.
  • Question 2: How is the cost of professional indemnity insurance determined?

    Ans: The cost of professional indemnity will be based on certain factors, including:
    • The nature of your work
    • Risks involved
    • Number of employees
    • Amount of sum insured required
  • Question 3: How long does professional indemnity insurance last?

    Ans: Professional indemnity insurance lasts for a period of one year and policyholders need to renew it before it expires to ensure continuous coverage.
  • Question 4: Who can take Professional Indemnity Insurance?

    Ans: Professional Indemnity Insurance is typically suitable for a wide range of professionals, including but not limited to:
    • Medical Practitioners
    • Legal Professionals
    • Financial Consultants
    • IT Professionals
    • Architects
    • Interior Designers
    • Chartered Accountants
  • Question 5: Does professional indemnity cover cyber?

    Ans: Professional liability insurance covers claims of unintentional negligence, mistakes, or omissions in professional services. Standard policies might not provide coverage for cyber incidents. Therefore, to cover such incidents, you should check the policy's specific terms and conditions or consider additional cyber liability insurance.

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Professional Indemnity Insurance Companies
Disclaimer: Above mentioned insurers are arranged in alphabetical order. does not endorse, rate, or recommend any particular insurer or insurance product offered by an insurer.

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Policybazaar for Business - Professional Indemnity Insurance - Customer Reviews
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4.5 April 24, 2023
Helpful Purchase
Profesiona Indemnity Insurance has been a game-changer for my consultancy business. It has given me the confidence to take on new projects and expand my services, knowing that I have robust coverage in place.PolicyBazaar has been fantastic in answering my questions and tailoring the policy to my specific needs.Thanks PolicyBazaar.
3.5 April 12, 2023
Amazing Deals
I recently purchased Professional Indeminty Insurance from PolicyBazaar and the claims process is smooth, and has always been prompt in resolving any issues or concerns I've had. I appreciate the reliability and professionalism they exhibit.
3.8 March 31, 2023
Online Purchasing
Profesional Indemnity Insurance has been a lifesaver for my business. It offers comprehensive protection against any claims that may arise from errors or negligence on my part. The claims process was straightforward, and they handled everything efficiently. I highly value the peace of mind this insurance provides and would recommend it to any professional.
4.3 March 13, 2023
Impressive Features
I had an excellent experience while buying Personal Indemnity Insurance. It was quick and easy to get a quote online and the premiums were quite affordable. The policy covers all the essential aspects, and the customer service team was responsive and supportive. I feel much more confident in my work knowing that I have this coverage
3.8 March 01, 2023
Helped To Secure Confidential Data Of Company
As a Owner I had a high risk of loss of confidential data. Then my colleague suggested me go for PI Insurance at PolicyBazaar. So I visited their website and contacted the team. They answered all my queries, and when I got satisfied with the plan, I made a purchase. Thanks, PolicyBazaar.
4.3 February 17, 2023
Covers Legal Expenses
There was a party that made a claim against us for professional negligence by one of our employees. Thanks to PolicyBazaar which helped me protect our financial position and helped us during the claim process that covered our Legal expenses and Settlement cost. Highly Recommend this.
4.3 February 05, 2023
Covers The Risks
I bought Professional Indemnity Insurance from PolicyBazaar, as I was looking for insurance that could mitigate my risk associated with several professional services. Thanks to PolicyBazaar. It was worth buying. Highly Recommend it.
4.3 January 24, 2023
Helps Me To Focus On My Work
I was always concerned about my organization in order to safeguard against potential liabilities and unforeseen circumstances that could arise from professional negligence. So I bought PI Insurance at Policybazaar and found it good as it helped me to focus on my work without worrying about financial repercussions. So thanks to PolicyBazaar.
3.8 January 08, 2023
Amazing Deals
I bought Professional Indemnity Insurance from the PolicyBazaar website and found it suitable for my business. I run a small company. I got terrific Deals at PolicyBazaar. It was an excellent Purchase. Thankyou PolicyBazaar.
4.3 December 14, 2022
Doctor Vishal
Covers Professional Negligence
As a Doctor, I was searching for Professional Indemnity Insurance that could provide me coverage against claims for Negligence in my services. Then I visit PolicyBazaar Website. There I came across several benefits. So I made the purchase there. Thanks, PolicyBazaar.

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